DevExpress WinForms 17.1.4

6月 30, 2017


All WinForms Controls

  • Context Button Designer - It is impossible to set the Tag property.
  • SkinEditor - A part of DPI-specific skin images is lost during saving the skin project to the blob file.
  • SkinEditor - Controls are incorrectly arranged and preview windows are incorrectly drawn on resizing the main window or its parts.
  • SkinEditor - NullReferenceException is thrown when the colorization mode is set but there is no selected project.
  • The FilterCriteriaInvalidExpressionEx string does not contain the {0} character.
  • The Skin Editor tool incorrectly displays an image placed in WaitForm if this image was modified.
  • The ToolTip width isn't changed proportionally in different DPI settings.
  • WorkspaceManager - Take layout settings of controls into account.

Coded UI

  • Coded UI - Support creating assertions to check whether a BarItem is visibile.
  • CodedUI - Controls are not accessible when placed to the Microsoft Word plugin.

Data Access Library

  • ExcelDataSource - Date values are converted to integer when values of the first row are used as field names.
  • GridView - The Expand button disappears after refresh when using SqlDataSource in Master-Detail mode.
  • Report Wizard - Provide an end-user with the capability to network search for database servers.
  • The "Connection has been aborted" string cannot be localized using the localization service.

Data-Aware Export

  • Export - The XlsxExportOptionsEx.CustomizeCell event is raised incorrectly if the OptionsBehavior.AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow option is enabled.

MVVM Framework

  • DataModelScaffolding wizard doesn't generate a complete set of view models in v17.1.
  • Documentation - A broken link in the Data Bindings and Notifications topic.
  • System.BadImageFormatException is thrown if a generic public method is used in ViewModel.

PDF Viewer

  • SplashScreen - An exception is raised if the SaveDocument method is called when the splash form is showing.

Project Templates

  • Template Gallery generates an incorrect base class for ImageComboBoxEdit.

Scaffolding Wizards

  • MVVM Outlook Inspired UI View Wizard produces errors on generating views and view models for a VB.NET application.


  • Data records from a child table are not shown in the footer of the merged document.
  • The font color specified vie the table style options isn't applied to the table content.
  • Usability - There is no public API to update SnapControl's template.

