.netCHARTING 10.1

1月 7, 2021


  • Venn and Euler Diagrams - A new Venn and Euler diagram chart type has been added.
  • Automatic Venn Color Blending - Using the default ChartType.Venn option, venn diagram elements that are made up of two or more overlapping shapes will blend the underlying colors. Using the ChartType.VennColorByPoint option will assign a unique color to each element.
  • RTL Text Support - Now offers full right-to-left language support. The chart will automatically apply this feature when a RTL language culture string is specified.
  • Element.SecondaryColor Support - Secondary color is now applied for use with candlestick and bar series and circular bar (activity ring) charts.
  • Label.Outline Support - The native label outline capabilities of .netCHARTING are now supported in client side charts as well.
  • Three Highlighting Modes - Element and series highlighting is automatically enabled when hovering legend entries and element axis ticks.
  • Specify Hover Actions - You can specify the hover action of data elements, legend entries, and element axis ticks.
  • Native Series FirstElement and LastElement Properties - The native .netCHARTING series now support FirstElement and LastElement properties to specify the settings for the first and last elements.
  • Element.XAxisTick And YAxisTick Support - The x and y axis tick properties of element objects are now fully supported.
  • Native Axis.Crosshair Property and Support - The axis crosshair can now be set through the .netCHARTING Axis.Crosshair property.
  • Improved Tooltip Positioning - Tooltips are now smarter and more aware of elements around them.
  • Improved Chart Interactions Performance - General chart wide performance improvements.
  • Native Element.FocusGlow Property - This property defines the outline of elements when they are hovered.
Venn and Euler diagram chart




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