Actipro Editors for UWP 2020.1(ビルド0351)

8月 28, 2020


  • Added an IsNullAllowed property to DatePicker, DateTimePicker, and TimePicker, and changed their Value property type to be nullable DateTime. When null is allowed, a Clear button appears on the MonthCalendar.
  • Improved how numeric edit boxes parse whitespace within custom format string literals.
  • Improved the DoubleEditBox and SingleEditBox parsing of values when using a percentage format.
  • Updated Calculator to commit any pending operations when focus is lost.
  • Updated Calculator's handling and display of decimal points and trailing zeros.
  • Updated Calculator's handling of data entry following its Value property being changed externally.
  • Updated MaskedTextBox to move the caret past the literal characters in the mask when gaining focus.
Actipro Editors for UWP

Actipro Editors for UWP(英語版)



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