DevExpress WPF 21.2.6

3月 3, 2022


DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF

  • A double click on the AutoFilterRow leads to a NullReferenceException if the RowDoubleClickCommand property is set.
  • ComboBoxEdit doesn't select an item from a popup when it is grouped.
  • GridControl bound to PagedAsyncSource doesn't show PagerControl in certain cases.

All WPF products

  • Cascading parameters do not work if the RemoteDocumentSource is used.
  • Report Designer crashes when you select XRControl into DetailReportBand and collapse this DetailReportBand.
  • SqlDataSource - Joining two tables results in an error (the Google BigQuery provider issue).
  • The "Value cannot be null" occurs on an attempt to navigate an error in Report Designer Analyzer.
  • The sumSum function is recognized as a custom function in the Edit Bindings dialog.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - Connecting to a PostgreSQL database results in the System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource type error.

DXCharts for WPF

  • Line Series with EmptyPointOptions are missing in the Legend in certain cases.
  • NullReferenceException occurs if PieSeries2D/3D has a Title with an empty 'Content' property.
  • The custom cursor specified in the QueryChartCursor event doesn't disappear when the mouse cursor is out of the chart region.
  • Hit-Testing works incorrectly when the IsDirectXSurfaceRendering mode is enabled.

DXDiagram for WPF

  • An InvalidOperationException occurs after re-selecting the Text Tool when a shape is already in edit mode.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs after changing connection points for a shape that already has connections.

DXDocking for WPF

  • DockLayoutManager throws a COMException on remote machines after updating to v21.2.5.
  • DockLayoutManager throws an InvalidOperationException when a window with this control is opened in certain cases.

DXEditors for WPF

  • ComboBoxEdit with TokenComboBoxStyleSettings does not release focus after another control is clicked.
  • New tokens can't be added after clicking on an already existing token.

DXLayoutControl for WPF

  • GroupBox is measured and arranged in a cycle in certain cases, which produces performance issues.
  • The bottom border of LayoutGroup in a GroupBox view is almost invisible in the Office2019Black theme.
  • The layout isn't generated if CurrentItem is set twice before initialization.

DXMap for WPF

  • Clustering works incorrectly for vector items at the 180 degrees longitude line.
  • Export - Custom controls are not displayed in the exported image.

DXPivotGrid for WPF

  • Pivot grid fields located inside the PivotFieldListControl don't have a context menu.
  • Validation error occurs in the Condition Formatting Rules Manager dialog in Microsoft .NET Core/.NET 5.

DXPrinting for WPF

  • RibbonPageCategoryControl.MeasureOverride throws NullReferenceException in certain scenarios.

DXRibbon for WPF

  • A non-lightweight BarEditItem is misaligned in Simplified mode if EditHorizontalAlignment is set to Left.
  • ComboBoxEdit is cut off in a non-lightweight BarEditItem if MiddleGlyph is assigned.
  • RibbonPageCategoryControl.MeasureOverride throws NullReferenceException in certain scenarios.

DXRichEdit for WPF

  • The underline style is incorrectly rendered when changing the style from Dashed to Single.
  • Usability - It is impossible to remove RichEditControl/SpreadsheetControl's menu item in XAML without referencing cross-platform command Ids (RichEditCommandId/SpreadsheetCommandId).

DXScheduler for WPF

  • An appointment disappears during dragging if the right mouse button is pressed.
  • An incorrect popup menu is shown in AgendaView for an appointment with zero duration.
  • It's not possible to navigate to the left using the Left key when the rightmost cell is selected in TimelineView.
  • SchedulerControl automatically stretches an appointment's part to the entire day after dragging if the appointment is longer than a day.
  • The time part is not specified in AllDay appointments by default.
  • TimelineView cannot correctly display intervals that are much smaller than a day.

DXSpreadsheet for WPF

  • IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown on an attempt to refresh the pivot cache.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown on an attempt to refresh a pivot table if a source table was removed and a new table with the same name and different column layout is created.
  • The 'Reference is not valid' exception is thrown on an attempt to refresh a pivot table if a source table was removed and a new table with the same name and column layout is created.
  • The SetValueFromText allows inserting a string longer than 32767 characters.
  • The Spreadsheet Document API/SpreadsheetControl does not preserve the "updateLinks" workbook property on saving an XLSX document.
  • Usability - It is impossible to remove RichEditControl/SpreadsheetControl's menu item in XAML without referencing cross-platform command Ids (RichEditCommandId/SpreadsheetCommandId).

PDF Viewer for WPF

  • Rendering - An optional content group is always visible regardless of its default visibility.
  • The PDF Document API library and PdfViewer don't preserve the "Unencrypted wrapper document" PDF 2.0 feature when resaving a PDF document.
  • Usability - There is no public API to access printer settings selected in the Print dialog.

Scaffolding Wizards

  • Scaffolding Wizard throws an ArgumentException when the specified Entity Framework model contains class A with property B and class A_B.

Themes and Theme Designer

  • Images in a sub-folder in the Source directory are broken after upgrading a theme.

Microsoft Windows and Utility Controls for WPF

  • Microsoft Blend - XAML Designer throws ArgumentException when DevExpress components are used.
  • NullReferenceException occurs in the DevExpress.Xpf.Core.Native.ThemeResourceConverter.Convert method when the target control is unloaded.
  • The click action is still executed if a dialog button is disabled and the Space key is pressed.
DevExpress WPF

DevExpress WPF(英語版)



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