Actipro WPF Essentials 2017.2(ビルド0663)

1月 12, 2018



  • Added event that fires whenever the DockingWindow.DockHost property is changed on one or more windows.
  • Improved AdvancedTabControl tab drag handling when there is a single tab.
  • Adjusted how InteropFocusTracking handles mouse clicks on HwndHosts.
  • Improved InteropFocusTracking's handing of HwndHost.GotFocus notifications.
  • Improved InteropFocusTracking's active container tracking during docking window state changes.
  • Improved the drag stop logic to ensure that all docking window properties are updated properly before raising the WindowsDragged event.
  • Improved support for dragging docking windows between nested linked dock sites, and added support for holding the Shift key to target an outer dock host in this scenario.
  • Updated layout deserialization to try and focus a selected docking window if a docking window previously had focus.
  • Updated dock guides to support rendering outside of the dock host area when using non-hosted windows.


  • Added MaskedTextBox.MatchedText property, which should be used for data binding since it doesn't include any prompt characters like the normal Text property can.
  • Added the DateTimeEditBox.SetValueToTodayCommand property, that resets to DateTime.Today when executed.
  • Improved edit boxes to select entire text when a double-click occurs.
  • Updated the ColorPicker's alpha component edit box to be percentage-based.


  • Screen tips now support ToolTipService layout properties when a screen tip is used on a control outside the Ribbon.


  • Updated EditableContentControl to set the Content property back to its original value when the Esc key is pressed, indicating a cancel.


  • Updated the Theme Browser utility in the Sample Browser with a filter textbox.



  • Fixed a bug where the ToolWindow.IsSelected property could be true for an initially auto-hidden tool window.
  • Fixed a bug where a floating tool window's title bar context menu might show in the wrong location.
  • Fixed a bug where the MDI host could lose its DockSite reference after a remote desktop session reopens.
  • Fixed a bug where the DockSite's ActiveWindow and PrimaryDocument properties weren't updated after a docking window was dragged to a linked DockSite.
  • Fixed a bug when deserializing a tool window layout where a tool window in tabbed MDI might not open properly in the primary dock host.


  • Fixed a bug in AutoCompleteBox where clicking outside of the control might not always close it.


  • Fixed a bug where a window with WindowChrome that was initially maximized might not restore to a correct layout in a certain scenario.
Actipro WPF Essentials

Actipro WPF Essentials(英語版)



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