XtraBars Suite

  • A form becomes unresponsive on a badge click.
  • AccordionContentContainer - The Appearance.BackColor property is not taken into account.
  • AccordionControl - An error occurs on an attempt to remove an element at design time.
  • AccordionControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when a control is hidden.
  • AccordionControl - The ContextButton glyph appearance is not changed when the AllowGlyphSkinning option is enabled.
  • AccordionControl - The ContextButtons glyph is not changed when the button is manually checked.
  • AdornerUIManager - Badges are not shown when XtraScrollableControl is scrolled.
  • Application Main Window is blank after returning from Backstage in Windows 10 Tablet Mode.
  • BarButtonItem is not painted as hovered when it belongs to a form inside a UserControl.
  • BarItem - A screen reader does not recognize an item shortcut that is set using the & symbol.
  • BarLinkContainerExItem cannot be customized at design time.
  • BarManager - An item cannot be added to an empty PopupMenu in the Customization Form.
  • DockManager - NullReferenceException is thrown when hiding/showing DockPanels in a specific order.
  • DockManager - The auto hide panel is shown without the animation effect when the ShowSliding method is used.
  • DockManager can cause a memory leak when disposing of DockPanel because of changes in child control indexes.
  • DocumentManager - NullReferenceException is thrown after pinning a restored DockPanel in auto-hide mode.
  • DocumentManager - A hidden MDI child becomes visible after setting WindowsState to Normal for another MDI child.
  • FlyoutDialog - NullReferenceException is thrown in the FlyoutDialog.Show method if FlyoutAction is not passed to this method.
  • GalleryControl - Items are not drawn correctly after scrolling if HTML text is used.
  • GalleryControl's designer doesn't use the ImagePicker dialog to select an image.
  • How to display multiline text in BarStaticItem in RibbonStatusBar.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown if PopupMenu contains BarEditItem with a disposed ImageURI even if this property is not used.
  • NullReferenceException occurs in the BarLinkViewInfo.GetImagePartSizeCore method.
  • PopupGalleryEdit - The selected item is not highlighted when the buttons of the drop-down form are hidden.
  • RecentItemControl - A scrollbar doesn't appear when updating an item list in the ItemClick event.
  • RibbonControl - The AfterApplicationButtonContentControlHidden event is not raised when a control that does not implement the PopupControl control is used as an application button drop-down control.
  • RibbonControl - The expand/collapse button is missing after the "Show Quick Access Toolbar Below The Ribbon" menu item was checked.
  • RibbonControl - When a form is unfocused, a click on the BarSplitButtonItem drop-down button raises the ItemClick event instead of opening the drop-down window.
  • RibbonForm is hidden after closing the BackstageViewControl when the ribbon is in Auto-Hide mode.
  • TabbedView - A child form is moved to an incorrect position when dragging its tab and some of MDI children are hidden.
  • TabbedView - It is possible to dock a document even if its AllowDock option is disabled.
  • TabbedView - NullReferenceException occurs after a document is DocumentsHost outside the main form.
  • TabPane - A tab header does not reflect a changed caption until moving the mouse over it.
  • The "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: fontCacheManager" exception is raised on closing a form containing the RichEditControl and DockManager components.
  • The ExpandButton is incorrectly drawn in RibbonControl if ShowApplicationButton is set to DefaultBoolean.False and ShowPageHeadersMode is set to ShowPageHeadersMode.Hide.
  • The NullReferenceException is thrown when BackStageView is closed.
  • The size of an AutoHide dock panel is incorrectly calculated after restoring the layout.
  • The System.ArgumentException is thrown on an attempt to create a ribbon for some controls (Spreadsheet, DashboardDesigner, RichEdit, etc.) with version
  • The TabFormControl doesn't completely draw the BarButtonItem image.
  • TileControl - The StartItemDragging event is called regardless of whether the DragSize property value is set or not.
