IDERA / MindFusion Group / Desaware / Keyoti

  1. $$$ | 購入

    説明: Add stylish charts, gauges and dashboards to your Java applications. MindFusion.Charting for Java Swing lets you combine and arrange chart, gauge and UI elements to create advanced data visualization solutions. The library ships with a set of predefined ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  2. 説明: Javaのアプリケーションに洗練されたグラフ、ゲージ、ダッシュボードを追加 MindFusion.Charting for Java Swing lets you combine and arrange chart, gauge and UI elements to create advanced data visualization solutions. The library ships with a set of predefined charts, which you can easily ... 続きを読む

  3. 互換性: Operating System for Deployment Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows Vista Windows XP Architecture of Product 32Bit Product Type Component Component Type Source Code Java Class Compatible Containers JBuilder Oracle JDeveloper NetBeans IDE Eclipse ... 続きを読む

  4. $$$ | 購入

    説明: Interactive scheduling library written in pure JavaScript. MindFusion.Scheduling for JavaScript helps you render interactive timetables, event schedules or appointment calendars. It is a fully responsive, highly customizable and easy to integrate ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  5. 説明: 純粋なJavaScriptで記述されたインタラクティブなスケジュール機能のライブラリ MindFusion.Scheduling for JavaScript helps you render interactive timetables, event schedules or appointment calendars. It is a fully responsive, highly customizable and easy to integrate JavaScript scheduling ... 続きを読む

  6. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Enhance your applications with diagramming and graphing capabilities. MindFusion.Diagramming Pack includes software components that can be used to display various types of diagrams and charts. The pack includes flexible components that offer a variety of ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  7. 説明: 図やグラフを作成する機能をアプリケーションに追加 MindFusion.Diagramming Pack includes software components that can be used to display various types of diagrams and charts. The pack includes flexible components that offer a variety of diagram shapes, layout styles, properties, ... 続きを読む

  8. 互換性: Component Type ActiveX Android ASP.NET ASP.NET MVC iOS Swift Java Swing JavaScript jQuery Silverlight Universal Windows Platform WinForms WPF Xamarin.NET MAUI ... 続きを読む

  9. $$$$$ | 購入

    説明: Scheduling, diagramming, charting, mapping and User Interface components for ASP.NET applications. MindFusion.ASP.NET Pack helps you create applications that include diagrams, charts, schedules, maps and a rich user interface. Each of the controls is ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  10. 説明: ASP.NETのアプリケーション開発用の予定表、ダイアグラム、グラフ、マップ、ユーザーインターフェイスコンポーネント MindFusion.ASP.NET Pack helps you create applications that include diagrams, charts, schedules, maps and a rich user interface. Each of the controls is extremely easy to use and customize. It also ... 続きを読む

  11. 互換性: Operating System for Deployment Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Component Type ASP.NET WebForms Compatible Containers Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Visual Studio ... 続きを読む

  12. $$ | 購入

    説明: Provides a rich set of features for displaying and customizing any type of map. MindFusion.Mapping for WPF provides your application with the ability to load, customize and display any type of regional, national or world map. You can add labels to map ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  13. 説明: Provides a rich set of features for displaying and customizing any type of map. MindFusion.Mapping for WPF provides your application with the ability to load, customize and display any type of regional, national or world map. You can add labels to map ... 続きを読む

  14. 互換性: Component Type.NET WPF.NET Core.NET 5/6/7/8 Compatible Containers Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft ... 続きを読む

  15. $$ | 購入

    説明: A full set of features to create, customize and display maps. MindFusion.Mapping for WinForms can load, customize and display any type of regional, national or world map. Map data can be loaded from ESRI shapefiles and it includes data for any country in ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  16. 説明: マップを作成、カスタマイズ、表示するための機能を満載 MindFusion.Mapping for WinForms can load, customize and display any type of regional, national or world map. Map data can be loaded from ESRI shapefiles and it includes data for any country in the world as well for selected ... 続きを読む

  17. 互換性: Operating System for Deployment Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Product Type Component Component Type.NET WinForms Compatible Containers Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 ... 続きを読む

  18. $$$ | 購入

    説明: Add charts to your Silverlight applications. MindFusion.Charting for Silverlight helps you build any type of bar, line and pie chart. Each chart has a wide range of customization options- from its color scheme to its labels and legends. The tool supports ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  19. 説明: Silverlightアプリケーションにグラフ作成機能を追加 MindFusion.Charting for Silverlight helps you build any type of bar, line and pie chart. Each chart has a wide range of customization options- from its color scheme to its labels and legends. The tool supports various ... 続きを読む

  20. 互換性: Operating System for Deployment Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7 Component Type Silverlight Compatible Containers Microsoft Visual Studio ... 続きを読む

  21. $$ | 購入

    説明: Present your data as an easy-to-understand chart, style it as you wish and run it on any Android device. MindFusion.Charting for Android is a Java class library suitable for creating line, area, stacked area, scatter charts, bar, pie and doughnut charts. ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  22. 説明: データをわかりやすいグラフで表示。スタイルを自由に設定でき、あらゆるAndroidデバイスで実行可能。 MindFusion.Charting for Android is a Java class library suitable for creating line, area, stacked area, scatter charts, bar, pie and doughnut charts. The component is designed to be easy to use, with ... 続きを読む

  23. 互換性: Compatible Containers Android Studio NetBeans IntelliJ Eclipse Component Type Android Library ... 続きを読む

  24. $$$ | 購入

    説明: Spell checking for Java web (JSP/JSF) applications. RapidSpell Web adds spell checker functionality to your web applications by simply adding two.js files to any web page or by adding a JSP Tag to a JSP page or using the Beans in Servlets. There are no ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  25. 説明: Java Web (JSP/JSF)アプリケーションのスペルチェック RapidSpell Web adds spell checker functionality to your web applications by simply adding two.js files to any web page or by adding a JSP Tag to a JSP page or using the Beans in Servlets. There are no programming skills ... 続きを読む

  26. 互換性: Component Type Java Servlet Java Class Application Servers WebLogic WebSphere Sun ONE Application Server Tomcat JBOSS Browsers Compatibility Internet Explorer 6+ Chrome Firefox Opera Safari (on the PC & Mac) Android Browser ... 続きを読む

  27. $$$$ | 購入

    説明: Integrate (as-you-type and dialog) spell checking functionality and advanced thesaurus functionality into.NET Windows applications. RapidSpell Desktop.NET + Thesaurus Desktop.NET allows you to add spell checking value and advanced thesaurus functionality ... 続きを読む この製品についてさらに結果を表示します。

  28. 説明: .NETのWindowsアプリケーションにスペルチェック機能(入力と同時にチェックおよびダイアログ)と類義語辞典を組み込み RapidSpell Desktop.NET の辞書はオランダ語、フランス語、ドイツ語、ギリシャ語、スペイン語、 スイス系ドイツ語 、ポルトガル語、デンマーク語、ノルウェー語、イタリア語、あるいはブラジル、ポルトガル語のスペルチェックのサポートを、 RapidSpell Desktop.NET アプリケーションに付け加えることを可能にします。医療辞書も利用可能です。これらの辞書は ... 続きを読む

  29. 互換性: Component Type.NET WinForms.NET Class.NET Core Compatible Containers Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft ... 続きを読む