MindFusion.Scheduling for JavaScript V1.1

6月 11, 2018


  • New Properties - New ItemSettings.titleFormat and ItemSettings.tooltipFormat properties help improve the appearance of schedule Items.
  • VSDoc Intellisense - The MindFusion.Scheduling-vsdoc.js file that is included in the distribution archive now lists all properties of a class, not only the class and its methods. All members are listed with their brief API description.
  • React Samples - All samples can now be run using “create-react-app”.
  • API Documentation Includes Class Inheritance - The library documentation - both online and offline - has been extended to include base classes for each JavaScript class, if they exists. For base classes, it lists all classes that inherit from them.
MindFusion.Scheduling for JavaScript

MindFusion.Scheduling for JavaScript(英語版)



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