DevExpress WPF 17.1.8

11月 10, 2017


All WPF Controls

  • The UpdateApplicationThemeName method applies a theme even if the UseLegacyDefaultTheme property is enabled.

DXCharts for WPF

  • Animated scrolling via pan freezes when the mouse is moved over a chart.
  • Axis elements are not visible after adjusting the Series item visibility in certain situations.
  • Axis Labels from invisible axis elements affect the ChartControl rendering performance.
  • Chart - OutOfMemoryException is thrown when applying a logarithmic scale on negative axis values.
  • Data Binding - The Series data source value cannot be extracted in certain cases.
  • Data Binding - Unhandled exception when processing INotifyCollectionChanged events in certain cases.
  • InvalidOperationException occurs when assigning ChartControl to ContentControl in certain cases.
  • Line Series - Line is rendered incorrectly after adjusting the line thickness at runtime.
  • Range Bar series points are added to the visual tree and rendered slowly.
  • Secondary Y-Axis range calculation behavior is incorrect in certain situations.
  • Side By Side Bar series overlap each other after the Series collection is updated in code.
  • The PieSeries2D.Rotation property behavior is incorrect when the ChartControl.AnimationMode property is not set to Disabled.

DXControls for WPF

  • A binding error occurs in FilterEditor when GridControl is located in a popup.
  • NotifyIconService.ContextMenu doesn't work if the owner Window is hidden immediately after being created.
  • The "Unable to obtain public key for StrongNameKeyPair" exception is thrown on starting applications with DevExpress controls on some machines.
  • ThemedWindow - Window buttons do not work if the window contains BarManager and RibbonControl.

DXDiagram for WPF

  • Diagram connectors are sometimes drawn with unnecessary line jumps in the Expand/Collapse demo.

DXDocking for WPF

  • The "Resource not found" warning occurs when the last DocumentPanel is closed.

DXEditors for WPF

  • CPU usage when ODataInstantFeedbackDataSource is used.
  • FlyoutControl is incorrectly positioned in a system on monitors in Landscape and Portrait orientation.

DXGrid for WPF

  • Data rows are incorrectly updated in a grouped GridControl when a new data item is added to its data source.
  • GridControl - The RowIndicator's mouse click does not select a corresponding row if the mouse cursor is located in the center of this row indicator and the ShowSelectionRectangle property is set to True.
  • GridControl in Drag&Drop mode - HintControl shows values with an incorrect color when the MetropolisDark theme is enabled.
  • GridControl throws StackOverflowException when AllowLeaveInvalidEditor is enabled in certain scenarios.
  • Selection is cleared on GridControl scrolling when the Selection Rectangle feature is enabled.
  • Setting the TopRowIndex property to a new value does not bring a corresponding data row into view when TableView's AllowFixedGroups is True.
  • Shift+Click doesn't allow deselecting rows when ShowSelectionRectangle is enabled.
  • The ShowEditForm command doesn't have the CanExecute method.

DXMap for WPF

  • An unhandled exception occurs when refreshing the ListSourceDataAdapter data source and changing the active view at runtime.
  • Internal exceptions are raised if certain data is unavailable in the DBF file.
  • It is impossible to define ZIndex in Cluster Items.
  • Shapefile is loaded incorrectly when the projection type is Lambert Conformal Conic and its "central_meridian" parameter value is greater than zero.
  • The ArgumentOutOfRange exception is raised if the map control is removed from a window when tiles are being loaded.
  • The MapItem visibility change is not reflected in a clustered element.
  • The ZoomToFitLayerItems method does not work if Clusterer is used.

DXNavBar for WPF

  • NavBarItem cannot recognize ImageSource in certain scenarios.

DXPivotGrid for WPF

  • Conditional Formatting - It is impossible to determine the type of the field calculated using CustomSummary.
  • Pivot Grid - The CustomCellDisplayText event changes the default data cell alignment in the print preview.
  • The Conditional Formatting menu displays a restricted list of options for unbound fields with a Custom SummaryType.
  • The Conditional Formatting menu does not display options for a field bound to a column that is missing in the underlying data source.
  • The TargedInvocation Exception is raised on dragging a data field with the applied Format Rule if the Async Mode is enabled.

DXPropertyGrid for WPF

  • NullReferenceException is raised in PropertyGridControl when the PropertyDefinition.IsReadOnly property is bound.
  • The Remove buttons are visible when PropertyDefinition is applied to a collection property.

DXRibbon for WPF

  • BarEditItem - An internal TextEdit element cannot be focused from code.
  • DXRibbonWindow cannot be dragged using the RibbonControl header.
  • GalleryItem in the RibbonGalleryBarItem (inside a Ribbon) is not always in the visible area when it is selected programmatically.
  • RibbonControl - Visibility of scrolling buttons is not updated when they are clicked.
  • Scroll buttons in RibbonControl aren't always visible when there is no enough space to display all items.
  • Small BarItems don't change their size according to the available space when links are removed from RibbonPageGroup.

DXRichEdit for WPF

  • An extra cell appears after splitting a table that contains merged cells.

DXScheduler for WPF

  • The "Handler has not been registered with this event." exception is thrown when an appointment is resized/created in certain cases.

DXScheduler for WPF (Legacy)

  • Cell tooltips are shown only for the first visible resource in TimelineView.
  • The appointment selection border isn't displayed in Office2013 and Offic2016 themes.

DXSpreadsheet for WPF

  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException on clicking outside an inplace editor containing formulas when custom editors are used.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown if the SpreadsheetControl.Dispose method is called before the SpreadsheetControl unload.
  • Pressing the Enter key in the Formula Bar does not submit a currently entered value.
  • Provide the capability to suppress the warning message that is displayed on an attempt to edit a cell bound to a read-only field in the data source.
  • SpreadsheetControl does not import comments represented by "roundrect" shapes.
  • The confirmation message for worksheet deleting has an incorrect description.

DXTreeList for WPF

  • An exception is raised when the HitInfo.Column property is accessed in the RowDoubleClick event handler.

MVVM Framework

  • NavigationFrame keeps views with defined services in memory even if the NavigationFrame.NavigationCacheMode property is set to Disabled.
  • NotifyIconService is disabled after window closing is cancelled.
  • NotifyIconService's LeftClickCommand doesn't work with static commands.

PDF Viewer for WPF

  • Print Dialog - A paper source is selected incorrectly after the dialog is shown.

Theme Editor

  • The SearchPanel.xaml file does not contain the 'dx' namespace mapping definition.

XtraReports Suite

  • A report does not have a data source after loading a report layout from the file storage.
  • End-User Report Designer - The 'System.NullReferenceException' is thrown when closing a sub report's 'Parameter Bindings' dialog.
  • End-User Report Designer displays an empty window on an attempt to add a new data source for a report parameter.
  • System.InvalidOperationException with the "Sequence contains more than one element" message occurs on an attempt to sort a report.
  • Text pasted from the clipboard contains an additional character.
  • There is no way to define a report's margins in the End-User Report Designer if the SpinEdit.AllowRoundOutOfRangeValue property has the True value.
  • WPF Report Designer - The Field List is collapsed when a calculated field is added to a report.
DevExpress WPF

DevExpress WPF(英語版)



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