コンポーネント / DevExpress / Highsoft / Infowise

  1. 説明: All DevExpress Silverlight controls and libraries in one package. DevExpress Silverlight includes among others the following DevExpress Silverlight products: Data Grid for Silverlight (AgDataGrid Suite), Menu-Toolbar for Silverlight (AgBars for ... 続きを読む

  2. 説明: Enable skinning functionality in most Developer Express VCL components. ExpressSkins Library provides you with Microsoft Office look and feel options and several unique visual styles featuring rounded buttons, glass effects and gradient fills. With ... 続きを読む

  3. 説明: Add multi-dimensional data analysis to your applications. ExpressPivotGrid Suite was engineered to improve the way in which data-centric applications deliver information to end-users. With its powerful data architecture, ExpressPivotGrid Suite ... 続きを読む

  4. 説明: Fast, fully customizable OLAP grid. XtraPivotGrid is an Excel-like pivot table engineered for multi-dimensional data analysis and cross-tab report generation. Numerous layout customization options give you total control over its UI and user-centric ... 続きを読む

  5. 説明: Present your data, your way. XtraGrid (Xtra Grid) includes patent-pending server side data processing and is a feature-complete editing and data shaping component allowing your end-users to easily manage information and display it on-screen. Whether using ... 続きを読む

  6. 説明: Add data mining and multi-dimensional analysis to your ASP.NET applications. ASPxPivotGrid Suite is a comprehensive data analysis, data mining, and visual reporting solution for ASP.NET 2. With ASPxPivotGrid, your users can break down raw data in any ... 続きを読む

  7. 説明: Create transparent object-relational mapping (ORM). eXpress Persistent Objects for.NET (DevExpress XPO) represents a bridge between the object world and the world of relational databases. eXpress Persistent Objects for.NET (DevExpress XPO) gives ... 続きを読む

  8. 説明: Add grid, treelist and data editor functionality to your applications. ExpressQuantumGrid Suite is an advanced Grid, TreeList, and Data Editors Library for Delphi and C++Builder. Written from the ground up, ExpressQuantumGrid Suite is 100% native VCL and ... 続きを読む

  9. 説明: Ribbon, toolbars, menus, docking and MDI. XtraBars is comprehensive set of Office and Visual Studio inspired WinForms Controls in an integrated package. It delivers elegant business solutions that fully mimic the UI experience found in today's most ... 続きを読む

  10. 説明: Visualize data and communicate cause and effect. XtraCharts is a comprehensive collection of 2D and 3D charts to address a broad range of business needs with ease. The Xtra Charts Suite has been engineered to dramatically simplify the way in which you ... 続きを読む