
6月 18, 2024
DevExpress WPF 24.1 PDFビューアーは、PDF署名のリアルタイム分析と検証を提供することで、ドキュメントのセキュリティを強化


DevExpress WPF is a powerful suite of controls that enhances your WPF development toolkit. It offers data grids, ribbon menus, rich text editors, spreadsheets, charts, and more – all with beautiful themes and touch-friendly interfaces. DevExpress WPF empowers you to build professional-looking, responsive applications that meet modern user expectations, saving you time and effort while adding polish and functionality.

The DevExpress WPF 24.1 update includes a new Signature Info Panel in the PDF Viewer. This feature offers a transparent view of every signature within a PDF, providing detailed information about each signer. The Signature Info Panel goes a step further by intelligently verifying the validity of these signatures in real-time. This instant feedback ensures users can confidently rely on the information presented in the document, saving time and effort.

To see a full list of what's new in version 24.1, see our release notes.

DevExpress WPF is licensed per developer and is available as a Perpetual License with a 12 month support and maintenance subscription. We can supply new subscriptions, subscription renewals, and additional licenses. See our DevExpress WPF licensing page for full details.

DevExpress WPF is available to buy in the following products: