コンポーネント / ActiveX / COM / RAD Studio - ベストセラー商品

  1. 説明: Complete reporting solution for.NET/.NET Core, Delphi, C++, Java, Progress and more. List & Label is a reporting solution for all major development platforms, providing a powerful reporting engine, a flexible API and a feature-rich report designer. ... 続きを読む

  2. 説明: Give your application a professional, modern appearance with toolbars, menus, docking, property grid, reporting and calendar functionality. Codejock Suite Pro helps you create professional applications that incorporate a full set of highly customizable ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Complete reporting solution for.NET/.NET Core, Delphi, C++, Java, Progress and more. List & Label is a reporting solution for all major development platforms, providing a powerful reporting engine, a flexible API and a feature-rich report designer. ... 続きを読む

  4. 説明: Instrumentation display and plotting for ActiveX and VCL applications. The Iocomp ActiveX/VCL Ultra Pack is a complete suite of 63 real-time instrumentation display components for instrumentation applications. This comprehensive development package is a ... 続きを読む

  5. 説明: Enables your application to send, receive, parse and manage e-mail over POP3, IMAP4, SMTP and SSL protocols. MailBee Objects is a complete set of ActiveX components you can use to create and send messages to SMTP servers, receive, parse and delete e-mail ... 続きを読む

  6. 説明: フォームに貼るだけで、全解像度をサポートするアプリケーションを作成。 ResizeKit は、フォーム上に表示されている全てのコントロールとそのフォントのサイズを自動的に調整するコントロールです。プログラマは1行のコードも書かずに、実行時の画面解像度やユーザによるサイズ変更に依存しないアプリケーションの作成が可能になります。たとえ、ユーザがアプリケーションの実行中に画面解像度を切り換えた場合でもResizeKit は、それを感知しサイズを自動的に調整します。利用方法は ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Add real-time instrumentation to your ActiveX and VCL applications. Iocomp ActiveX/VCL Pro Pack is a suite of 60 real-time instrumentation display components for instrumentation applications. This includes the analog components, digital components and ... 続きを読む

  8. 8. WPViewPDF 購入

    ブランド: WPCubed
    カテゴリー: PDFコンポーネント

    説明: PDF viewing component for Delphi and.NET. wpViewPDF allows you to view PDF data that can be loaded from memory, file or stream. wpViewPDF has been developed as a Windows Class which makes it compatible with most Windows based development systems. ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Fast and flexible COM object that enables your application or ASP page to search, receive, parse and manage email over IMAP4 protocol. MailBee Objects IMAP enables developers to easily add IMAP4 capabilities to their Windows or classic ASP applications. ... 続きを読む

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    説明: Enables your application or ASP web page to reliably and securely receive Internet mails via POP3 protocol. MailBee Objects allows you to easily download and parse e-mail from POP3 servers in classic ASP, VB, Delphi or any other ActiveX-aware environment. ... 続きを読む