RubyMine 2019.1

Dockerを大幅アップデート、Rubyプロファイラーを追加、Factory Botをサポート
4月 5, 2019



  • Rethink Docker with docker-compose exec - RubyMine adds support for docker-compose exec. Simply put, this command when enabled allows you to run and debug applications, install gems and do other development tasks faster than before.
  • Speed RubyMine up - In Experimental features, enable ruby.docker.internal.via.exec to speed up RubyMine when you're working with a Docker SDK. Now you can add gems, run rake tasks, rails commands and other things that update your environment, without rebuilding Docker images.

Recent locations

  • Recent locations popup - The new Recent Locations popup reinvents the way you navigate your codebase. This popup helps you find the actual code when you only remember what it was about, but don’t have any idea where you have seen it. Start typing to filter the results and jump to the code you need.


  • Profile applications - RubyMine 2019.1 integrates rbspy and provides a native profiler to help you discover parts of code that slow down your application and/or tests.
  • Attach to running apps - Note that you can attach the profiler (Find action / Attach Profiler to Process) to your running application and investigate it in real time!
  • Factory Bot
  • Autocomplete and navigate attributes - When you are adding a factory, RubyMine autocompletes its attributes and, if possible, their values too. For instance, for a Rails model factory, the IDE will autocomplete its fields with their content, and even associations. And of course you can navigate between the definitions and usages of those objects.
  • Autocomplete and navigate methods - When you are writing tests, you can autocomplete and navigate to the definitions of factory creation methods, such as create, build, build_stubbed, and others.
  • Full MVC integration - Added factories to the Related files popup (Navigate / Related symbol), and added a gutter that allows you to go to partial factory declarations if they exist.

Call Hierarchy

  • Investigate method calls - The new Call Hierarchy action helps you dig into methods (“callers”) that use the method you are investigating, the methods that call these callers, and further as deep as you need.


  • TruffleRuby support - RubyMine 2019.1 adds support for TruffleRuby! To switch your current Ruby SDK to TruffleRuby, make sure you have the interpreter installed, and choose it in the Ruby SDK settings.


  • Improved support for TypeScript in Vue apps - RubyMine now uses the TypeScript language service together with its own TypeScript support for any TypeScript code in .vue files. This means that you’ll now get more accurate type checking and type info, you will be able to use the quick-fixes provided by the service, and see all the TypeScript errors in the current file in the TypeScript tool window.
  • Highlighting for failed line in test - When you run tests with Jest, Karma, Mocha, or Protractor and some tests fail, you can now see right in the editor where the problem happened. The IDE will use the information from the stack trace and highlight the failed code. On hover, you’ll see the error message from the test runner and you can immediately start debugging the test.
  • New debugger console - Meet the new, improved interactive debugger console in the JavaScript and Node.js debug tool windows! It now displays objects using a tree view, and it supports styling of log messages with CSS and grouping them using and console.groupEnd(). You can also filter out any type of log messages.
  • Completion for npm scripts - When adding new scripts to the package.json file, the IDE now provides suggestions for available commands provided by the installed packages. After typing node, the IDE will suggest folder and file names. And after typing npm run, you’ll see a list of tasks defined in the current file.


  • Updated documentation - The documentation (F1) for CSS properties and HTML tags and attributes now shows up-to-date descriptions and information about the browser support from MDN as well as links to the full MDN articles.

Custom themes

  • New UI themes - You can now use the new colorful UI themes in RubyMine that are available as plugins. Choose between the Dark Purple, Gray, and Cyan Light themes, or create your own.

Database tools

  • Support for new databases: Greenplum, Vertica, and Apache Hive.
  • Code completion supports combined statements for CREATE and DROP.
  • Support for DEFINER attributes in MySQL and MariaDB.
  • Support for the Oracle mode in MariaDB.
  • You can now set the default folder for a project.

Other improvements

  • Ability to run and debug tests with Spring.
  • Polymorphic associations: supported source and source_type params.
  • Specify alternative gemfiles using bundle.config.
  • Specify local gems path using bundle.config.
  • I18n: support for default option.
  • Improved support for query field methods in Rails models.
Recent locations popup


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