  • ToastNotificationsManager - The ToastNotifications.Sound property isn't serialized.
  • WidgetView - A widget becomes float when being double-clicked if the WidgetView.DocumentProperties.AllowDragging option is disabled.
  • WidgetView - It is not possible to localize Widget buttons using the Localizer object.
  • WidgetView - NullReferenceException occurs in the FreeLayoutEngine.IFreeLayoutElement.get_MinSize method when a widget is being closed.
  • Windows Forms Designer - It is impossible to select RibbonControl by clicking the empty space if the empty space width is less than a certain value.
  • WorkspaceManager does not raise an event when a user captures a workspace with the same name as an existing one.

XtraCharts Suite

  • An unhanded exception occurs in the crossahir when the WorkdaysOnly and WorkTimeOnly features are used.
  • Chart Toolbar - Incompatible Series View items are displayed in the Series View gallery.
  • ChartControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when changing the Diagram type at runtime after upgrading to version 17.1.
  • NullReferenceException is raised after configuring the Annotation.AnchorPoint from certain events.
  • Unhandled exception occurs after modifying the Series collection of an invisible ChartControl.
  • Unhandled exception occurs when placing the mouse pointer over the chart's diagram if the Selection feature is enabled.


  • It is impossible to determine the item position in the AddingNewItem event.
  • OutOfMemoryException is raised when certain SVG shapes are dropped form DiagramControl's ToolBox.

XtraEditors Library

  • An MDI form becomes the top most form if WaitForm is shown while the TaskBar's context menu is shown.
  • ASPxCriteriaPropertyEditor does not recognize subproperties of a persistent class referenced in a composite field.
  • BreadCrumbEdit - Buttons with the IsLeft property enabled overlap the first node.
  • BreadCrumbEdit - Persistent nodes disappear when assigning an empty string to Path.
  • CalendarControl - Clock is not shown when CalendarDateEditing is disabled and CalendarTimeEditing is enabled.
  • CalendarControl - Some texts are taken from the system culture when CurrentUICulture is set to a custom culture and PreferredDateTimeCulture is set to DateTimeCulture.CurrentUICulture.
  • CameraControl - Image is not correctly rotated in the preview window.
  • DateEdit - Accessible Name for MSAA accessibility returns an incorrect value.
  • Documentation - Describe a scenario when BreadCrumbEdit's NodeClick event is raised.
  • FlyoutPanel - The control is incorrectly painted on Windows 7 with the applied Windows Basic theme.
  • Form - Shadows' behavior changed between versions 16.2.4 and 16.2.7 if the FormBorderEffect property is set.
  • PictureEdit - First scrolling is performed incorrectly.
  • PictureEdit - TakePictureDialog does not show buttons.
  • ProgressPanel ignores the ContentAlignment property value.
  • Scaling is not applied to SplitterPosition on high DPI when SplitContainerControl was added by UserControl.
  • SimpleButton - "Parameter is not valid" is thrown after disposing of an image.
  • SimpleButton - The postion is changed at runtime when the AutoSize property is enabled.
  • SplitContainerControl - Anchored controls are padded on high DPI screens.
  • SplitterControl does not move when the touch display is used.
  • The AccessViolation exception occurs when popup editors have shadows.
  • The seconds and milliseconds sections are incorrectly formatted in TimeSpanEdit.
  • The XtraForm.RightToLeftLayout option affects the position of form button images.
  • TimeSpanEdit - Edit/DisplayMask is ignored if MaxHours is set.
  • TimeSpanEdit - Implement Min\Max value properties like in DateEdit.
  • TimeSpanEdit - It is not possible to set the count of fractional digits for hundredths of seconds.
  • TimeSpanEdit - Provide MinValue/MaxValue properties.
  • TokenEdit closes when the left key is pressed.
  • XtraForm - The SC_CLOSE flag of the close menu item isn't taken into account for the close button.
  • XtraMessageBox - The Show method returns an incorrect result if the dialog is closed programmatically.
  • XtraTabControl - The page tab does not resize correctly when PaintStyleName is set to PropertyView.

