DevExtreme 17.1.4

6月 30, 2017



  • Data Grid
    • "The binary operator LessThan is not defined for the types 'System.Boolean' and 'System.Boolean'. " error is raised when the grid is grouped by a boolean column and Entity Framework is used.
    • Changing a grid option makes the Angular JS binding refresh many times.
    • All the data is loaded for grouping if autoExpandAll is enabled and remoteOperations are true.
    • $root in the row template refers to the row context instead of the root view model context.
    • A dynamically added lookup column value is not displayed until the cell editor is activated.
    • A filter row's value is not cleared after clicking the Reset menu item when the "applyFilter" option is set to "onClick".
    • A form item is focused with a caption on the Tab key navigation if the masterDetail option is enabled.
    • A header filter is saved incorrectly.
    • Add the Control resizing mode.
    • All columns collapse after resizing if the allowColumnResizing and columnHidingEnabled properties are enabled and the columnResizingMode property is set to 'widget'.
    • All rows are selected when the AltGr+A key combination is pressed.
    • Column Chooser loses the scroll position on an attempt to select an item when the browser window focus is restored.
    • Column dimensions are updated slowly when changing width/hiding band columns.
    • Columns are rendered incorrectly when their width is set with cssClass and virtual scrolling is used.
    • Data rows are missing under certain conditions if all remote operations are enabled.
    • dxPopup is closed when the dxNumberBox value in the editCellTemplate is modified.
    • Focus is lost after an editor value is changed using setCellValue in the form editing mode.
    • It is impossible to save/revert changes in one click in batch editing mode.
    • It is impossible to set width for the expand column via code.
    • Key comparison is not case-sensitive.
    • New values are applied after pressing the Escape key in a lookup column in cell edit mode.
    • Sorting doesn't work when the focus of an editor is lost.
    • The "Cannot read property 'attr' of null" error appears in the browser console on navigating between editors with the tab key.
    • The "Cannot read property 'onPositioning' of null" error occurs on selecting the between filter in the filter row.
    • The "No Data" text disappears inside a detail grid when a master row is expanded.
    • The "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error occurs when calling the selectRows method in the case of a large number of keys.
    • The "Revert changes" button is not displayed for an edited cell if onRowUpdating is canceled in the "cell" edit mode.
    • The 800a025e error occurs during horizontal scrolling in IE.
    • The Adaptive Detail Row button is not displayed when the columnHidingEnabled option is enabled and the grid has multi-row columns (bands).
    • The addRow method adds an empty row when the 'cell' editing mode is used.
    • The checkbox is rendered incorrectly inside a popup edit form.
    • The column visibility state is not updated in the Column Chooser when mode = select.
    • The onRowUpdating/onRowInserting handlers don't work in popup edit mode if the cancel parameter is set to jQuery.Promise.
    • The order of Export and Column Chooser icons is different in different browsers.
    • The Reset operation in the filter row menu of the date column does not work for an invalid value when any non-English locale is applied via the Globalize library.
    • The sortByGroupSummaryInfo option does not work if remote operations are enabled.
    • The tabIndex option does not work as expected.
    • dxDataGrid changes its height when a column is resized and the wordWrapEnabled option is set to true.
    • dxDataGrid displays a new empty row when the Popup edit form is displayed.
    • dxDataGrid doesn't display editing errors when the popup edit form is used.
    • dxDataGrid focuses the second editor in edit form mode if the masterDetail option is enabled.
    • dxDataGrid returns focus to the previously edited cell when the Tab key is pressed on update if the Cell edit mode is enabled.
    • dxDataGrid sends unnecessary requests to the server on infinite scrolling if its page size equals the total number of records.
    • The grid highlights an incorrect row if its update fails in batch edit mode.
    • The search panel overlaps the group panel text in the grid on small screens.
  • Data Visualization
    • A script error occurs when </0> is specified in the label.
    • dxChart - The point.size option doesn't affect hover and selection styles.
    • dxChart - The Render method doesn't apply a theme.
    • StackedBar labels are in incorrect order when they are overlapped.
    • The vectormaputils.parse method returns data in incorrect encoding.
    • The SCRIPT5007 error appears on chart export in IE 10.
  • DevExtreme Core
    • dxDataGrid does not change its options if they are bound to a single variable and this variable is changed in an AngularJS app at runtime.
    • Export Several Charts Demo - The "export_1.default.getMarkup is not a function" error is thrown in the Angular demo version.
    • Localization - An incorrect order of the currency symbol and the thousands symbol when the format is "currency thousands".
    • TypeScript definitions - Certain properties are missing in the loadOptions interface.
  • DevExtreme Demos
    • dxForm - Customize Item demo - The employee.Position data value ("CEO") does not exist in the positions array.
