Infragistics ASP.NET 16.1(ビルド16.1.20161.2044)

9月 15, 2016


  • Framework
    • A reference to a design time only assembly EnvDTE.dll is part of a deployed Infragistics ASP.NET project.
  • UltraChart
    • Running UltraChart, may sometimes result in an "Parameter is not valid" exception.
  • WebDataGrid
    • If WebDataGrid cell editing behavior mode EnableOnKeyPress is activated, and if a cell, with drop down as a provider, is in edit mode, then typing a letter in the WebDropDown's empty input, will not increase drop down list size.
    • When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior enabled, with property EnableOnKeyPress set to true, and has Editor provider, then typing a character, blurring the editor and then typing a new value, will not save the latter value.
    • When WebDataGrid has Batch Updating behavior enabled and if a random cell is edited with different values, then using the client-side clearBatchUpdates method, will not revert the cell's previous value.
    • When WebDataGrid has defined TemplateDataField, containing a custom image button, and also has Selection and Editing behaviors enabled, the latter defining a delete button, then pressing the delete button will not only delete the selected rows.
    • When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior enabled and has drop down as a provider, if a cell with such a provider is in editing mode, then clicking in the grid header and loosing cell's focus, results in Incorrect function exception to be thrown.
    • When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior enabled and has defined a DropDownProvider for one of its columns and the drop down property EnableMultipleSelection is set to true, then it is possible to have multiple selection, while adding a row, but the same is not valid, while editing a cell in the row.
    • When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior and has EnableOnKeyPress property enabled for cell editing; has a drop down as a provider with EnableCustomValues property enabled, then if typing in the provider, the first item that matches the search criteria, is not selected.
    • When WebDataGrid has Filtering behavior, with enabled CaseSensitive property, then if the grid is bound to a DataTable an exception is thrown and case sensitivity is disabled.
    • When WebDataGrid has Filtering behavior enabled and has serious number of columns, then filtering will result in a thrown client-side exception.
    • When WebDataGrid defines an Unbound column on server-side, then setting its value in the code-behind, throws a NullReferenceException.
  • WebDatePciker
    • If WebDatePicker value is changed on the server side, and the value contains day, larger than 28, then focusing and blurring the editor will change the already set value.
    • When WebDatePicker has image URL set for a CustomButton, then InvalidCaseException is thrown.
  • WebDocumentExporter
    • WebDocumentExporter cannot export properly Thai characters.
  • WebDropDown
    • When disabled item is clicked in the WebDropDown, it changes its style in Internet Explorer 11.
    • When WebDropDown is placed at the bottom of the page, inside a container with absolute position and automatic overflow, then opening the drop down and trying to scroll, will close it.
    • When two WebDropDown controls are placed on a page, and the first WebDropDown list is opened, then trying to blur, will result into focusing the same drop down input again, after some milliseconds.
  • WebDropDown
    • When WebDropDown input is coming from IME keyboard, then entering a text and taking it, using client-side method get_currentValue or server-side drop down property CurrentValue, will result in a composition sting value instead of the committed string.
    • When WebDropDown has Multi-selection behavior enabled and if we select and deselect list items, using the following approach - mouse down on list item checkbox and mouse up on an another list item checkbox, then the list items are not selected/deselected properly.
  • WebHtmlEditor
    • "A picture cannot be inserted in the WebHTMLEditor control, when the control is opened under Microsoft Edge browser. Note: There is still an outstanding bug with modal window width/height settings that are only being respected if Microsoft Edge is maximized.
    • WebHTMLEditor Find and Replace, and Zoom functionalities are not working in Internet Explorer 11.
  • WebImageButton
    • WebImageButton is not clickable, when using Internet Explorer 11 Compatibility mode.
  • WebSchedule
    • If you try to remove a WebSchedule activity in server-side, by calling WebScheduleGenericDataProvider's RemoveActivity method, then a  NullReferenceException is thrown.
  • WebTab
    • When WebTab property AutoSize is enabled and the content of one of the tabs has a page that defines a WebHierarchicalDataGrid control, then expanding a grid child band, then scrolling down the page to the bottom and expanding another child band, results in resetting the scrolling position.
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