XtraGauges Suite

  • GaugeControl uses an incorrect direction for animation in certain cases.

XtraGrid Suite

  • ExcelFilter - MethodAccessException occurs in the IFilterUIEditorProperties.Assign method.
  • GridView's popup menus disappear after displaying a dialog box for selecting a certificate.
  • A display format of the owner column or the assigned repository item is not applied to the trackbar's tooltip in the Excel-Inpired filter's dropdown.
  • AutoFilterRow uses the Like operator when the cell editor is TokenEdit.
  • Documentation - The BaseView.ValidatingEditor Event topic is incorrect.
  • Excel Inspired Filtering - Numeric columns are incorrectly filtered when the DataItem.Text property is changed in the FilterPopupExcelData event handler and FilterMode is DisplayText.
  • Excel Style Filtering - OverflowException when using uint values.
  • ExcelFilter - MethodAccessException occurs in the GetAnnotationAttributes method.
  • FindPanel uses the "-" character without a space as a special symbol if the filtered column is specified.
  • FormatException occurs in the ExcelFilter popup when FilterButton is clicked and text is entered into AutoFilterRow.
  • Grid - Cannot navigate to certain items in the Checked Filter Popup using incremental search when the Hungarian culture is applied.
  • Grid - Column headers disappear when clicking them after they took part in merged grouping.
  • Grid - NullReferenceException is thrown when printing group summaries that are hidden using CustomSummaryExists.
  • Grid - Prevent an AutoFilterRow value from being cleared when selecting another filter operator.
  • Grid - Rows overlap each other if they have different heights when AllowPixelScrolling is enabled.
  • Grid - The filter is incorrectly built when filtering the System.Double column using the Numeric Filters tab in the Excel filter popup.
  • Grid - The list of Auto Filter Row operators is populated according to the column's type when the column's FilterMode is DisplayText.
  • Grid - The view's caption has a constant height in an exported document.
  • GridControl - A column is exported as an empty column when AdvBandedGridView is used and the Printable option is disabled.
  • GridControl - An additional column is grouped when it is sorted and group merging is used.
  • GridControl - Cells are not properly merged when scrolling a grid.
  • GridControl - Drag and drop is not working with the and hotfixes.
  • GridControl - Drop-down windows of custom filter conditions in the Excel style filter popup cannot be resized.
  • GridControl - Rows of partially visible Detail Views are duplicated after the RefreshData method is called.
  • GridControl - Showing MessageBox in the TileView.ItemPress event handler allows a tile to be clicked even though the view is no longer visible.
  • GridControl - Thai text is not painted in group rows when the AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow property is set to True and the MultiSelectMode property is set to CheckBoxRowSelect.
  • GridControl - The RepositoryItemDateEdit.NullText property is not taken into account when a filter value is shown in an Excel filter drop-down window for a DateTime column.
  • GridControl - Ungrouped columns are not moved to their original position when the AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow option is enabled.
  • GridControl isn't updated when a field value of the underlying source which implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface is changed.
  • GridView - Incorrect images are shown for rows that were invisible when the GetThumbnailImage event is handled.
  • GridView - Scrolling works incorrectly when the ScrollStyle property is set to a non-default value and the Grid is groped by a column.
  • GridView - System.TypeLoadException is thrown when an attempt to open the Excel filter popup.
  • GridView is painted incorrectly on scrolling if preview rows are shown.
  • If a page which has a vertical splitter is opened in GridDesigner, the left panel becomes smaller each time the GridDesigner is opened.
  • LayoutViewField's caption is truncated if TextAlignMode is set to AutoSize and LayoutView.Appearance.FieldCaption.FontStyleDelta is set to Bold.
  • Specific RTF text in a RichTextEdit column causes an exception during export to Excel.
  • The "File error: data may have been lost" error occurs when exporting unbound columns as formulas in XLS format.
  • The Data Aware exporting mechanism incorrectly creates a formula if summaries' display format contains redundant space symbols.
  • The HighPriority option is ignored if a rule is created by using the Conditional Formatting menu.
  • The InvalidCast exception occurs when the Guid column is filtered using the GridView.ActiveFilterString property and the Excel filter is opening.
  • The RepositoryItem's mask isn't taken into account when GridView is exported to Excel in WYSIWYG mode.
  • The width of an Excel style filter's drop-down window is incorrectly calculated when CurrentCulture is set to "ru-Ru".
  • The WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultSettingsCompatibilityMode property doesn't allow reverting to the previous AutoFilterRow search behaviour.
  • The WinExplorerView doesn't clear PressedInfo when a Drag&Drop operation begins.
  • The FormatException is thrown when a user opens the dropdown of LookUpEdit placed in the Dates tab of the Excel-Inspired filter if a column is filtered by another column that contain dates.
  • TileView - GetThumbnailImage event fires again for every visible row on checking a tile when grouping is used and CacheImages is set to false.
  • TileView - The Column's DisplayFormat is ignored.
  • TileView - The CustomColumnDisplayText event does not fire in v17.1.3.
  • TileView - Unsupported sections are shown in the Feature Browser of the Grid Designer.
  • TileView is scrolled to an incorrect position when ActiveFilter is changed.
  • TileView.GetCheckedRows() returns an incorrect value in the ItemCheckedChanged event handler.
  • WindowsFormsSettings.ColumnFilterPopupMode is not applied.
  • WinExplorerView - An editor is not shown when a user double-clicks the description field.
  • WinExplorerView - Checkboxes in groups aren't refreshed when applying a filter.
  • WinExplorerView - Format conditions are not applied when hovering over an item.
  • WinExplorerView - Format conditions are not re-calculated when data is changed.
  • WinExplorerView - Images are not reloaded in async mode when a row is deleted and multi-selection is enabled.
  • WinExplorerView - Items aren't completely selected in ListView mode when the AllowHtmlText option is enabled.
  • XtraGrid - Drop-down editors of the EditForm stop reacting to mouse clicks if an attempt to close the parent form is canceled.
  • XtraGrid - Group rows are duplicated while printing and exporting if the GridOptionsPrint.PrintSelectedRowsOnly option is enabled.
  • XtraGrid - The Excel filter popup uses inverted filter conditions (IsNull and IsNotNull) for the "ru-RU" locale.
  • XtraGrid - The FocusedRowObjectChanged event doesn't fire when the focus moves from the AutoFilterRow to the first row in Server Mode.
  • XtraGrid Export - The e.Value parameter of the CustomizeCell event is Null when processing custom summaries.
  • XtraGridControl - Make service items ("All", "Empty" and "Null") more noticeable in the new Excel Style dialog.
  • XtraGridControl - MSAA (Microsoft Active Accessibility) picks data from a cell that is above the hovered one when the AutoFilterRow feature is enabled.
  • XtraGridControl - The FindPanel is painted incorrectly after changing the TileViewItem's background color.
  • XtraGridControl - The GridView checkbox column selector does not update the current group row's checked state.
  • XtraGridControl - The NullReferenceException is thrown when multiple column grouping is used in Server Mode.
  • XtraGridControl - The SetRowCellValue method does not add a predetermined value to a corresponding AutoFilterRow's cell.

XtraLayout Suite

  • A LayoutControlGroup is incorrectly drawn on resizing if its LayoutMode is set to Table and its cell contains another LayoutControlGroup.
  • Blue theme - Labels in the layout control change their fore color from black to blue under certain circumstances.
  • ChartControl - Scrolling using the keyboard does not work when a chart is embedded in LayoutControl.
  • DataLayoutControl causes Visual Studio crash when checking a field in the Manage Data Bindings window.
  • SplitContainerControl's position is restored incorrectly after calling the WorkspaceManager.LoadWorkspace method.
  • XtraLayout - Handles for LayoutControl's scroll bars are created before the control is made visible.


