Syncfusion Essential Studio for UWP 2018 Volume 1

3月 22, 2018


  • Chart
    • Spline range area chart type - A new spline range area chart type has been added.
    • Bitmap support for range area chart type - Bitmap support has been added for the range area chart type.
  • Diagram
    • Preview dragging - Preview mode will enable the dragging of objects as an outline without affecting the original object.
    • Multiple parents - Tree layout and data sources will now support nodes having multiple parents.
    • Freehand drawing - Draw Bezier connections using freehand drawing.
    • Multiselection - Select multiple items from a suggestion list. There are two ways to perform multiselection.
    • Token representation - Selected items will be displayed with a customizable token representation. Users can remove each tokenized item with the close button.
    • Delimiter - Selected items can be divided with a desired character given as a delimiter.
    • Maximum display item with expander - Restrict the number of suggestions displayed. Load the remaining items by selecting Load More.
    • Match highlighting - Highlight matching characters in a suggestion list, enabling users to pick an item with more clarity.
    • Custom search - Filter items in the suggestion list based on a custom search by the user. This will help to apply custom typo toleration functionality to the control.
    • Performance - The performance of the autocomplete component has been improved with several optimizations that allow users to load and search a million items in a second.
  • Rich Text Box
    • Table autofit-to-content support - The rich text box control allows users to automatically adjust a table’s cell size based on its contents.
    • IME support - The rich text box control now supports the input method editor (IME), which allows the entering of complex script languages.
  • Spreadsheet
    • Hyperlink on images - Import hyperlinks on images, allowing users to navigate to a webpage or another place within a workbook when they click on an image.
  • Presentation
    • PowerPoint slide to image conversion - Presentation library now supports PowerPoint slide to image conversion in UWP.
  • Kanban
    • Swim lanes - Swim lanes are horizontal categorizations that allow you to organize your current workflow by different projects, teams, users, or other categories.
  • Image Editor
    • Zooming - Zoom and pan an image.
    • Adding toolbar items - Image editor toolbar items can be added, removed, edited, and customized with images and text.
    • Cropping with aspect ratios - Using built-in toolbar items, images can be cropped to aspect ratios 3:1, 4:5, 16:9, etc., or they can be reset to the original aspect ratio. Cropping can also be performed programmatically.
    • Serialization - The current state of image editor elements can be saved and loaded when needed on any platform or device.
    • Z-ordering - Place a shape in front of, behind, or between other shapes.
  • Pivot Grid
    • Save and load - Users can easily save and load the pivot grid control’s report and settings anytime, either in XML or stream format.
  • Pivot Chart
    • Save and Load - Users can easily save and load the pivot chart control’s report and settings anytime, either in XML or stream format.
  • Essential XlsIO
    • Filter enhancements - Essential XlsIO now allows data to be filtered by color and icon.
    • Export Excel data to business objects - To help populate business objects or model collections from an Excel worksheet, you can export Excel data into an IEnumerable collection, even for platforms that don’t support data tables.
    • Trace precedents and dependents - XlsIO assists users to trace the relationships between cells and formulas in Excel workbooks by providing the following abilities:
      • Get precedent ranges to see which cells are referenced in the active cell’s formula.
      • Get dependent ranges to see which cells contain a reference to the active cell.
    • Copy and paste enhancements - XlsIO now supports copying content and pasting it as a link, which pastes references of the source range instead of pasting values. When the original data changes, the information is automatically changed where the content was pasted as a link.
Swim lanes

Syncfusion Essential Studio UWP(英語版)



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