Aspose.Words for JasperReports V23.7

8月 10, 2023


  • Allows saving the document page or shape into EPS format.
  • Retrieve digital signature value from a digitally signed document as a byte array.
  • Row and Cell classes have been extended with new public members.
  • Mustache tags are now supported in 'MailMerge.GetRegionsHierarchy' and 'MailMerge.GetFieldNamesForRegion' methods.
  • LINQ Reporting Engine template syntax now supports 'ElementAt' and 'ElementAtOrDefault' extension methods.
  • You can now preserve table column width in a landscape section's header during DOCM to PDF conversion.
Aspose.Words for JasperReports

Aspose.Words for JasperReports(英語版)

JasperReportsとJasperServerからレポートをMicrosoft Word形式とHTML形式にエクスポート


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