  • A Polyline shape file is not property rendered after an upgrade.
  • Incorrect coordinates of MapPolygon's center after moving the polygon.
  • Loading data from a KML file - The ExtendedData attribute is not supported.
  • The Items.Remove method works incorrectly.
  • The KML importing routine causes an internal exception in certain sitautions.
  • The MapControl displays the Bing map with a smaller level of details as compared to the online Bing Map.
  • The PRIMEM parameter is not loaded from the projection file (*.prj).
  • Usability - There is no capability to specify the DBF encoding type when exporting shapefile data.


  • SearchControl - The client of the control can be accessed when it's disposed of by the finalizer.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • Field List - The PopupMenuShowing event is not triggered in certain situations.
  • LayoutVersion isn't saved in PivotGrid's design-time designer.
  • PivotGridControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when trying to assign LinqServerModeSource to the pivot grid at design time.
  • The current cell value is duplicated when pressing Tab in an in-place editor.
  • The Export operation performance significantly decreases after the upgrade from version 15.2.9.
  • The Field Header image is not updated when ImageIndex is changed if the field is hidden in the Customization Form.
  • The FilterValues.Values collection includes the Null (Blank) value after clearing a filter.
  • The PivotGridControl.EditValueChanged event is fired twice when the EditorShowMode option is set to MouseDown.
  • The value of the edited cell is applied to all other cells.

XtraPrinting Library

  • It is impossible to alter advanced printing options at the printer driver's level when printing through the DevExpress PrintDialog.
  • PrintEditorForm - Provide children controls with meaningful names and mark them with a protected modifier.
  • Printing preview German localization - EditingFields are not translated.
  • Reports appear twice in the document source editor.
  • The Printer Dialog does not use page setting from the PrintableComponentLink control's properties.

XtraReports Suite

  • Document Preview - The AutoFitToPagesWidth option doesn't work correctly for a multi-column XtraReport.
  • A cell is printed twice if its Rowspan property is greater than 1.
  • A Report Parameter with the popup control doesn't work after the upgrade to v16.2.3.
  • Cell merging results are lost when the PrintOnPage event is handled and a margin in print preview is changed.
  • Child form title text disappears in the parent form title after showing the child form.
  • Compiling report scripts in C# 7.0 projects can cause certain runtime errors (e.g, System.Runtime DLL is not found).
  • DetailReport.GetCurrentRow throws the "Index was outside the bounds of the array" exception in the calculated filed's GetValue event handler in case the report is grouped by this field.
  • DocumentViewer's visible area is calculated incorrectly when the "Whole Page" zooming is applied.
  • DOCX Export - Controls with paddings are exported incorrectly in SingleFilePageByPage mode when the TableLayout option is disabled.
  • End-User Report Designer - The Scripts Errors window and menu item are still visible even if the execution of the scripts is denied in an application.
  • GroupUnion.WithLastDetail doesn't work as expected under certain layout configurations.
  • Hide the XRZipCode report control from the toolbox in End-User Report Designers because it is only actual for specific countries.
  • It is impossible to import a report of supported third-party vendors.
  • Legacy Report Wizard is not localizable.
  • Only the first page of the report previewed by using the RemouteDocumentSource is printed when the PrintTool.Print method is used.
  • Provide the capability to import localized XRPageInfo fields from Crystal Reports.
  • Report Designer - Changing chart borders in the Chart Designer results in incorrect XRChart appearance.
  • Report Designer - Editing a Label Format String in a smart tag does not save changes.
  • Report Wizard - AddGroupingLevelPage wizard page does not display button images correctly in Touch UI Mode.
  • Report Wizard - SelectColumnsPage displays properties of the interface/custom type.
  • Report Wizard - SelectColumnsPage doesn't take the BrowsableAttribute value into account.
  • Reporting | XRBarCode - A meaningful error message should be presented to a user when there is no data to represent.
  • RTF Export - Controls with paddings are incorrectly exported in SingleFilePageByPage mode.
  • Script references with an absolute path cannot be resolved.
  • Scripting - A reference of the ScriptingReport assembly isn't bound to the latest built assembly.
  • ScriptingReport - Components aren't copied to the ComponentStorage when a report is previewed in Visual Studio.
  • The Chart designer is always shown when the chart is added from the toolbox.
  • The DetailReportBand.GetCurrentColumnValue method call returns null after converting a project from v 15.2 to v16.2.
  • The DevExpress.Images.v17.1 DLL is not found when opening the XRPivotGrid designer.
  • The ReportPrintOptions.DetailCountOnEmptyDataSource property isn't in effect when a report's data source object contains no entries.
  • The System.InvalidCastException is thrown when an MS Access report is imported to the XtraReport in Visual Studio 2017.
  • The XRRichText control cuts text between report pages.
  • WPF End user report designer - Inteactive sorting not working.
  • XRChart - It's not possible to set the ChartControl.BorderOptions.Color property value using the Chart Designer.
  • XRRichText - Provide the capability to load documents opened for editing in another program.
  • XRTable - A table within XRPanel is exported incorrectly if its Rowspan property is set to a custom value.
  • XtraReport - CalculatedField's Expression doesn't produce the correct value due to a collision with the report parameter's display name.
  • XtraReport - Handle the situation where a temporary DLL with scripts is locked or missing.
  • XtraReport - The original alignment of side-by-side XRSubreports printed at the bottom is not preserved on several pages.
  • XtraReport - XML-based serialization doesn't restore a subreport instance.
  • XtraReports scripts validation result depends on the number of script's code lines.


