Features of WebGrid Enterprise

Various Data Source Support:

  • One of WebGrid's key designs is in its ability to assign most .NET data objects as DataSource without affecting any features. This allows developers to assign any .NET DataSource object to WebGrid without any need to convert it to a certain DataSource object.
  • Data source support (traditional) : Bind with various built in ADO.NET Data Source such as DataView, DataTable, DataSet, XML Data and custom data class. Assign also SqlDataReader, OleDbDataReader or any objects that implements IList interface
  • Data source control support (declarative) : Bind WebGrid.NET to AccessDataSource, SqlDataSource, ObjectDataSource, XmlDataSource in no time by using DataSource binding wizard which can be invoked easily from WebGrid's SmartTag.
  • Third party custom object support: WebGrid.NET Enterprise now supports third party datasource object as long as they follow the standard .NET DataSource control.
  • Exclusive integration with ISDataSource: The other advanced datasource control supported by WebGrid.NET Enterprise is hierarchical (multi table views) datasource control (ISDataSource.NET) that enables you to easily connect the WebGrid control to a relational dataset available in your web application without having to write any code.
  • Hierarchical And Child Tables: WebGrid.NET allows a hierarchical data source to be displayed in hierarchical navigation layout. It supports unlimited nested tables inside another table and provides sophisticated data analytical presentation. WebGrid includes built-in automatic functionality that handles the process of retrieving child row's based on defined relationships.
  • Hierarchical Strongly Typed Collection: Bind hierarchical business objects similar to DataSet objects. WebGrid.NET Enterprise is the first Grid component that implement extensive support to display Hierarchical Object Collections in a consistent and automated binding way.
  • Self Referencing Table: WebGrid.NET lets you display self referencing hierarchical table by simply configure the settings through WebGrid.NET Designer. As part of WebGrid.NET's vision, the feature also supports LoadOnDemand capability which built on the top of the OnTheFly™ architecture. This allows developers to implement their own logic to fetch large data tables.

Codeless DataBinding     

WebGrid.NET Enterprise includes codeless data binding . Codeless databinding means that you can configure the datasource, its connection and its related property without writing any code.  

  •  No-codes data binding through DataSourceControl support: Intersoftpt introduces new databinding concept with no codes required in the page’s code behind. In previous versions, you will need to configure InitializeDataSource event and write codes inside the event which pass the datasource to e.DataSource. That is no longer needed in WebGrid.NET Enterprise although the old databinding mechanism is still supported for backward compatibility.
  •  No-codes hierarchical data binding: There are two types of hierarchical select operation supported in WebGrid.NET Enterprise. By default, all tables defined in the dataset that connected to the datasource control will be loaded at first page request. There are many scenario that require the child table in hierarchical to be loaded on demand, in that case at ISDataSource datasource control level, you can enable load on demand operation by simply setting LoadOnDemand property to True. Next, you provide the method that retrieve the child table data and assign it to the ISDataSource control.
  •  No-codes WebValueList data binding : With declarative datasource control support, WebGrid makes it very easy for developers to bind the control to a datasource. In addition to binding the Grid to datasource control for its main data, WebGrid also enables you to bind a column's value list to datasource control. This feature completely removes the needs to write codes in the Grid control and allow you to declaratively specify the datasource control and datamember for the value list.

Rich Design Time Support    

WebGrid.NET Enterprise introduces various ways to connect to a datasource control in design-time through rich designers and wizards.

  •  Design-time support for DataSource Control.
  •  Smart tag action: The easiest way to start with data binding is through SmartTag Action Panel which appears automatically when you drop a new instance of WebGrid to designer. Alternatively, you can also use the context command to retrieve flat and hierarchical structure, or use one of the WebGrid Datasource Connect wizard or XmlDataSource Connect wizard to setup the datasource of your WebGrid easily.
  •  Connect to Data Source Wizard: When the WebGrid is connected to flat datasource control, such as AccessDataSource or SqlDataSource control, the WebGrid Datasource Connect wizard dialog box will appear. The datasource connection wizard integrates with Visual Studio 2005, such as automatic datasource detection when the DataSourceID property has changed. The wizard also has ability to retrieve the datasource schema available in the datasource control.
  •  Retrieve Structure and Retrieve Hierarchical Structure: When you have modification to datasource schema which already assigned to WebGrid, you don’t need to change the DataSourceControlID or DataMember property. Instead, you can simply re-retrieve the schema (structure) by using the commands in control’s context menu. Alternatively, Retrieve Structure and Retrieve Hierarchical Structure action also can be invoked from the Connected to Data Source Control Wizard.

