Added new branching support for your MadCap Central Git repository:
Reviews on Branches - Added the ability to send files from MadCap Flare to individual branches for a review in MadCap Central.
Building Output for Specific Branches - Added the ability to easily build and publish your output for specific branches, rather than just the main branch.
View Files and Commits for Branches - Added the ability to verify the files and committed changes for specific branches pushed up from Flare.
Added new streamlined Git publishing features in MadCap Flare - You can now send and receive reviews for individual branches, build output in MadCap Central for individual branches, as well as select builds from specific branches for sites.
Branch Manager dialog enhancements for Git - The Branch Management dialog now lets you see both local and remote Git branches. This means you can easily get remote branches that you don't yet have locally.
Added new MadCap Central Git integration enhancements in MadCap Flare - Several new enhancements have been added to the UI to support branching, including the display showing the changes to be committed, commits to be synced, as well as the name of the current branch.
MadCap Central Git Integration Enhancements in MadCap Flare