  • ArgumentException occurs on an attempt to print a specific document containing a floating object with a very small width.
  • Cell Alignment buttons in the ribbon do not reflect the actual alignment of a selected cell.
  • Export of an HTML file to PDF via the RichEditDocumentServer ExportToPdf() method.
  • NullReferenceException occurs during loading an Html document which doesn't contain a closing <tbody> tag.
  • PDF export incorrectly processes a RichEditControl document's content if this document uses a specific font.
  • RichEditControl has low document loading performance if a document contains a lot of bookmarks.
  • RichEditControl ignores settings specified with the \t switch for the TOC field.
  • The automatic font color is calculated incorrectly if a table cell and the paragraph background have different hues.
  • The DocumentCapabilities.ParagraphStyle property settings affect the loaded text that contains a bulleted or numbered list.
  • The position of comments is incorrect after loading a document to RichEditControl.
  • The 'There is not enough memory or disk space to update the display' error occurs when a DOC file created by the RichEdit control from a specific HTML file is opened in Word.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • "Export completed with N entries skipped due to recurrence rules not supported by MS Outlook" exception is incorrectly raised while exporting changed occurrences to Outlook calendar.
  • "Source" appointments are incorrectly rendered as "regular" appointments while being dragged in the SchedulerControl views.
  • A TimeLineView layout is calculated incorrectly on dragging appointments when the TimelineView.CellsAutoHeightOptions option is enabled.
  • Add a capability to disable scrolling the DateNavigator calendars by moving a mouse with a pressed left button.
  • An appointment pattern's Start date is not adjusted to the start of the first occurrence.
  • Custom content is drawn in a wrong area when the CustomDrawAppointment and CustomDrawAppointmentBackground events are handled for the Agenda view.
  • DateNavigator - The SpecialCalendarDate event isn't raised.
  • New status colors aren't rendered in the appointment flyout.
  • Scheduler *.ics export is not WYSIWYG in certain cases.
  • Scheduler crashes on deleting a recurring appointment instance.
  • Scheduler does not show the tooltip in the MDI form.
  • The All-day appointment layout is incorrect after assigning a multi-line text to the resource header captions in the LayoutViewInfoCustomizing event.
  • The Appointment Edit form isn't opened after double-clicking the day header area in the Month view.
  • The Appointment Flyout content cannot be localized.
  • The long appointment subject isn't wrapped in the appointment flyout.
  • The resource name is replaced with the '(Any)' word in the Agenda view when this resource is filtered out.
  • The TimelineCells control shifts to the next page when the TimelineCells.VerticalLayoutType property is set to Tile and the appointment height is too large to fit all appointments on the first page.


  • ArgumentException occurs when deleting the last word in a chain of repeating misspelled words and then attempting to change another word in this chain using the Spelling dialog.
  • NullReferenceException occurs on an attempt to delete a repeating word using the Word spelling form.
  • The "http" string is underlined in RichEditControl when the IgnoreUri option is enabled and a specific Hunspell dictionary is used for spell checking.
  • The Run language is incorrectly retrieved from a specific document.
  • Underline isn't removed for misspelled words located before the caret position after performing the "Ignore All" operation using the Spelling form.


