.NET 8 WinForms/WPFアプリにワープロ機能を追加

1月 24, 2024
WindowsフォームとWPF向けのTX Text Controlでは、.NET 8の強力なドキュメント編集により、最新のアプリ開発を可能に


TX Text Control .NET is a royalty-free, fully programmable document editor that empowers developers to add rich WYSIWYG word processing to desktop and web applications across various platforms. It provides everything from comprehensive text formatting and mail merge to PDF creation and processing, all through a robust API and intuitive user interface.

The TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms and WPF Version 32.0 Service Pack 2 adds support for .NET 8, allowing developers to build word processing applications with the new version of Microsoft's popular framework. Text Control's benchmark tests demonstrate .NET 8's clear advantage over .NET 6 in terms of resource utilization and document processing speed.

To see a full list of what's new in version 32.0 Service Pack 2, see our release notes:

TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms and TX Text Control .NET for WPF are licensed per developer and are available as a Perpetual License with a 12 month support and maintenance subscription. Subscription renewals are also available. See our TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms licensing page or TX Text Control .NET for WPF licensing page for full details.

For more information, visit our product pages: