DevExpress WinForms 16.2.4

1月 20, 2017


All WinForms Controls

  • An application crashes on clicking the ThumbnailButton.
  • FlyoutPanel - The beak location is calculated incorrectly when the BeakLocation property is set to Left or Right.
  • Image Picker - The "All Files" filter is missing in the open file dialog.
  • ToolTipController - A tooltip is not shown on the top of its element if there is no sufficient space at the bottom.
  • Visual Studio throws NullReferenceException when pressing the Esc key in a derived form.

Data Access Library

  • SqlDataSource - The relationship is considered as invalid when the database tables have dots in their names.

MVVM Framework

  • MVVM - TileNavPane's items are not cleared when binding them to a view model's collection by using the SetItemsSourceBinding method and calling the collection's Clear method.
  • WinForms MVVM Expenses Sample T254492 throws InvalidOperationException.

PDF Viewer

  • Pager - The total page count is not updated when the UI state is changed.


  • System.ArgumentException when exporting a Snap document to DOCX.

XtraBars Suite

  • A form's caption blinks when the Backstage View control is shown.
  • AccordionControl - The last group's contextButton is not visible.
  • AdornerUIManager - Badge is not visible if Form.WindowState is set to FormWindowState.Maximized in the form's constructor.
  • AdornerUIManager - Guides are shown after unlocking a workstation (Windows + L).
  • After updating to DevExpress 16.2.3 from 15.1.9, icons of menu entries in ApplicationMenu RightPaneControlContainer are small and a description is not visible.
  • An SVG image is not shown in a bar button item.
  • Bar items in the ApplicationMenu dropdown keep the same width regardless of the ApplicationMenu.MinWidth property value.
  • BarManager - BarItem's glyph is disposed of when an item is removed from the BarManager.Items collection.
  • BarManger - The StackOverflow Exception occurs if the ImageList component is used and the SharedImageCollectionImageSizeMode property is set to UseImageSize.
  • BarMdiChildrenListItem is shown if all items are not visible.
  • DockManager - Docking hints don't appear when moving a panel over a WidgetView.
  • Documentation - Describe how the RibbonControl.ColorScheme property operates.
  • Documentation - There are no notes that the PopupControlContainer.CloseOnOuterMouseClick and PopupControlContainer.CloseOnLostFocus properties are obsolete.
  • DocumentManager - A tab page header is shown as active in an inactive document host.
  • DocumentManager - Unnecessary document appears when DockManager is used to create TabbedView.
  • ExtraGlyph cannot be hidden when BarCheckItem is placed in RibbonPageHeaderArea.
  • FlyoutDialog - The WindowedDocumentManagerService doesn't dispose of the related view.
  • FlyoutDialog is not closed when the ESC key is pressed.
  • FlyoutPanel - A panel is hidden when a form is restored from a minimized state.
  • GalleryControl - The use of CaptionControl and AsyncLoading causes ArgumentException.
  • How to programmatically change the docking location of the dockpanel.
  • NavigationPane - The selected page is not highlighted if it is set manually.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the BaseUIView.GetDefaultUIServiceListener method.
  • NullReferenceException occurs in the BackStageViewControl.OnPaint method in case the Office2013 skin is applied.
  • PopupMenu throws an exception when closing a sub menu using the left arrow key.
  • Pressing the ALT key triggers the DocumentActivated event in TabbedView.
  • RadialMenu - Item captions are truncated with 150% scaling.
  • Ribbon GalleryDropDown is not autosized when a skin is changed.
  • RibbonControl - Bar items are collapsed in Quick Access ToolBar when the ShowCategoryInCaption property is set to false.
  • RibbonControl - Items in the application menu's right pane are not maximized.
  • RibbonControl - NullReferenceException is thrown in the RibbonItemViewInfoCalculator.CalcEditItemViewInfo method.
  • RibbonControl - The ColorScheme property influences all the ribbons residing in a project.
  • RibbonControl - The ItemClick event is raised when the drop-down arrow is clicked.
  • RibbonControl - Two customization forms can be shown if clicking the "Customize the Ribbon" item several times quickly.
  • RibbonControl is shown if the Visible property is set to false and it is located in the MDI child form.
  • RibbonForm - Maximizing the form when the BackstageView control is visible results in graphical artifacts if the Windows task bar is hidden.
  • RibbonForm - The FullScreen button's text is truncated.
  • RibbonForm - There is no way to copy a control onto another form.
  • Shortcuts are not shown in one column of a popup menu when BarItems have different caption lengths.
  • StringPainter - Ellipsis characters are not drawn in the case of a multiline HTML text.
  • SVG Image Support - Images are shown black.
  • TabbedView - Support multiline headers.
  • The Invalid Operation exception occurs when the DocumentManager view is disposed of.
  • TileControl - A tile cannot be set to the next position when TileControl has one row and TileItem.ItemSize is Large.
  • Widgets are maximized improperly under Windows XP.
  • WindowsUIView - A loading screen is shown at design time.
  • WorkspaceManager - The NullReferrenceException occurs when the Ctrl+Tab key combination is pressed.
  • WorkspaceManager doesn't store \ restore the layout of views that reside in GridControl.ViewCollection.

XtraCharts Suite

  • An unhandled error occurs when modifying the axis range at runtime in certain situations.
  • ChartControl does not draw a straight line if a series has multiple points.
  • ChartControl displays tooltips for points with different qualitative arguments when CrosshairLabelMode equals ShowForEachSeries.
  • It is impossible to set GridSpacing if ScaleMode is set to Automatic.
  • Swift Plot - A custom measure unit calculator causes deadlock.
  • The automatic side margin value is calculated incorrectly with a small DateTime axis range.
  • The last color in the RangeColorizer class does not work properly.
  • XRChart - The font size of labels in the chart legend grows based on DPI.


  • ArgumentException is raised in DiagramControl when a big shape is moved to a new position.
  • DiagramControl does not allow specifying DPI settings of an exported image.
  • DiagramControl freezes when an item is moved in a diagram that contains a lot of items and connectors.
  • It is impossible to determine the item position in the AddingNewItem event.
  • There is no method in the public API to start shape editing.

XtraEditors Library

  • A group dissapears when it's collapsed and expanded using a splitter.
  • An editor button size is increased in the Whiteprint and Blueprint skin paint schemes.
  • BeakForm is displayed on a wrong display if certain specific settings are set.
  • BreadCrumbEdit - The separator image is invisible when the Money Twins skin is applied.
  • CalendarControl - The BorderColor property is ignored for all calendar elements.
  • CameraControl - The button of the Settings Form is cropped if the TouchUIMode mode is enabled.
  • CheckedComboBoxEdit - The MeasureListBoxItem event is raised very frequently.
  • Child forms inside the MDI ribbon form are unresponsive after the main form is dragged.
  • DateEdit - Multiple months/days can be selected when the SelectionMode property is set to Single.
  • Documentation - The WindowsFormsSettings.ShowTouchScrollBarOnMouseMove Property article has a typo.
  • GridLookUpEdit - An edit value is not changed if the UP or DOWN key is pressed or the mouse wheel is rotated.
  • If a simple button is quite small and the Xmas skin is applied, the simple button's image is truncated.
  • LabelControl - Text's first line goes beyond the control's scope when the AllowHtmlString option is enabled and the control is resized.
  • LabelControl doesn't change its size correctly when resides in the TableLayoutPanel control.
  • RatingControl doesn't allow setting only half of the first star.
  • RepositoryItemDateEdit - The editor's popup is closed after clicking the editor's TimeEdit.
  • RepositoryItemTokenEdit - Filtering by display text does not work in a grid.
  • SimpleButton - ContainerControl's back color property is not applied to its SimpleButton when the ButtonStyle property is set to UltraFlat.
  • SplashScreenManager - The owner form remains locked after the Wait form is closed.
  • SplashScreenManager - WaitForm is not resized automatically.
  • SplitContainerControl - A splitter position is not scaled as expected with High DPI.
  • SplitterControl position problem in non-dpi aware mode on 4K screen.
  • The "Cannot access a disposed object" exception occurs for PdfDocumentViewer on an attempt to close a tab containing PdfViewer at design time.
  • The application crashes on Windows 7 systems under some circumstances if the popup form has shadows.
  • The number of GDI objects is increased when PropertyGridControl draws empty space.
  • The traWaitForm.WaitFormDefaultShowModeSupportStrategy.SetZOrder method throws an exception.
  • TimeEdit - The mouse wheel scrolling does not work when the TimeEditStyle property is set to TouchUI and the TextEditStyle property does not equal Standard.
  • TimeSpanEdit - The cursor is not moved automatically to the next date part when MaskType is set to DateTimeAdvancingCaret.
  • TokenEdit does not display the caret if its width is equal to the total width of already selected tokens.
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - Row highligting stops working and an incorrect value is selected when TreeListLookUpEdit is filtered.
  • WaitForm - The ProgressPanel.AutoWidth property is not working.
  • XtraMessageBox always plays a sound even if MessageBeep is set to MessageBeepSound.None.

XtraGrid Suite

  • Conditional Formating ColumnApplyTo is lost after opening Manage Rules.
  • Excel Filter causes ArgumentException when using a Custom Format Provider.
  • Excel filtering - Enums are handled incorrectly.
  • Grid - All data is fetched from a data base when printing and a ServerMode source is used.
  • Grid - Excel Style Filtering popup doesn't use a skin from GridControl.
  • Grid - Excel Style Filtering popup is animated even if WindowsFormsSettings.AnimationMode is set to DisableAll.
  • Grid Designer is closed when navigating from the Layout section to Columns for LayoutView.
  • GridControl - An exception is thrown when selecting DBNull.Value in an Excel column filter dropdown for Int64 fields.
  • GridControl - An incorrect filer view is shown for Int64 columns in an Excel column's filter dropdown.
  • GridControl - Captions of the And and Or radio buttons are not localizeable in the GridControl's Custom Filter Dialog.
  • GridControl - StackOverflowException occurs on exporting the Grid grouped by a column to an XLS file.
  • GridControl - The Excel filter popup form has no language resources for the German language.
  • GridControl - The NullReferenceException occurs in the DetailViewInfoAccessible.get_ClientBoundsSince method.
  • GridControl - Vertical lines are drawn incorrectly when the Metropolis skin is used.
  • GridView - Operators are not localized to Japanese in the Custom Filter Dialog.
  • LayoutView - Cards are trimmed by the horizontal scrollbar if the view is used as a detail view.
  • LayoutView - NullReferenceException is thrown on application closure when a column has the AllowFocus option disabled.
  • LayoutView - Setting ActiveFilterString while a WaitForm is displayed unfocuses a row/card.
  • LayoutView - The Add Control menu item is shown for a card.
  • LayoutView - The ampersand in the card caption is not exported.
  • LayoutView - The horizontal scroll bar is too short when the Embedded Navigator is used and DPI is more than 100%.
  • The grid doesn't show column header hints when ColumnHeaderAutoHeight is set to True.
  • The Kanban Board demo hangs if IndentBetweenItems is set to 1.
  • TileView - The ItemClick event does not trigger if the mouse cursor is moved before the mouse button is released.
  • TileView - Unsupported properties, methods, and events are not hidden.
  • ToolTips - WindowsXP styled tips are shown when a manifest file is used on Windows 10.
  • XtraGrid - FormatConditionRuleDataBar does not show a bar if all rows have the same neg.ative value.

XtraLayout Suite

  • Dashboard Designer - An unhandled error occurs when moving dashboard items at runtime.
  • DataLayoutControl throws an unhandled exception in the designer.
  • Hidden layoutControlItems are shown upon expanding a group in a layout control with AllowExpandAnimation set to DefaultBoolean.True.
  • LayoutControl - LayoutControlItem height increases when the cursor moves the splitter and goes beyond the control's scope.
  • LayoutControl - Printing MemoExEdit cuts off text.


  • An exception is raised if a data provider of the ImageLayer is changed during the application load.
  • Antialiasing is applied incorrectly on zooming and scrolling.
  • InvalidOperationException is raised on adding items to the MapItemStorage collection dynamically.
  • MapControl - It is impossible to display data from multiple VectorItemsLayer when RenderMode is GdiPlus.
  • MapControl rendering artifacts in Windows 7 environment.
  • OpenStreetMap Search Provider - The search indicator is not stopped in certain situations.
  • The GenerateMember property is incorrectly handled by MapControl elements.
  • The GenerateMember property is incorrectly handled by the Clusterer objects.
  • The InconsistentDbfException is raised on loading a shape file into a map.
  • The MapControl locks the tab focus at runtime.
  • Unhandled exception occurs when rendering the map in certain situations.


  • It is impossible to automate NavBarControl content.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • Degradation in the PivotGrid control's performance after an upgrade.
  • OLAP - Numeric measures are formatted incorrectly if the 'standard' FormatString is set.
  • PivotGridControl - The inner control scrollbars are focusable.
  • Server Mode - Cannot execute the generated query to request data from PostgreSQL using the Devart data provider.
  • The "Index was out of range" exception occurs when an OLAP hierarchy is used and fields are cleared.

XtraPrinting Library

  • DocumentViewer - An image assigned to PrintPreviewBarItem.ImageIndex from RibbonControl.Images isn't displayed.
  • DocumentViewer - An image assigned to the PrintPreviewBarItem from the DocumentViewerRibbonController.ImageCollection isn't displayed.
  • Provide the capability to switch back to bitmap icons in the Print Preview window.

XtraReports Suite

  • A component is visible in the ReportExplorer when the XRDesignPanel.ComponentVisibility property is set to the ComponentVisibility.None value.
  • A drill-down report jumps to the first page when the report details are expanded/collapsed for the first time.
  • End-User Report Designer - Script Editor - Intelligent code completion - Cannot select an item with mouse.
  • Export to Excel - The line style of a border in a cell doesn't match the original XRControl style.
  • FormatStringEditor doesn't recognize certain DateTime format strings.
  • FormatStringEditorForm - Custom DateTime format strings are registered with the use of localized names of categories.
  • How to use bitmap icons in the Print Dialog by default.
  • It is impossible to set the paddings of the XRBarCode control to the required values.
  • No exception is thrown when placing complex controls (XRPivotGrid, XRSubreport) to XRPanel or any other container at runtime.
  • Parameters Panel - A cursor position is reset to the beginning of a text when a report parameter value is modified.
  • Report Designer - Prevent cross-band controls from being dropped into a left margin area.
  • Report Parameter - Field Description shows a check box.
  • Report Parameters - The dynamic list dropdown is closed up while a user is searching through the drop-down list.
  • Right-A single line text is not displayed in some cases.
  • Right-A table layout with merged cells is broken.
  • Right-Control borders are inconsistent.
  • The DevExpress.XtraPrinting.ExportOptionKind.PdfCompressed option is missing.
  • The MouseWheel event is automatically passed to DocumentViewer's parent container, which results in the incorrect scrolling of the container.
  • The protection level of the XtraReportModelUI class is changed with the hotfix.
  • The Scripts property of the Group Header is translated incorrectly in the German locale.
  • The System.NullReference exception is thrown when the Data Source Wizard is used to add the ExcelDataSource to a report.
  • The XtraReports toolbar is not available in Visual Studio 2017.
  • There is no way to disable vector icons in the XRDesignRibbonFormEx / XRDesignFormEx forms.
  • WaitForm is visible only on the first run of document creation.
  • When binding a control to an IEnumerable object, list the collection values in the report using the separator specified in the sytem's current culture.
  • Wrong page indices are returned by the BookmarkNode.PageIndex property for merged documents.
  • XRDesignFormEx - The Closing command is called twice.
  • XRPageInfo in a duplicated subreport displays incorrect values.
  • XRPictureBox - A WMF image is not rendered on the preview if it is loaded from the Report Designer.
  • XRRichText - Incorrect fonts are displayed in XtraReport after HTML import.
  • XRSubreport - Location is not updated after XRTable's row was hidden.
  • XtraReports - Exported documents do not preserve their original text formatting.
  • XtraReport's scripts are compiled even if they are not used.


  • CSS settings are incorrectly read from a specific HTML document structure.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is raised after the last paragraph is removed from the document.
  • HTML content is not scaled identically to web browsers on high DPI when a document font size is specified in PX unit.
  • MouseWheel event is automatically passed to a RichEditControl's parent container which results in the incorrect scrolling of the container.
  • Original font names are lost after exporting a document to the Html format if these fonts are not installed on the machine.
  • RichEditControl is incorrectly scrolled to the bottom of the document.
  • RichEditControl's "Print Preview" document is empty when the total height of document margins exceeds the page height.
  • Table gridlines are rendered incorrectly on scrolling if the LayoutUnit property is set to Twip.
  • TC/TOC fields are not supported in rtf files.
  • Text of a specific RTF document is not displayed until hidden text showing is enabled.
  • The dark border is shown at the bottom of the shape on document scrolling.
  • The image size is hardcoded for the Change Style Ribbon Gallery items.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • A week day header is not highlighted for the selected day when the Office 2016 Black skin is used.
  • Appointment selection is not visible when the Office 2016 Black skin is used.
  • Appointments are not rendered in the DayView after initializing the VisibleTime property value.
  • Day View - Small VisibleTime intervals cause ArgumentException in certain cases.
  • Time cells aren't drawn in a RTL report when it has more than one visible resource.
  • XtraSchedulerReport is shown with left-to-right layout instead of RTL.