  • A saved document that contains a chart is corrupted if the chart's Placement property is set to MoveAndSize but the second anchor point is not specified.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown after changing a Table.Range property value.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown after moving a cell with External Reference.
  • Clicking the Enter check button does not close the Insert Function Form and the Enter check button is not disabled when the Reference Editor is active.
  • Clipboard - SpreadsheetControl inserts a tab-delimited text that contains an odd number of quotes into a single cell.
  • Clipboard content is cleared after the Worksheet visibility is restored.
  • Images in auto-generated toolbars are too big compared to previous versions.
  • InvalidCastException when loading a document containing a Bubble chart with switched rows and columns.
  • It is impossible to open an Excel file with the DesvExpress.Spreadsheet.v15.2.core library.
  • NullReferenceException on an attempt to export a specific document to PDF.
  • NullReferenceException when pressing the Enter key in a cell without selecting a value in the data validation list.
  • Shape hyperlinks are wrong after saving a document to XLSM.
  • Some strings translated in Czech are truncated in the "New Formatting Rule" dialog.
  • Spreadsheet - It's not possible to obtain the full chart data range selected on initial chart creation.
  • System.ArgumentException is thrown while opening a file if several items in the document's pivot cache have the same key.
  • The "Save Credentials" dialog is not shown while adding a "mail-merge" data source if the DataSourceWizard.AlwaysSaveCredentials parameter is false.
  • The SUMIF() function returns incorrect results when non-English regional settings are used.
  • There is no capability to specify the "resolve overlapping" option for axis labels in the Spreadsheet Chart.
  • XtraSpreadsheet - Implement an option that would allow collapsing/expanding groups when Spreadsheet is read-only.
  • XtraSpreadsheet - StackOverflowException occurs when a new node is added to TreeList bound to the RangeDataSource.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • A column's BestFit does not work when AllowBandColumnsMultiRow = true.
  • Memory leak - TreeList is not disposed of since it is held by the static CreateCustomNodeEventArgs.Default property.
  • TreeList - A custom group summary is not exported when the GetCustomSummaryValue event is used.
  • TreeList - A data bar is not shown if a format rule's ColumnApplyTo property is set to a column that is different from a column specified by the Column property.
  • TreeList - A disabled filter is applied when searching data by using the Find Panel.
  • TreeList - A regular filter's drop-down list is shown for a newly added column if an Excel filter's drop-down window was opened for another column.
  • TreeList - Handling the CustomDrawEmptyArea event does not affect the control's appearance.
  • TreeList - NullReferenceException occurs in the CellInfo.CheckHAlignment method when using several TreeLists in multiple threads.
  • TreeList - The e.Column parameter can be null in the GetNodeDisplayValue method.
  • TreeList - There is no simple way to convert FilterConditions to modern filters in version 17.1.
  • TreeList doesn't allow editing after the EndCurrentEdit method is invoked in the CellValueChanged event handler and KeyFieldName/ParentFieldName are set.
  • TreeList with the applied Unbound mode moves focus up once a node is deleted.
  • TreeList with the Unbound mode applied moves focus up once child nodes of a node are deleted.
  • XtraTreeList - A vertical scrollbar is not hidden after collapsing a node if its in-place editor is active.
  • XtraTreeList - Clicking a cell throws NullReferenceException when bands are used with the multi selection feature.
  • XtraTreeList - The Excel-inspired filter dropdown does not use the display format of the owner column.
  • XtraTreeList - TreeListControlState is incorrect when a node is dragged.
  • XtraTreeList ignores changes in the check state field made at the object level even if the OptionsBehavior.AllowRecursiveNodeChecking option is disabled.


  • TreeMapGradientColorizer - The color is not applied if you have only one item.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • PropertyGridControl - RepositoryItemButtonEdit's ButtonClick event is not raised on the first click when ShowButtonMode = ShowAlways and MultiSelect = true.
  • PropertyGridControl - Row settings set at design time aren't taken into account after setting the SelectedObject property at runtime.
  • PropertyGridControl - The error icon is not displayed inside a cell.


  • GroupControl in XtraWizardControl - The back color is incorrect after the Office 2016 skin is applied.
  • WizardControl - The page's content is shifted on high DPI screens.
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms(英語版)



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