ReSharper C++ 2022.1

Unreal Engineのテストフレームワークのサポートを導入
4月 21, 2022


  • Unreal Engine
    • This release brings a brand new way to quickly consult the Unreal Engine documentation about the details of a class, symbol, or function. You can now click Read more in the Quick Documentation pop-up (Ctrl+Shift+F1) to open the corresponding page in your browser.
    • The Rename refactoring now handles the Unreal Engine interface classes better. When renaming interfaces, both the U and I classes will be renamed accordingly.
    • ReSharper C++ can now substitute the parameter names when you generate a member function signature from the Unreal Engine delegate. You can now also generate such functions when the ThisClass typedef is used.
    • The Unreal Engine 5 built-in preprocessor macros are now supported in the .Build.cs and .Target.cs files.
    • ReSharper C++ now reads the list of valid reflection specifiers directly from the version of Unreal Engine which is currently in use, so it only offers you applicable items in code completion and displays up-to-date documentation.
  • Unit Testing
    • The Unreal Engine testing framework is now supported - ReSharper C++ discovers Unreal Engine unit tests and adds the corresponding action indicators next to each test in the editor to run or debug the test or the whole test suite. In the Unit Test Sessions window, you can review the results of the tests, and rerun failed, all, or specific tests.
    • The new version of the Catch2 unit test framework brings significant changes - It is now split into multiple headers and has a statically compiled library as its distribution model. It means you now have to include several headers, but the compilation time is improved. This release has full support to help you with the updated Catch2 unit test framework.
    • This release also includes updates for the latest releases of GoogleTest and doctest, as well as various unit testing fixes.
  • C++ support
    • ReSharper C++ is now better at handling implicit constructor calls, allowing you to find usages and navigate to the called constructor in more cases, including the following:
      • Standard (make_unique/make_shared) and Unreal-specific (MakeShared/MakeUnique) smart pointer creation functions.
      • emplace-like container methods.
      • static_cast and c-style cast expressions.
    • ReSharper C++ now also shows you an overloading warning when an emplace-like function is called with incorrect arguments.
    • This release improves the multiline generation of boilerplate code for aggregate initialization using C++20 designated initializers. You can now invoke completion on the next line if you’d like to see each initializer on a new line.
  • Formatting
    • ReSharper C++ now treats the C++20 requires-expressions correctly, allowing you to configure spaces formatting via the Around ‘->’ in trailing return types option. Use the new Line feed at the end of file option to control adding or removing a blank line from the end of files.
Supports the Unreal Engine testing framework.

ReSharper C++(英語版)

C++開発向けVisual Studio拡張機能

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