Basic Primitives Diagram v5.6.x

1月 23, 2020


  • Adds placeAdvisersAboveChildren property - Sets default placement of advisers hierarchies relative to the regular children of the parent node. If adviser node has its own children then control adds extra levels, so advisers children are placed above level of the parent node children.
  • Adds placeAssistantsAboveChildren property - Sets default placement of assistants hierarchies relative to the regular children of the parent node. If assistant node has its own children then control adds extra levels, so assistants children are placed above level of the parent node children.
  • Added levelOffset property - Sets node level offset relative to parent node. This property is ignored if it is not applicable.


  • Fixed initial callout placement.
  • Fixed neighbors selection in family diagram having inactive nodes.
  • Fixed performance bug in the value reader.
Basic Primitives Diagram

Basic Primitives Diagram(英語版)



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