xSQL Software Schema Builder for SQL Server
xSQL Software 社の製品
2021 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
価格:¥ 165,770 (税込)〜 バージョン: 更新日: Sep 30, 2022
xSQL Software Builder for SQL Server is an ideal tool for software publishers. Builder allows you to propagate database schema changes from a central database to one or multiple target databases. Target databases could be hosted on a different version of Microsoft SQL Server, or on Microsoft SQL Azure and may not be directly accessible.
The end-product of the Builder for SQL Server is an executable package with the master schema embedded in it. When the package runs on the target machines, it compares the database on the target machine with a snapshot of the master database embedded in it, identifies schema differences between the two and synchronizes the target database to the master.
xSQL Software Builder is designed to be run by users with little database experience. The package, that Builder generates, is self-contained...
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