ExpressVerticalGrid (英語版)

  1. About ExpressVerticalGrid

    説明: Add an "inverted" grid control to your VCL applications. Formerly known as ExpressInspector, ExpressVertical Grid Suite is an "inverted" grid control for Delphi and C++Builder. With the ExpressVerticalGrid Suite, you will no longer ...

  2. ExpressVerticalGrid について

    説明: VCLアプリケーションに逆位グリッド コントロールを追加できます。 ExpressVertical Grid Suite(旧称ExpressInspector)は、DelphiとC++Builderの逆位グリッド コントロールです。ExpressVerticalGrid Suiteを採用することにより、フィールドラベルやコントロールに対する位置調整、行揃えなどの手間を解消します。ExpressVerticalGridを使い始めると、一つのコントロールをフォームにドラッグ&ドロップするだけで ...

  3. DB Inspector

    スクリーンショット: Place a TdxDBInspector object onto a form to display and edit records from a database table or query. At runtime, users can use the database navigator (TDBNavigator) to navigate through the dxDBInspector and insert, delete, and edit its data. ...

  4. Inplace Editors

    スクリーンショット: In-place editors that support button controls can contain several buttons. Use the Buttons property to manage them. At design or runtime, a user can add or delete edit buttons and modify their appearance. ...

  5. Inspector

    スクリーンショット: TCustomdxInspectorControl is the base class for the ExpressInspector and ExpressDBInspector controls. It contains the base properties and methods published by their direct descendants: TdxInspector and TdxDBInspector. ...

  6. New Features

    スクリーンショット: Including Complex Rows provide the ability to optimize use of screen real-estate. When used in conjunction with Auto Bands, it provides a particularly compelling way of designing forms with an extremely clean presentation. ...

  7. Multiple Editor Types for Each Record

    スクリーンショット: Via the Multi-Editor support, you can display multiple editors for the same row with ease. ...