DevExpress WinForms 16.2.3

12月 15, 2016


  • Data Grid Control
    • Kanban Mode for Tile View
    • Excel Inspired Filtering - v16.2 introduces new Microsoft Excel-inspired column filter popups which make creating filter criteria easier.
  • Chart Control
    • End-User Chart Designer Enhancements
      • Localization.
      • Property filtering.
      • Ability to change the Designer's caption and icon.
    • Crosshair Enhancements - The DevExpress WinForms Chart Control v16.2 ships with the following enhancements:
      • Obtain the highlighted Series Point via hit-testing.
      • HTML Formatting (Crosshair series labels).
      • Value duration formatting.
      • Specify a label's background color.
      • New API allows you to display the Crosshair cursor in code.
      • Customizable text settings (font, anti-aliasing, etc.).
      • New Snap Mode allows you to display information about points with the same argument.
  • Diagram Control
    • Item Template Designer for Visual Studio - The new Template Designer for Visual Studio allows you to create templates for diagram items bound to data (including OrgChart elements).
    • New Diagram Layouts and Settings - New layouts include:
      • Circular.
      • Compact Tree.
      • Tip-Over Tree.
    • Data Binding Enhancements - With this release, the WinForms Diagram Control can generate items based on a collection of data objects.
      • OrgChartController - Creates an organizational chart from a hierarchical data source with self-referential or nested data structures.
      • DataBindingController - Creates graphs of any complexity.
    • Both data controllers ship with the following features:
      • Items and connectors are generated based on templates provided by our Template Designer.
      • The ability to generate and update items in code by handling corresponding events.
      • Serialization: items can be copied/pasted, saved and loaded preserving bound data.
      • Undo/Redo support.
      • Automatic layout type selection (Tree, Tip-Over Tree, Sugiyama or Circular).
      • If the source collection has been modified, you won't need to worry about keeping the diagram updated. The diagram will be updated automatically.
    • Item Data Binding - DevExpress Diagram ships with data bindings that can be specified at the diagram item level. Data bindings support Criteria Operator expressions, serialization and deserialization.
    • Integrated Dock-based UI - With this release, the WinForms Diagram control introduces Microsoft Visual Studio-inspired dock-based UX. This includes built-in support for auto-hide windows, splitters and dock hints.
    • Item Protection - With this release, you can specify allowed actions for diagram shapes, connectors, containers and other diagram items.
    • Print Preview - DevExpress Diagram now offers Print Preview support.
    • New Image Item - With this release, you can display bitmap images on the Diagram's surface.
    • Organizing Diagrams with Containers - DevExpress Diagram now supports use of item containers to help you keep information organized and easier to understand.
    • Item Appearance Customization - With this release, you can paint items manually by handling the CustomDrawItem event.
    • Right-Angle Connector Route Customization - End-users can now customize Right-Angle connector routes by dragging individual line segments.
  • Editors
    • New Page Number Editor - A new PageNumberEdit control emulates the page selectors in popular PDF Viewer applications. It allows you to select a page number while displaying the total number of pages. The control is adapted to be used in-place within DevExpress Bars and Ribbon controls.
    • New Input Box Control.
    • Custom Control Behaviors - This release introduces custom Behaviors for WinForms editors and controls. A Behavior is an external class that implements a certain functionality for a control using its public API. These include:
      • ClockBehavior - Displays the current date and/or time. This Behavior can be attached to LabelControl, BarStaticItem and DigitalGauge.
      • BannerBehavior - Transforms a PictureEdit control into an image slider.
      • PersistenceBehavior - This behavior can be attached to a form to restore its previous position and size at runtime.
      • SnapWindowBehavior - Turns standard and DevExpress forms into sticky windows that can snap to other windows and screen edges.
      • Snap Window Behavior - WinForms Data Editors and Controls | DevExpress
    • Wait Indicator Inspired by Visual Studio - With this release, we've introduced a new wait indicator (Line) for the Progress Panel and Transition Manager.