  • DevExtreme Tools
    • Android view in the DevExtreme simulator is too small.
    • The View Designer displays the "Circular reference in value argument not supported" error.
  • Pivot Grid
    • One row is expanded after changing the field order in a column chooser.
    • Translated column captions from SSAS are not applied.
    • dxPivotGrid collapses its rows on sorting if the row value is empty.
    • Header Filter - Selection is handled incorrectly if there are multiple pages of items and an end-user performs selection when only the first page is loaded.
  • Scheduler
    • Appointments are located incorrectly after switching between views.
    • Appointments in the timeline view are not rendered in one line if they are not concurrent and have a second-based precision.
    • dxSwitch widgets are rendered differently on the appointment form.
    • The "Cannot read property 'editorOptions' of undefined" error appears on showing the appointment's editing form.
    • The crossScrollingEnabled option doesn't display a horizontal scrollbar if dateCellTemplate is defined.
    • The horizontal scrollbar is missing when there is resourceCellTemplate.
    • The E1039 error appears on switching views if AngularJS is used.
    • Titles of recurring appointments are not rendered in the agenda view.
    • Vertical scrolling does not work on Android device.
    • dxScheduler displays appointments with incorrect time when the timeZone option is specified.
    • dxScheduler does not show appointment data when the showAppointmentPopup method is called after calling the repaint method.
    • dxScheduler renders recurrent events incorrectly when the number of occurrences is selected.
    • dxScheduler sends a redundant request to a remote data source with an incorrect filter expression.
    • dxScheduler throws the E1039 error when using the scrollToTime method to navigate to a cell outside the currently displayed date range.
  • Tree List
    • dxTreeList - The showBorders option does not work.
  • UI Widgets
    • dxDataGrid does not refresh data if a date filter is cleared using the Backspace.
    • dxDateBox - The jQueryEvent parameter has a value in onValueChanged if an editor value is changed in code after a user selects a date using a calendar.
    • dxDateBox - The onOpened option is missing in TypeScript definitions.
    • dxDropDownBox - A validation error message is incorrectly displayed in Angular.
    • dxDropDownBox - The selected value is missing in the callback function assigned to the displayExpr setting if data is loaded asynchronously in an Angular app.
    • dxDropdownList - Type definitions for the valueExpr and displayExpr properties are missing.
    • dxFileUploader - It is possible to select multiple instances of the same file if they are not selected sequentially.
    • dxForm - A virtual keyboard disappears on Android if colCount is 'auto' and colCountByScreen is defined.
    • dxList loses selection after reordering items if the DataSource.key option is specified.
    • dxMenu - The light theme appearance is broken in Firefox.
    • dxMenu does not hide the default container when the adaptive mode is enabled.
    • dxMultiView - The noDataText property is not published.
    • dxNumberBox - The min property does not work properly for the keyboard input if the max property is not specified.
    • dxSelectBox - The "unable to retrieve the property" error appears if a value is set on loading data asynchronously.
    • dxSelectBox selects a wrong value when there are several items with different text casing available specified by the valueExpr option.
    • dxTabPanel - It is impossible to change an item's title at runtime.
    • dxTagBox - Selection of all items is slow in the case of a large number of items.
    • dxTagBox - The 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined' error appears when the search mode option is set to 'startswith'.
    • dxTagBox throws the "Cannot read property 'groupKey' of undefined" error when showSelectionControls, grouped and searchEnabled are defined.
    • dxTextBox does not raise the valueChanged event after clearing its value and typing the same value again.
    • dxToolbar's item located at the center is positioned on the right if RTL is enabled.
    • dxTreeView - Load Data in Demand Mode - A double click on a leaf note leads to the createChildren callback function call.
    • FileUploader MVC Control placed into a form sends only a single file to the server.
    • Group items are not aligned correctly if the helpText option is specified for the group.
    • Hiding a dxForm item using a Knockout observable does not re-align other dxForm items.
    • It is impossible to set dxFileUploader's initial value using the configuration object.
    • The "Interface 'dxLoadPanelOptions' incorrectly extends interface 'dxOverlayOptions'" error occurs when DevExtreme with TypeScript 2.4 is used.
    • The dxTagBox dropdown's scrolling position is reset on changing a dxTagBox value.


  • Data Grid
    • MVC DataGrid Control - CellTemplate id is static when there are multiple DataGrids with the same settings on the page.
  • DevExtreme Tools
    • DevExtreme MVC Wrappers do not display server-side Model errors when validation fails.
  • UI Widgets
    • DevExtreme MVC Wrappers do not display server-side Model errors when validation fails.
    • dxDropDownBox - Text rather than a value is posted to the server.
    • Form MVC Control - The FormItemEditorFactory does not include the DropDownBox.

DevExtreme Complete(英語版)



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