Actipro Editors for Universal Windows 2017.2

8月 24, 2017


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox control that allows text entry and provides suggestions for auto-completion. This kind of control is ideal for use in search query and quick launch kinds of scenarios.
  • Added a new QuickStart to showcase the AutoCompleteBox control.
  • Added the PartEditBoxBase.TextAlignment property to control the alignment of the text area (i.e. right-align numeric edit boxes).
  • Updated date selection in a DateEditBox's popup calendar to close the popup.
  • Updated EnumEditBox used in PropertyGrid to automatically pass the enumeration type in, which is useful when multiple data objects of the same type are being edited.
  • Added the CanReuseBrush property to BrushEditBox, BrushPicker, and GradientStopSlider, which can be set to false to create a new brush instance on any update. This is needed when binding to values using value converters.


  • Fixed a bug where clicking the Today button on a MonthCalendar with CanRetainTime set would clear the time.
  • Worked around a Visual Studio bug that prevented certain controls from appearing in the designer successfully
Actipro Editors for Universal Windows

Actipro Editors for UWP(英語版)



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