MESCIUS (旧社名:GrapeCity) / GrapeCity / Infragistics / KWizCom / SentryOne

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    説明: Modern, cross-platform suite of WinUI, MAUI, UWP, and Xamarin controls. ComponentOne Studio for WinUI & MAUI bundle provides components for the latest cross-platform.NET platforms. Offered as a single WinUI & MAUI license, you can build apps with ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Windows デスクトップのWinUI開発コンポーネントセット ComponentOne for WinUIは、ComponentOneのうち、WinUI 3をベースとしたWindowsデスクトップアプリケーション開発用の機能に限定したコンポーネントセットです。データグリッド、カレンダー、入力など高性能で柔軟なWinUIコントロールの完全なセットを提供します。軽量で高速に動作するデータグリッド「FlexGrid」は、カスタマイズ性が高く、ソート、フィルタ、グループ化、セルの固定 ... 続きを読む

  3. リリースノート: Spread WinForms New Features Error Bar Support in Charts- Spread charts now support error bars for the following series types: Bar. Line. Area. XYLine. XYPoint. ClusteredBar. HighLowClose. Candlestick. Column Style for Group Footers- In this new release, ... 続きを読む

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    リリースノート: Calculation Fix A formula result was incorrect when enabling calcOnDemand. The result of the RANDBETWEEN function was not correct. The result of the NETWORKDAYS function was not correct. Turning off iterative calculation would result in different formula ... 続きを読む

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    リリースノート: Template Enhancements Enhanced Template language with better performance- The DsExcel Templates have been refactored, emphasizing enhanced performance and stability. The recent improvements include: Addressing the absence of a data source by treating it ... 続きを読む

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    リリースノート: Document Solutions for PDF Add Rich Media to PDF Documents- Enhance your PDF documents by seamlessly incorporating rich media elements such as audio and video. With the addition of rich media, you can elevate user engagement and create dynamic, ... 続きを読む

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    リリースノート: Template Enhancements Enhanced Template language with better performance- The DsExcel Templates have been refactored, emphasizing enhanced performance and stability. The recent improvements include: Addressing the absence of a data source by treating it ... 続きを読む

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    リリースノート: Document Solutions for Excel Template Enhancements Enhanced Template language with better performance- The DsExcel Templates have been refactored, emphasizing enhanced performance and stability. The recent improvements include: Addressing the absence of a ... 続きを読む

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    リリースノート: Document Solutions for Word Add Online Video in Word Documents- Added the WebVideoProperties class, which empowers users to customize the video player's HTML content and define its dimensions. This facilitates the seamless integration of online ... 続きを読む

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    リリースノート: Document Solutions for Imaging Draw Rotated Text within Unrotated Rectangular Bounds- Drawing rotated text within unrotated rectangular bounds offers several advantages, such as allowing better space utilization, consistency in layout, efficiency with ... 続きを読む