Component Designer 

  • WebGrid.NET Enterprise introduces a rich component designer to help developers easily configure the settings available in WebGrid. WebGrid.NET Enterprise Designer comes with 5 main tab-style interfaces. 
  • Quick Start: The quick start page is the main access point of most popular settings to help you quickly getting started with WebGrid. By default, the quick start page is displayed automatically when launched from design surface. The quick start page consists of 8 sub pages. The Data Source sub page is automatically displayed when the WebGrid doesn’t have binding configuration yet. The Popular Settings sub page will be displayed when the WebGrid already has a valid binding configuration. This allows you to concentrate on WebGrid’s customization based on its current state.
  • Advanced Settings: The Advanced page gives you complete control over the WebGrid configuration and its tables structure. While most main features can be easily enabled in Quick Start page, some advanced features such as column set display, self referencing, or other table-level settings can only be configured in Advanced page. Combining the state-of-the-art Component Designer with streamlined user interface concept in WebGrid.NET Enterprise 5.0, the Advanced page also displays rich designer for several main objects such as WebGridTable and WebGridColumn.
  • Layout Manager:  Let you easily apply from a predefined style as well as save your own style and reuse it later.
  • Structure Manager:  This feature enables you to save the structure of an existing WebGrid in design-time. The structure includes table configuration such as columns, grouped columns, filtered columns as well as child tables. With this feature, you can easily reuse a WebGrid’s structure by applying the saved configuration in Structure Manager.
  • Localization Manager:  Localization Manager is a feature to help you configuring the language settings in WebGrid. In this new version, Localization Manager has been much improved with the adoption of clean and uncluttered user interface which results in better development experience and easier to use. The improved Localization Manager also incorporates the new SmartWebResources™ feature in its user interface so that you can effortlessly configure resources and related language settings in one streamlined user interface.


WebGrid.NET Enterprise lets you use your favorite editing control, whether it is an ASP.NET Server Control or a DHTML Client Control, and “hook” it up into WebGrid easily. WebGrid.NET Enterprise includes a "Resizable TextBox", which gives you the freedom to resize the editable textbox and thus give you a more convenient way of editing the text. 

  • Edit Type "Resizable TextBox": WebGrid.NET Enterprise introduces a resizable text box edit control. The resizable text box makes it easy and convenience for user while editing cell containing larger amount of text. With this feature, user can easily resize the text box by dragging the resize handler at the bottom right position. When a cell has been modified, you can press enter to accept the modified value as in normal text box.
  • Built-in Cell Validation through new Required Input: WebGrid.NET Enterprise now provides built-in feature for Required Input during data editing. When the cell of the specified column is empty, the updating will be blocked until all required input are filled. You can modify the error message in the InputRequiredErrorText property.
  • Verbose Editing InfoText:  One of the most significant enhancements is the new verbose information text in editing mode. This new feature is useful to deliver intuitive editing experience for users as they can notice on important information related to a specific column in status bar area.
  • Editing Environment: Intersoftpt's OnTheFly Postback architecture and Microsoft's ADO.NET in-memory architecture makes it possible for WebGrid.NET to perform new editing functionality concept, which renders only the added or modified record and updates to the physical database transparently. You no longer have to wait for long page refresh or Postback in order to manipulate or update information to your database. That will make end users to experience Windows-based application working environment which they are already familiar with.
  • Custom Editor Open Architecture: WebGrid.NET is promised to let you use your favorite editing control and “hook” it up into WebGrid easily. This great and feature will allow you to use virtually any types of controls as WebGrid’s EditType, whether it is an ASP.NET Server Control or a DHTML Client Control. This is possible with the designer persistence innovation added to the CustomEditor architecture. You can quickly define a custom editor’s setting and behavior in rich object model. We have made it extremely flexible so that you can even draw your own base editor or dropdown button by setting them to Custom. 
  • Edit Types: WebGrid.NET Enterprise provides 6 edit types such as Textbox, MultilineTextbox, Checkbox, DropdownList, CalendarDropdown, CalendarCombo and best of all, WebComboNET.