  • Layout Control
    • Expand\Collapse via Splitter Items - The Splitter item, which is used to resize layout elements on-the-form, supports the expand/collapse functionality. This allows end-users to temporarily hide a part of a layout with a single mouse click.
    • Animation Effects - Animation effects are now used when expanding/collapsing layout groups and when switching between tabs.
    • Tabbed Control Group Custom Header Buttons - You can add custom buttons in the group's header region to implement various context specific tasks.
    • Custom Draw - New custom draw events allow you to paint or highlight individual layout items.
    • Customization Form and Context Menu - Updated UI - The Customization Form features the new, more compact layout of controls, still providing easy access to layout items, tree structure and templates. The Context Menu has been revamped by rearranging commands in a more consistent way, and by adding new actions. The Add Control action helps you add common DevExpress controls to the form with a single click. Elements of the Customization Form and Context Menu now use new SVG images, which automatically adjust their colors according to the current skin.
    • Data Layout Control - New UI for Data Binding Wizard - The Data Binding Wizard now features a new modern looking UI, helping you easily specify data binding options and select fields to be retrieved from the bound data source.
    • DataLayoutControl - Support for Collection Properties - To display and edit collection properties, the DataLayoutControl can now automatically generate a grid control. This feature can be enabled with the AllowGeneratingCollectionProperties option, and in the control's Data Binding Wizard.
    • Flow Layout Mode - Multiple directions support - With the new FlowDirection property, you can choose the item arrangement direction - top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, right-to-left, and the default left-to-right.
    • Design-Time Enhancements - Item resizing has been improved to provide smooth user experience.
  • Map Control
    • Vector Map - Performance Improvements - Shapefiles are now loaded faster. It will also take less time to render vector items (except bubbles and pies) in the following cases:
      • Items with the same fill color are drawn faster;
      • Path segments with same color are drawn faster;
      • Detailed shapes are simplified on small zoom levels.
    • Design-Time Enhancements
      • MapControl displays its visual elements (e.g. minimap, legends and overlays).
      • Ability to select visual elements.
      • The structure tree displays map layers and their data providers and allows you to select map elements.
      • Smart tags are now displayed for each element within the structure tree allowing you to configure an element's options.
      • You can add a new layer with the specified data provider (if any) using the context menu.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Pager - Added a pager to the ribbon and bar toolbars. The pager indicates the current page number and the total number of pages.
    • Thumbnail Navigation - Introduced navigation by page thumbnails. Page thumbnails represent document page previews.
    • Marquee Zoom - The DevExpress PDF Viewer introduces the Marquee Zoom tool allowing you to zoom either entire PDF document or a selected page area.
    • Performance Enhancements - Text documents are now rendered up to 30% faster. We have also optimized document printing. For instance, text documents can be printed to the XPS writer up to four times faster. In addition, the resulting XPS file is approximately 20 times smaller.
  • Pivot Grid Control
    • Olap Ragged Hierarchy Support - The WinForms Pivot Grid Control now supports OLAP ragged hierarchies.
  • Property Grid
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements
      • The WinForms Vertical Grid now offers Data Annotation Attributes Support. You can customize row, data and validation settings at the data source level.
      • Improved scrolling behavior and control resizing.
      • Collections are now edited using our new DX Collection Editor. The new Collection Editor supports DevExpress skins, search, multi-select and assembly version display.
  • Ribbon and Bars
    • Ribbon and Toolbar Enhancements - v16.2 ships with the following Ribbon and Toolbar enhancements:
      • The Ribbon control's ColorScheme property has been extended to support new color variations in Office 2016 and Office 2013 themes. This allows you to colorize the Ribbon UI (title bar, main menu and main application button) with distinct colors (even when using the same skin across apps).
      • Bar items without images assigned can now display a 'stub' caption-based glyph. The first or second initials are displayed with a colored background. You can customize color options, font attributes, text alignment, text case mode and background shape.
      • Embedded editors (BarEditItems) can now be grouped into non-breaking containers (BarButtonGroups) in the Ribbon Control.
