CodeRush for Roslyn 17.1.8

コード解析機能を改善、.NET Core 2.0をサポート
9月 26, 2017


  • .NET Core 2.0 Support
    • You can now use the CodeRush for Roslyn Unit Test Runner to run .NET Core 2.0 tests and calculate Code Coverage in Portable PDB debug-symbols-format projects.
    • Unit Test Runner is now even faster when running .NET Core test cases.
  • Code Formatting
    • Added a new code formatting feature that enables you to specify spacing options in your code.
    • CodeRush for Roslyn Spacing options allow you to add or omit spaces around virtually every part of code. It is more flexible than the built-in Visual Studio code formatting options. Spacing style is applied using Code Cleanup.
    • Improved XAML Formatting with the ability to format markup extensions. You can now use the following options:
      • Break arguments apart only if they exceed the specified number. You can set a threshold argument count to determine whether argument splitting occurs, as well as a maximum number of arguments per line.
      • Align markup extension arguments with first argument.
  • Code Analysis
    • This release includes a beta version of a new feature, NullReferenceException Analysis. This feature identifies unprotected code that may unintentionally raise NullReferenceExceptions.
    • Null-reference exceptions often occur in edge-case scenarios, and tend to remain undetected even after publishing your software. These bugs are challenging for developers to find and are often discovered by customers after your app has shipped.
    • CodeRush for Roslyn now identifies code that may be at risk to raising a NullReferenceException. You can turn this feature on for C# (it is disabled by default) on the Editor | All Languages | Static Code Analysis options page.
  • Refactorings and Code Providers
    • Added a new Add XML Comments Code Provider. Using it you can instantly add an XML doc comment to a member.
    • If you use Add XML Comments for a member that is an override or an interface implementation, the XML doc comment is based on the documentation found in the interface or ancestor class. If the target method has no base method or its base method or interface declaration has no XML comment, the code provider generates an empty XML comment with the correct structure.


  • Code Analysis - CRR0026 diagnostic works incorrectly for empty methods used in assignments.
  • Code Analysis - CRR0026 diagnostics should not be processed for constructors.
  • Code Providers - The "Promote to parameter" feature incorrectly works for optional parameters.
  • Naming Assistant - IntelliSense is broken in Visual Basic after symbol typing if "Enabled Naming Assistant" is enabled.
  • Navigation - Tab to Next Reference - add a way to customize highlighting style.
  • Refactorings - Convert to Property with Change Notification incorrectly produces new code if the SetProperty method was present in the initial one.
  • Refactorings - Move Type to Namespace incorrectly processes partial classes with nested xml comments.
  • Selection Embedding - The Embed Selection ToString feature should correctly process double quotation marks in selected code.
  • Smart Semicolon doesn't work properly if a whitespace is added before close parenthesis.
  • Templates - The "le" template unexpectedly expands in the comment located in the same line with the preprocessor directive.
  • Unit Testing - 'Go to Class' doesn't work for Paramaterized Test Fixtures.
Static Code Analysis options page.




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