Column Freezing    

WebGrid.NET Enterprise 5.0 implements Microsoft Excel style column freezing feature. WebGrid's LiveFreeze architecture enables frozen columns to stay visible even though the horizontal scrollbar of the WebGrid is scrolled. 

  •  Runtime column freezing/unfreezing:  WebGrid introduces LiveFreeze™ technology which enables users to “lively” perform column freezing and unfreezing in real-time without the need of postback or callback. Frozen columns stay visible even though the horizontal scrollbar of the WebGrid is scrolled. This feature work in conjunction with all existing WebGrid’s functions and FlyPostBack (AJAX) actions such as Grouping, Sorting and Filtering.
  • Absolute Scrolling for column freezing: To better simulate Excel scrolling behavior while freezing is active, WebGrid.NET Enterprise introduces Absolute Scrolling™ in conjunction with the LiveFreeze™ implementation. With Absolute Scrolling enabled, WebGrid is able to automatically adjust the viewport to the next available column when user pressed on the left/right arrow of horizontal scrollbar. This behavior allows users to conveniently scroll through all the columns with fewer clicks.
  • Keyboard navigation in column freezing: Column Freezing feature works perfectly with keyboard navigation in cell select mode as well as in editing environment. The hidden column will be automatically visible and focused during editing; the scrollbar will also automatically reflect the current position of the edit cell.

Filtering & Grouping    

Let the users decide which data should be displayed by turning on the filter row. Users can specify row filter based on a column by typing the filter text in Filter TextBox and press ENTER. You can change the filter type, apply all filters, or clear all filters by clicking the Filter Image. WebGrid.NET Enterprise automatically handles rows grouping based on specified Columns' value.


Includes built-in exporting functionality to HTML, PDF, TIFF, RTF, Excel, Text and XML format. The built-in exporting feature incorporates DataDynamic's ActiveReports runtime engine to generate and output the reports to HTML and PDF format. The ActiveReport's engine is only used internally by WebGrid.NET at runtime and doesn't require you to add references of ActiveReport's assembly in your Visual Studio solution


Eliminates the need to perform full page postback in order to communicate with server resources.

  • Loading PreviewRow On Demand:WebGrid will render all preview row data at once in first load. This could introduce several performance issues due to large output size, and meanwhile user might not need to see all preview row's data at once.You can configure WebGrid to skip preview row rendering in first load to reduce initial page output size.
  • ASP.NET AJAX Support: ASP.NET AJAX from Microsoft is fully compatible with WebGrid’s built-in AJAX Framework. You can use ASP.NET AJAX side-by-side with WebGrid as well as using WebGrid inside UpdatePanel.
  • Advanced Load On Demand: This feature works in conjunction with Hierarchical grid mode and automatic data processing feature. With efficiency and scalability in mind, child rows data of its parent row will not be rendered to client on each loaded Table. The child rows of a Table will be retrieved transparently when users click on + sign to expand the child rows. This results in efficient information delivery by displaying necessary information and load more information transparently when needed, all without leaving the current state of the working page.
  •  VirtualLoad Paging mode: The VirtualLoad paging concept, is a unique feature that enables more data to be retrieved from server transparently and virtually as users scroll the data forward. The newly retrieved rows wouldn't affect previous retrieved rows, resulting in more information to be displayed in one central place, inside the WebGrid. As of other key features, the VirtualLoad paging feature also works in conjunction with all other key's features such as automatic data caching and processing.
  • Data Caching: WebGrid.NET implements advanced datacaching mechanism to reduce server workloads. The scope of the cache is session. This enables a greater and more flexible control to the WebGrid object. The WebGrid control keeps track of each session's cache and will automatically remove the DataSource object from cache when it's no longer accessed.