      • Via our new on-the-form commands, it's never been easier to add Ribbon Pages, Page Groups and Page Categories at design-time.
      • SVG Support
      • This release adds support for vector images.
  • Scheduler Control
    • Performance Improvements - This release includes performance enhancements aimed at improving scrolling speed and rendering when changing from one Scheduler View to another (Month, Timeline and Gantt Views).
    • Accessibility Support Enhancements - Introduced improved screen reader support. MS Narrator and third-party screen reader applications can now read and spell all significant visual elements. The accessibility level of all Scheduler Views is now comparable to that of Microsoft Outlook.
  • Spreadsheet Control
    • Two-Way Data Binding - With this release, the Spreadsheet Control provides a simple and consistent way to manipulate data. You can now bind a worksheet or specific cell range to a data source. A cell range can also be used as a data source for any DevExpress or third-party data-aware control (Data Grid, Chart, etc.). All data-related modifications affecting the worksheet are immediately propagated to bound controls and changes made within external controls are immediately reflected in the worksheet.
    • Print Titles - DevExpress Spreadsheet allows you to print titles for individual documents. If a worksheet occupies more than one page, you can repeat row or column headings on each printed page in order to help improve readability.
    • New Formatting Rule Dialog - v16.2 ships with a new Formatting Rule dialog. It allows end-users to create format conditions and customize the appearance of cells as needs dictate.
    • XLSX/XLSM File Encryption - With this release, the Spreadsheet Control supports XLSX/XLSM file encryption. You can encrypt documents using standard or agile encryption.
    • Design-Time Enhancements - DevExpress designers have been adapted to support hi-resolutions display devices. Additionally, pressing F1 in a Designer's Properties window will now display the corresponding help topic. And, the 'Learn more online' action will now navigate to a help topic that describes the selected control/component.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Unbound Column Export (Data Grids) - If a Data Grid (WinForms, ASP.NET or WPF) contains an unbound column whose values are calculated based on an expression, you can choose to export the column's calculated values or the column's expression. If a column's expression is exported, column values will be calculated by the worksheet.
    • Export to Native Excel Table - With this release, you can also export data from Data Grids into native Excel tables. This option offers numerous formatting options and makes data analysis and management much easier. A new BeforeExportTable event allows you to customize a table prior to its export to Excel.
    • Animations - With the v16.2 release, the DevExpress Text Editor and its descendants can display animated GIF files.
    • Sticky Forms and Dock Panels - This release adds support for the 'snapping' feature in Windows and DevExpress forms, which helps you stick the form to the screen edges, a grid or other sticky forms.
    • MVVM Support - For certain project templates, you can now choose between traditional and MVVM-aware modes. These project templates provide the 'MVVM Ready' option, which enables the generation of the View and ViewModel layers.
    • Flyout Dialog Enhancements
      • Ability to specify the default (highlighted) button.
      • Keyboard navigation support.
      • Ability to add buttons to a dialog when the dialog is already displayed.
    • Workspace Manager Enhancements
      • New events allow you to cancel serialization and deserialization of required properties.
      • Ability to specify the layout serialization options for individual controls.
      • Ability to respond to changes within the workspace collection by handling the corresponding event.
      • The workspace name is now stored inside saved files locally.
    • Accordion Enhancements
      • Ability to assign control and edit text, image and context buttons to Accordion elements via a customization popup form.
      • Ability to add and remove accordion elements at design time using a context menu.
      • HiDPI Support (Automatic image scaling).
    • TabForm Improvements
      • Play animation when switching between tabs.
      • Animated GIF files in tab headers.
      • Ability to specify a tab's minimum width.
    • MVVM Enhancements
      • Binding improvements include: formatting and converting values, error handling and validation.
      • New behaviors allow you to bind commands to specific keyboard keys (the KeyToCommand behavior) and call required methods when a command is executed (the CommandToMethod behavior).
MS Excel-inspired column filter popups make creating filter criteria easier.

DevExpress WinForms(英語版)



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