
6月 19, 2024
新しいDevExtreme Complete 24.1のスプリッターコントロールを使用すると、ユーザーはページまたはセクションを完全にカスタマイズ可能なペインに簡単にセグメント化可能


DevExtreme Complete by DevExpress is a collection of high-performance, pre-built UI components designed for web and mobile app development. It offers a rich set of widgets including data grids, charts, editors, and navigation tools that are responsive and work seamlessly across different browsers and devices. DevExtreme Complete allows developers to build feature-rich and user-friendly applications for modern web experiences.

DevExtreme Complete 24.1 adds a new splitter component. This powerful addition allows you to create flexible page layouts with resizable and collapsible panes. Panes can be oriented horizontally or vertically and can contain various content types, including HTML and other DevExtreme components. The splitter offers customization options for handle size, appearance, and keyboard accessibility, making it a powerful tool for building adaptable web applications.

To see a full list of what's new in version 24.1, see our release notes.

DevExtreme Complete is licensed per developer and is available as a Perpetual License with a 12 month support and maintenance subscription. We can supply any DevExtreme Complete license including new subscriptions, subscription renewals, expired subscription renewals, and additional licenses. See our DevExtreme Complete licensing page for full details.

DevExtreme Complete is available to buy in the following products: