SQL Clone v3.0.6

12月 14, 2018


  • Added "Images by source" view on the dashboard.
  • Added total number of clones and images to dashboard groups.
  • Can now create an image from a live database that has replication enabled.
  • Integrated with Data Masker vNext to mask images at creation time.


  • Limited modifications uploaded through the UI to a maximum of 1MB to avoid browser limits (PowerShell is not affected).
  • Fixed an issue where the SQL Clone Agent might incorrectly interpret an image as unavailable, and detach its clones.
  • When reordering files in the clone template form, the file currently being dragged is no longer invisible.
  • Fixed an issue where the Clone agent might incorrectly interpret an image as unavailable, and detach its clones.
  • Fixed an issue where the classification check doesn't run for default instances.
  • Fixed an error during image creating when formatting the VHD could fail.
SQL Clone

SQL Clone(英語版)

SQL Serverデータベースを瞬時に複製、ディスク容量を99%節約可能


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