  • NullReferenceException is raised on activating the GridView editor when the SpellChecker is used for checking the editor's value.


  • Cut & paste on a protected sheet has wrong behavior.
  • The ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while printing a document if there is a picture that partially belongs to the hidden document area and the "Move and size with cells" option is enabled.
  • A value of an in-place DateEdit editor is not submitted to a currently edited cell when the value was changed using the keyboard.
  • ActiveX form controls are lost after re-saving an .XLSM document using the SpreadsheetControl.
  • ArgumentException when initializing SpreadsheetFormulaBarControl if the "Calibri" font is not installed in the system.
  • Focus behaves inconsistently in the "Function Arguments" dialog in comparison with MS Excel (SpreadsheetControl focuses the last parameter after executing a function).
  • Keyboard input stops working while editing a formula when a cell containing the formula is out of the visible range.
  • Localized formulas pasted into SpreadsheetControl's document are parsed incorrectly.
  • NullReferenceException is raised on an attempt to get dependencies for a user-defined function containing references to other worksheets.
  • NullReferenceException occurs when removing a row from a worksheet.
  • NullReferenceException when invoking an in-place ComboBox editor that lists numeric values.
  • Provide the capability to change a time interval between updates for the Real Time Data (RTD) function.
  • Shared formula is not copied in a merged document if the formula is being copied on the same cell position in a new worksheet.
  • The ArgumentOutOfRange exception is raised on resizing columns/rows when a worksheet's display area is specified.
  • The cell borders are incorrectly applied for merged cells.
  • The CellValueChanged event does not fire after the "Clear All" or "Fill up/down/right/left" operations were executed.
  • The CellValueChanged event doesn't fire for cells that are cleared after the cut/move operation.
  • The export result does not contain footers for the first sheet content when exporting a SpreadsheetControl document.
  • The mail merge result is saved incorrectly in an XLS file.
  • The Range.CopyFrom(Range) method does not copy cell validation consecutively to fill target range.
  • The Range.Name property is reset after inserting a row.
  • The Spreadsheet control scrolls and displays a cell typed in the NameBox when the WorksheetDisplayArea size is set even if the cell should not be visible
  • There is no capability to get dependencies for all the cells containing Volatile functions.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • Conditional formatting icons are calculated incorrectly when ApplyToColumn is set.
  • The right border of the last band is shifted left (the Caramel skin).
  • TreeList - An extra blank line is added if RTF text is used.
  • TreeList - The selected node background is transparent with the Office 2013 skin.
  • TreeList - The selection is not reset when the editor is closed if the OptionsBehavior.AutoSelectAllInEditor option is disabled.
  • TreeList - The vertical scrollbar position is changed when a node is collapsed.
  • XtraTreeList - The order of nodes is changed if these nodes are moved to the end of TreeList.


  • Certain item properties (LeafStyle, GroupStyle) are serialized incorrectly.
  • The last color in the TreeMapRangeColorizer class does not work properly.
  • The TreeMapControl.ExportToImage method causes the ArgumentException in certain cases.
  • Tree Map Flat Data Adapter does not load all values with specific localization settings.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • Focus change causes glitch with ComboBoxEdit/VGridControl/ContainerControl.
  • PropertyGridControl - NotImplementedException is not caught in the VGridControlBase.PopulateRow method.
  • PropertyGridControl - Text in the active editor is shifted to the right.
  • PropertyGridControl - The Paint event is raised constantly.
  • PropertyGridControl uses row captions instead of field names when refreshing rows.
  • Skin design is changed after setting a VGrid row.
  • The OutOfMemory exception occurs when the PrintingSystem class is used to export VGridControl to PDF.
  • VGridControl - A cell cannot be edited if the e.Row.Appearance.Font property is set in the RecordCellStyle event handler.
  • VGridControl - Only the first row is shown in a grid if new rows are added by using a smart tag's action at design time
  • VGridControl - The MouseDown event is fired the second time after a dialog form is shown.
  • XtraVerticalGrid - Rows are copied to the clipboard in the wrong order if VGridOptionsSelectionAndFocus.MultiSelectMode = CellSelect.
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms(英語版)



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