DevExpress VCL Subscription 20.2.7

4月 29, 2021


ExpressBars Suite

  • "Invalid class typecast" exception occurs when a form derived directly from TdxCustomRibbonForm is maximized or when the Ribbon Display Options menu is displayed if the form hosts a TdxRibbon control whose SupportNonClientDrawing property is True.

ExpressEditors Library

  • A property editor for TPicture, TGraphic, and their descendants converts an image pasted from the clipboard to a 32-bit TdxSmartImage object and discards the image's transparency information.
  • cxLookupComboBox - The ItemIndex property value is incorrect when the Properties.OnChange event occurs if the EditValue property value matches the focused record in the Properties.ListSource dataset and the Properties.ListOptions.SyncMode property is True.
  • In-place cxLookupComboBox - The editor displays no values for a column/row bound to the fkLookup dataset field.
  • TdxOpenFileDialog and TdxSaveFileDialog - A confirmation message freezes the application if it has the TcxShellComboBox editor whose Properties.IncrementalSearch property is set to True.


  • All controls with a translucent background are drawn black at design time in Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4.2 if the form's DoubleBuffered property is set to True.
  • TdxCloudStorage - An AV occurs when the Google Drive data provider obtains file structure information.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • An AV occurs when a user resizes or moves a floating object over a distance of more than one-page height if the active document view is not paginated.
  • The vertical ruler incorrectly displays a page's top margin.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Chart View - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs when the chart legend displays a number of items.
  • Server Mode - Table and Banded Table Views - The OnFindCriteriaBeforeChange and OnFindCriteriaChanged events are not published in a data controller.


  • Operators do not exclude microseconds when comparing date-time values.
  • The built-in "m/d/yy h:mm" formatting pattern (code 22) ignores locale settings.

ExpressDocking Library

  • TdxDockingController.LoadLayoutFrom~ procedure call incorrectly restores dimensions of the TdxFloatDockSite control if it is on a monitor whose DPI differs from the monitor where the main form is displayed.

ExpressPrinting System

  • TdxPDFViewerReportLink - Page margins are calculated incorrectly and document content is shifted in certain cases.


  • TdxRichEditControl - A context pop-up menu for the misspelled word does not include spellchecker commands if a custom pop-up menu is assigned to the Rich Edit control.


  • Viewer freezes on closing the document in certain cases if the OptionsSelection.Annotations property value is True.
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