Aspose.Cells for .NET V23.4

4月 12, 2023


  • Added support for calculating 'ENCODEURL' function.
  • Added support for saving XLSB files in 'LightCells' mode.
  • Added 'CalculateFormula()' multiply array.
  • Added support for rendering ActiveX control and form control for checkbox, textbox and option button in GridWeb.
  • Added API for checking whether font is installed or available.
  • Added support for setting a formula to a specified cell in the 'ListObject'.
  • Improved center aligned text when exporting to HTML.
  • You can now save the name of the sheet as the name of the node when converting Microsoft Excel to XML.
Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells for .NET(英語版)

Microsoft Excelを使わずにExcelスプレッドシートを作成・管理


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