Infragistics Ultimate UI for ASP.NET Web Forms(英語版)


Infragistics 社の製品
1996 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。

価格:¥ 330,990 (税込)〜 バージョン: 23.1 新機能 更新日: Apr 10, 2024


Infragistics ASP 製品のすべてのコントロールは Infragistics Professional 及び Infragistics Ultimate にも含まれています。

Infragistics Professional :Ignite UI, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Windows UI, Silverlight and WPFが含まれています。
Infragistics Ultimate Ignite UI, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Silverlight, WPF, Windows UI, Windows Phone, LightSwitch, NUCLiOS, Iguana UI, NetAdvantage ICONS, 5 ユーザーQuince Subscriptionが含まれています。

Infragistics Ultimate UI for ASP.NET 18.1 Build 18.1.20181.70

Released: Oct 2, 2018

18.1.20181.70 での更新項目


  • WebDataGrid
    • When WebDataGrid has VirtualScrolling and Selection behaviors enabled, and the grid is scrolled to a row that is not initially visible, and the row is selected, then redirecting to another page and returning to the initial one will not preserve the scroll position of the grid and the previously selected row will be outside the visible area.
    • When WebDataGrid has Column Fixing and Column Resizing behaviors enabled and has several fixed columns, maximizing the page will cause a browser to freeze.
    • When WebDataGrid has Virtual Scrolling and Editing behaviors enabled and when cell is in edit mode, then continuously scrolling in the grid will cause a delay and eventually a MissingRecordException exception will be thrown.
    • When WebDataGrid has Batch Updating enabled, when postback to the server is executed, using the client-site commit() method, grid throws "Index was outside the bounds of the array".
    • When WebDataGrid has Virtual Scrolling behavior enabled, then trying to set scroll top position in the WebDataGrid PreRender event handler, will not work as expected in Internet Explorer 11.
    • When WebDataGrid has Sorting and Column Resizing behaviors enabled and has defined column resizing settings for some if the columns, then on postback to the server "ViewState is corrupted" exception is thrown.
    • When UnboundCheckBoxField is defined within a WebDataGrid Group Field, then on postback to the server an exception is thrown.
    • Even WebDataGrid has Column Moving behavior enabled, it is not possible to drag grid column in Edge.
    • When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior enabled and its property EnableOnActive is set to true, then cell in edit mode occasionally loses focus in Firefox and Opera, while navigating through cells using Tab key.
    • When WebDataGrid has drop down as editor provider and the grid is placed inside user control, after dynamically recreating the control it will not be possible to open the drop down provider.
    • When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior enabled and a cell value is updated, then after the data source is initialized again, the editing value is not reset and the updated value is still presented.
    • When WebDataGrid has several fixed columns and has Filtering behavior enabled with its Alignment property set to Bottom, then after filtering is executed the filtering cells’ width is not correct and cells are misaligned.
    • When WebDataGrid is bound to SqlDataSource and has UnboundCheckBoxField defined then changing the checkbox value and doing a postback will cause the following error: "Uncaught Rows must have unique DataKeys. This key appears more than once: 1".
    • When WebDataGrid has Virtual Scrolling behavior enabled, then it’s not possible to scroll to the last rows in Chrome and Firefox.
    • When WebDataGrid has Virtual Scrolling behavior enabled, then trying to set scroll top position in the WebDataGrid PreRender event handler, will not set the position properly in Internet Explorer 11 and will repeatedly fetch data.
    • When WebDataGrid has Virtual Scrolling and Selection behaviors enabled, and the first row is selected, then redirecting to another page, returning to the initial and scrolling to the bottom of the grid will not fetch data asynchronously, but all the rows are already loaded.
    • When WebDataGrid has Virtual Scrolling and Editing behaviors enabled and when cell value is updated and grid is consequently scrolled up and down, then PageRequestManagerServerErrorException or MissingRecordException is thrown.
    • When WebDataGrid has Virtual Scrolling behavior enabled, then after continuously scrolling the grid stops to fetch more data after loading certain amount of rows.
    • When WebDataGrid is placed inside a FormView and has Virtual Scrolling behavior enabled and FormView's update command is executed, then the grid stops to fetch more data after loading certain amount of rows.
  • WebUpload
    • When trying to set the WebUpload locale options, using the Properties window in Design View, they are not applied in the Code behind with the new values.
    • Even defining the WebUpload's properties LabelUploadButton and LabelAddButton, their new values are not applied.