DevExtreme 18.1.4

6月 21, 2018


Data Grid

  • Bootstrap 4 styles break the Data Grid edit commands.
  • A column is not hidden in adaptive mode (columnHidingEnabled) when adjacent columns have width specified in percent.
  • A fixed column shrinks beyond minWidth when columnResizingMode is a widget and the grid has no horizontal scrollbar.
  • Column Chooser with a large column list has a noticeable search input lag (slow performance).
  • Columns passed to the customizeExportData callback do not correspond to the values parameter of each row.
  • Column-specific filterOperations are not applied to an embedded FilterBuilder.
  • Filtering does not work when banded/grouped columns are used.
  • FilterPanel - The "$(...).trigger is not a function" error occurs on an attempt to click outside a popup window if "Any of" is used.
  • It is impossible to reset the column filter after page refresh if stateStoring is enabled.
  • Single selection doesn't work if columnRenderingMode and rowRenderingMode are set to 'virtual'.
  • tateStoring - Сolumn filters don't work when customLoad is used.
  • The "Cannot read property 'onResize' of null" error is thrown.
  • The "Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to use the Filter Builder when the first column does not contain the dataField option.
  • The "Cannot set property 'paginate' of undefined" error on an attempt to load the previous state if a column's Header Filter has a custom dataSource and the Filter Panel is enabled.
  • he allowFiltering option has no effect for FilterPanel in version 18.1.4-pre-18164.
  • The 'No function signature for the function with name 'substringof'...' error message is shown if search is performed in a popup filter window and an oData source is used.
  • The Revert button doesn't cancel changes for columns bound to a field of a complex property.
  • The row.isEditing parameter of the onCellPrepared event handler has an incorrect value under certain conditions.
  • alidated rows cannot be scrolled.
  • DataGrid bound to CustomStore omits data under certain conditions when remote operations are enabled.
  • DataGrid does not allow selecting rows properly when a row template with several tr tags is used.
  • DataGrid does not handle the error when DataSource is assigned.
  • DataGrid does not render the required mark in the Edit Form even if the required validation rule of a column is enabled.
  • DataGrid does not show the Error Row when updated values are invalid in the last row.
  • DataGrid does not switch a cell to Editing mode under certain conditions when the editCell method is called in the onContentReady event handler.
  • DataGrid does not validate hidden columns.
  • DataGrid inside Popup with Form is rendered incorrectly in IE.
  • DataGrid is not filtered if the rowRenderingMode property is set to 'virtual'.
  • DataGrid refreshes when a user clicks command column links if Angular Router is used.
  • DataGrid renders duplicated groups when infinite scrolling is enabled and data are grouped on the client side.
  • DataGrid throws the "Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined" TypeError when state storing and filtering are used.
  • DataGrid works slowly in IE on column resizing and reordering.
  • Edit form is not opened on the "Add Row" button click when the editing.mode option is changed to "popup" in the initNewRow event handler.
  • The cursor disappears in an autofilter row when a filter is applied if the columnAutoWidth property is enabled.
  • The grid doesn't fully clear the applied filter when resetting the grid's state in certain scenarios.
  • The "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error occurs on an attempt to filter a lookup column using the Header Filter.
  • The ColorBox preview overlaps its text in a grid cell.
  • The columnAutoWidth option does not work in the detail grid in version 18.1.
  • The rowInserted and rowRemoved events are not raised when the state storing is enabled in AngularJS.
  • The selection column collapses when an empty DataGrid is shown in the Safari browser in an iframe.

Data Visualization

  • Chart - Wrong export result when the chart has a multi-line title.
  • dxChart - Bar Chart - It is impossible to handle a double click event.
  • dxChart - Console warnings don't stop when the onIncidentOccurredFunction event is handled.
  • Vector map - Marker color does not reflect the layer.palette.

DevExtreme Core

  • DevExtreme Bundler does not work with Webpack 4.
  • List - The onItemReordered event handler is missing the itemData argument in Angular.
  • ODataStore - The byKey request adds the "?" symbol to the URL if jQuery is not used.
  • ODataStore - The Promise.then callback function should accept a single parameter.
  • SPA - Views - A cached view is not disposed of when the cache is cleared.
  • The "Interface 'DOMComponentOptions' incorrectly extends interface 'ComponentOptions'" error message is shown with TypeScript 2.6.
  • The form does not validate items if the ngIf directive is applied to an item in an Angular app.

DevExtreme Demos

  • DevExtreme is lacking Material Design theme CSS.
  • Lookup is rendered incorrectly when fullScreen and showCancelButton are true in the Material theme.
  • The dxButton 'type' option does not have any effect inside dxToolbar in the Material theme.
  • Theme Builder - Fonts have an incorrect path for a custom Material-based theme.

DevExtreme Tools

  • DevExtreme Project Converter does not add the woff2 files to a project after upgrading to 18.1.

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid is reloaded infinitely if the container's div style is set to "display:none".
  • PivotGrid does not display the "No data" text if its data source has no records and the calculateSummaryValue function is specified for the pivot grid's fields.


  • Vertical scrollbar does not work when a day is changed.
  • Appointments are not rendered if resources are loaded using Web API and the Group property is specified.
  • The "next month" skips one month period when a " 2 month view" is used.
  • The control layout is broken if its width is less than 400px and the view is workWeek.
  • The 'element.removeAttribute is not a function' error occurs when focusing a cell after refreshing the resources list.
  • The first repeated appointment is not displayed when a start day is Sunday if a recurrence expression contains the UNTIL rule.
  • The header and content row width is different in the timelineWeek view after the upgrade to version 18.1.
  • Timeline week view rendering can be incorrect when the cellDuration value is too large.
  • The Scheduler does not save recurrence exceptions in the start date time zone with the hotfix of the T619455 ticket.

Tree List

  • CalculateSortValue does not work properly when a filter is used.
  • Nodes jump on expanding under certain conditions.
  • The autoExpandAll option has no effect if the refresh method is called when the control is displayed in the Popup container.
  • TreeList shifts nodes when opening a node in certain circumstances.
  • TreeList throws an exception if keyExpr and parentIdExpr are specified as functions.

UI Widgets

  • A button displays an ellipsis instead of an icon if the Font Awesome icon v.5 is used.
  • A custom validation rule does not reset its value when the editor value is reset if the editor also has the required validation rule.
  • AutoComplete doesn't show a list of suggestions on pasting a value with the mouse.
  • Calendar - The disabledDates option causes the "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error.
  • ContextMenu - The menu disappears when the third-level sub menu is being opened on a mobile device.
  • DateBox - It's impossible to scroll dates in a drop-down window on iOS if pickerType is "rollers".
  • DateBox with the "time" type and the "rollers" picker type renders extra elements if the "min" or "max" option are defined.
  • Documentation - The "Generate a Data Object from Form Items" topic contains invalid code.
  • DropDownBox - Multiple Selection demo - It's not possible to open a drop-down window by using the arrow button after changing selection with the Angular approach.
  • dxButton - Two tabs are required to focus the widget and move to another editor when the UseSubmitBehavior option is set to "true".
  • dxForm - Groups nested in the tabbed form item cause the "Too much recursion" error in FireFox.
  • dxMap - The Bing provider doesn't update marker tooltips after the "isShown" property is set to false.
  • dxTagBox does not select initial values when dataSource is slow.
  • FileUploader is not switched to the initial state after dragging multiple files in Firefox if the multiple option is false.
  • For numeric columns, DataGrid sets a different caret position for different browsers.
  • Form - SelectBox calls the byKey method of the underlying CustomStore instantly on selection if the Form container is refreshed.
  • Form - TagBox width is incorrect in IE 11 if multiline is true.
  • Mobile Report Viewer - A Date parameter editor is larger than the width of the screen with the portrait orientation on mobile devices.
  • NumberBox - Two-way binding works incorrectly when min and max options are used.
  • Overlay-based widgets crash with an unclear error in case the target element doesn't exist.
  • RadioGroup does not display selected values when a page is printed.
  • ResponsiveBox renders an incorrect layout if its item is shown/hidden programmatically.
  • TagBox - The displayExpr option specified as a function does not work.
  • TagBox - The onSelectionChanged event gives inconsistent results for the addedItems / removedItems collection when the dataSource option is specified as a URL.
  • TagBox placeholder is not displayed under certain conditions.
  • TagBox removes previously selected tags when the minSearchLength option value is greater than 0.
  • TextBox - The clear button position is incorrect when the parent element has the 'text-align:center' style.
  • Widgets Gallery - The 'Providers and Types' demo throws the InvalidValue error (not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: not an Object).

DevExtreme Complete(英語版)



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