ExpressQuantumPack 18.1.5

9月 17, 2018


ExpressEditors Library

  • An application freezes on initializing a DLL file that references the dxTaskbarProgress unit.
  • cxCheckBox - The Properties.Glyph.Image.Source~ property values are ignored.
  • Find Panel - The parent control sets an incorrect size and position of the Search Box on changing the control's FindPanel.DisplayMode property value to fpdmAlways if the monitor DPI differs from 96.
  • TcxCustomComboBox descendants very slowly populate their Properties.Items property on creating a form.
  • TcxDBTimeEdit - The editor doesn't post the 12:00 value if the Properties.Use24HourFormat property is set to False.
  • TcxGroupBox is incorrectly scaled if the ParentFont property is set to False and the Anchors property is set to a value other than [akLeft,akTop].
  • TdxGalleryControl - Right-clicking a gallery item displays a popup menu prior to selecting this item if the OptionsBehavior.SelectOnRightClick property is set to True.

ExpressLayout Control

  • Item captions ignore subsequent LF characters (#10).

ExpressPrinting System

  • PDF Viewer Report Link - The report link prints a document on the current printer instead of printing it to file when the "Print to File" option is checked.
  • Scheduler Report Link - TimeLine Style - The minor time scale delimits the last time slot with an extra border line if the View's Scales.MajorUnit property is set to suDay.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Banded Table View - Add the capability to customize the order in which the Quick Column Customization drop-down list displays its columns.
  • In-place cxCheckComboBox - Activating the editor for the first time passes 0 as the Properties.OnEditValueToStates event handler's AValue parameter.
  • Table and Banded Table Views - An AV occurs on accessing the AViewInfo.EditBounds property within the View's OnCustomDrawCell event handler if there is no focused record in the View.
  • TcxGridPopupMenu - Invoking the built-in popup menu extended with a custom submenu causes the "Invalid class typecast" error if the ExpressBars Suite is installed and an action is linked to this submenu at runtime.

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • Copying a node using drag and drop doesn't copy the node's image indexes.
  • Documentation - The "How to Custom Paint Band Headers" help topic's code example contains errors.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Only the right border is painted for cells that display footer summary values if the Bezier skin is applied.


  • Assigning an incorrect expression to an "Expression" conditional formatting rule (TdxSpreadSheetConditionalFormattingRuleExpression object) twice results in memory corruption.
  • Releasing the mouse button during drag and drop activates the hyperlink located under the mouse pointer.
  • Sheet dimensions are incorrectly determined on loading certain XLSX documents.





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