
1月 11, 2024
JetBrains Academyの2023年12月期のアップデートでは、ユーザーがPythonを使用してSQLアプリを構築するスキルを身に付けるのに役立つ新しいプロジェクトを追加


JetBrains Academy is an online educational platform designed to help developers advance their programming skills. It provides a holistic approach to learning in which users study the theory and immediately put it into practice by building working applications. The project-based learning environment is integrated with JetBrains IDEs, and allows developers to learn Java, Python, and other programming languages with ease.

The December 2023 release adds a new Python SQL project, which helps users acquire the fundamental skills needed to create and design simple SQL apps. Equip yourself with essential SQL competencies through this interactive project exploring World War II's naval landscape. Delve into a rich battleship database, mastering fundamental queries and cultivating strategic data retrieval approaches, all while navigating the complexities of historical battles. A high-level, general-purpose language, Python's elegant syntax and extensive libraries solidify its position as a robust workhorse for web development, data science, and automation tasks, comfortably occupying a versatile middle ground in the diverse landscape of software development.

To see a full list of what's new, see our release notes.

JetBrains Academy is licensed per user as a commercial annual subscription. See our JetBrains Academy for Organizations licensing page for full details.

For more information, visit our JetBrains Academy for Organizations product page.