DevExpress VCL Subscription(英語版)
すべてのDevExpress VCL製品を1つにまとめたパッケージ
- データ入力、グラフ作成、データ解析、ナビゲーション、レイアウト、データグリッド、スケジュール、帳票作成、印刷、プランニングの各コントロールを収録
- Component Sourceで販売されているVCLライブラリのベストセラー
- VCLの利点をいかして次世代アプリケーションを構築
説明: High-performance UI controls, Reporting and Analytics. DevExpress Universal helps you build applications for Windows, Web, mobile and tablet with all of the DevExpress single platform controls and more. The feature-complete Universal Subscription includes ... 続きを読む
説明: Comprehensive software development package. DevExpress DXperience helps you build applications for Windows, Web, mobile and tablet with all of the DevExpress single platform controls and more. The DevExpress DXperience Subscription includes hundreds of ... 続きを読む
説明: Add user interface and data manipulation features to your WPF applications. DevExpress WPF helps you deliver high-performance, line-of-business applications that fully address the needs of your enterprise. Create apps that emulate Microsoft Office and ... 続きを読む
説明: All the Developer Express VCL products in one package. Developer Express VCL Subscription includes VCL components for: data entry, charting, data analysis, navigation, layout, grids, scheduling, styling, reporting, printing and planning. Developer Express ... 続きを読む
説明: Add Ribbon, toolbar, layout and skinning functionality to your VCL applications. ExpressNavigationPack is a suite of VCL components that includes ExpressBars Suite- MS Office Style Ribbon, Toolbars, Main Menu, Context Menu, Status Bar Controls and Visual ... 続きを読む
説明: Microsoft Office-inspired Side Bar, Navigation Pane and Explorer Bar. XtraNavBar supports embedded controls like treeviews and offers fully customizable link layouts. It provides easy and intuitive navigation options which are the goal of every software ... 続きを読む
説明: Add Office, Visual Studio and Windows style navigation bars to your VCL applications. ExpressNavBar Suite gives you everything you need to create easy to use applications with incredible sophistication and elegance. Via its advanced design time editor, ... 続きを読む
リリースノート: Adds optimized remote paging for grouped DataGrids. Angular 2 Support (RC) Webpack and Angular CLI Ready- With the v16.2 release, DevExtreme Angular 2 components can be seamlessly used with Webpack and installed into an application created with Angular ... 続きを読む
説明: All the VCL,.NET and IDE products produced by Developer Express in one package. DevExpress DXperience and VCL Subscription Bundle includes all the Developer Express.NET Windows Forms, ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF and VCL components plus IDE tools (CodeRush ... 続きを読む
リリースノート: DevExtreme Angular 2 components are now Webpack and Angular CLI ready. Angular 2 Support (RC) Webpack and Angular CLI Ready- With the v16.2 release, DevExtreme Angular 2 components can be seamlessly used with Webpack and installed into an application ... 続きを読む