DevExpress Windows 10 Apps 17.2.5

1月 25, 2018


Charts for Windows 10 Apps

  • The SelectionChanged event works differently in Single and Multiple selection modes.

Editors for Windows 10 Apps

  • The SpinEdit.HorizontalContentAlignment property does not work.

Grid for Windows 10 Apps

  • A selected group row is not rendered when custom colors are used.
  • GridComboBoxColumn - DisplayMemberPath and ItemTemplate cannot be used simultaneously.
  • GridControl - Items from the Group context menu cannot be localized.
  • Grouping by DisplayText does not work.
  • Grouping by GridComboBoxColumn with SortMode=DisplayText is too slow.

MVVM Framework

  • Template Gallery - A project generated with the help of the Hamburger Menu item cannot be built if the target version is 1703 (Build 15063).

Windows 10 Apps Demos

  • InvalidOperationException is raised on an attempt to run Windows 10 Apps demos.
DevExpress Windows 10 Apps

DevExpress UWP (Windows 10 Apps)(英語版)



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