IDERA / MindFusion Group / Neodynamic / Syncro Soft / Keyoti / ComPDFKit

  1. $ | 購入

    説明: Simplify your JSON editing experience. Oxygen JSON Editor is a specialized tool designed for editing JSON documents. It offers a wide range of features and views, including Text, Grid, and Author editing modes, along with Design mode for JSON Schema. The ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  2. 説明: JSON編集エクスペリエンスを簡素化 Oxygen JSON Editor is a specialized tool designed for editing JSON documents. It offers a wide range of features and views, including Text, Grid, and Author editing modes, along with Design mode for JSON Schema. The intuitive interface ... 続きを読む

  3. $ | 購入

    説明: A modern commenting platform for smooth interaction with your community. Oxygen Feedback provides a simple and efficient way for your community to interact and offer feedback. It is easy to configure and integrate, and it includes a user-friendly ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  4. 説明: コミュニティ内でのスムーズなやり取りを可能にする新しいコメントプラットフォームです。 Oxygen Feedback provides a simple and efficient way for your community to interact and offer feedback. It is easy to configure and integrate, and it includes a user-friendly interface and numerous useful features ... 続きを読む

  5. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Design, modeling and collaboration solution for Enterprise information architects. ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  6. 説明: 大規模な組織で使用する情報の編成、モデリングとコラボレーション用ソリューション ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make better business decisions with accurately ... 続きを読む

  7. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Design, modeling and collaboration solution for Enterprise information architects. ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  8. 説明: 大規模な組織で使用する情報の編成、モデリングとコラボレーション用ソリューション ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make better business decisions with accurately ... 続きを読む

  9. $$$ | 購入

    説明: Automate and run Oxygen utilities from the command-line. Oxygen Scripting (formerly Oxygen XML Scripting) provides access to a variety of functions that can be automatically scheduled or triggered using a command-line tool on Windows, Linux, or macOS. ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  10. 説明: Oxygenのユーティリティをコマンドラインから実行・自動化 Oxygen Scripting (formerly Oxygen XML Scripting) provides access to a variety of functions that can be automatically scheduled or triggered using a command-line tool on Windows, Linux, or macOS. Oxygen Scripting Features ... 続きを読む

  11. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Design, modeling and collaboration solution for Enterprise information architects. ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  12. 説明: 大規模な組織で使用する情報の編成、モデリングとコラボレーション用ソリューション ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make better business decisions with accurately ... 続きを読む

  13. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Design, modeling and collaboration solution for Enterprise information architects. ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  14. 説明: 大規模な組織で使用する情報の編成、モデリングとコラボレーション用ソリューション ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make better business decisions with accurately ... 続きを読む

  15. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Design, modeling and collaboration solution for Enterprise information architects. ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  16. 説明: 大規模な組織で使用する情報の編成、モデリングとコラボレーション用ソリューション ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make better business decisions with accurately ... 続きを読む

  17. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Design, modeling and collaboration solution for Enterprise information architects. ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  18. 説明: 大規模な組織で使用する情報の編成、モデリングとコラボレーション用ソリューション ER/Studio Data Architect includes robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more. Data modeling helps organizations make better business decisions with accurately ... 続きを読む

  19. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: A complete DITA/DocBook publishing solution for WebHelp and PDF output. Oxygen Publishing Engine automates the transformation of DITA/DocBook documents to WebHelp, PDF, ePub, and plain HTML output, for desktop and mobile devices, outside of Oxygen XML ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  20. 説明: DITAとDocBookのコンテンツをWebHelpとPDFに出力するためのソリューション Oxygen Publishing Engine automates the transformation of DITA/DocBook documents to WebHelp, PDF, ePub, and plain HTML output, for desktop and mobile devices, outside of Oxygen XML Editor (e.g from a command ... 続きを読む