DevExpress WinForms(英語版)
Windowsフォームチャートコントロール - パフォーマンスと柔軟性のために最適化された2D、3Dグラフの包括的なコレクション。 棒グラフ、円グラフから株価チャートまで、35以上の2Dグラフビューと20以上の3Dビューが付属しています。.
説明: High-performance UI controls, Reporting and Analytics. DevExpress Universal helps you build applications for Windows, Web, mobile and tablet with all of the DevExpress single platform controls and more. The feature-complete Universal Subscription includes ... 続きを読む
説明: Comprehensive software development package. DevExpress DXperience helps you build applications for Windows, Web, mobile and tablet with all of the DevExpress single platform controls and more. The DevExpress DXperience Subscription includes hundreds of ... 続きを読む
説明: All the WinForms component suites and libraries produced by DevExpress in one package. DevExpress WinForms includes 190+ components and UI libraries, it has everything you'll need to create high-impact business solutions for the Windows Forms ... 続きを読む
説明: JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development. DevExtreme Complete from DevExpress includes a comprehensive collection of high-performance and responsive UI widgets for use in traditional web and next-gen mobile applications. The suite ships ... 続きを読む
リリースノート: All WPF products Cascading Parameters- Server side filtering do not work with aggregated queries. End-User Report Designer for WPF- Checkboxes in the Manage Queries dialog are partially visible in Windows 11 themes. DXCharts for WPF Initialization process ... 続きを読む
説明: All the Developer Express VCL products in one package. Developer Express VCL Subscription includes VCL components for: data entry, charting, data analysis, navigation, layout, grids, scheduling, styling, reporting, printing and planning. Developer Express ... 続きを読む
リリースノート: Adds optimized remote paging for grouped DataGrids. Angular 2 Support (RC) Webpack and Angular CLI Ready- With the v16.2 release, DevExtreme Angular 2 components can be seamlessly used with Webpack and installed into an application created with Angular ... 続きを読む
説明: All the VCL,.NET and IDE products produced by Developer Express in one package. DevExpress DXperience and VCL Subscription Bundle includes all the Developer Express.NET Windows Forms, ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF and VCL components plus IDE tools (CodeRush ... 続きを読む
説明: All the WinForms component suites and libraries produced by DevExpress in one package. DXperience Professional (a.k.a devexpress professional) includes the following products: XtraGrid Suite, XtraBars Suite, XtraPivotGrid Suite, XtraScheduler Suite, ... 続きを読む
説明: All DevExpress Silverlight controls and libraries in one package. DevExpress Silverlight includes among others the following DevExpress Silverlight products: Data Grid for Silverlight (AgDataGrid Suite), Menu-Toolbar for Silverlight (AgBars for ... 続きを読む