SocketTools .NET Edition 10.0.1216.1586

12月 23, 2019


  • Changed the functionality of unregistering a web services application ID so that it no longer revokes the internal API key associated with it. This allows the ID assigned by the developer to be reused at a later time. Although the AppID can be reused, the key that is associated with that ID will change, and all objects previously created using that ID will be orphaned and expunged from storage.
  • Relaxed MIME address validation to accept email addresses that included whitespace between angle-brackets within an address string. These addresses can be parsed as long as the remaining components of the address are valid.
  • Updated the function declarations for C# and Visual Basic .NET to use the Unicode versions of functions, and corrected structure members to use UnmanagedType.LPTStr instead of UnmanagedType.LPWStr, which should only be used with COM interfaces.
  • Relaxed installation requirements to allow for valid email addresses that would otherwise be rejected. It is still required for developers to register their SocketTools license using an individual email address, and not a generic corporate-wide email address.
  • Minor improvements and updates to the documentation.


  • Corrected a problem that could prevent the SocketTools .NET 2.0 and 3.5 assemblies from loading on the 64-bit Windows XP platform.
  • Corrected an issue where some web services functions that should return a Boolean result would return a value of -1 if an error occurred. This would result in an operation appearing to succeed when it actually failed.
SocketTools .NET Edition

SocketTools .NET Edition (英語版)

Visual Studio向けのインターネット通信コンポーネント


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