TX Text Control .NET for WPF 32.0

Word と互換性のある脚注を文書に挿入可能
9月 14, 2023


  • SVG Page Export - Export individual pages or the entire document as scalable vector graphics.
  • Footnotes - Insert Microsoft Word-compatible footnotes in documents. Footnotes are a word processing feature that allows users to insert additional information at the bottom of pages.
  • Editable [Normal] Stylesheet - Added the ability to manipulate the [Normal] style. This allows you to change the root style of the document, which is propagated through all inherited styles. Applying a global change to the root style automatically updates the inherited styles. For example, if a user changes the font name of the [Normal] style, all inherited styles for headings or other elements throughout the document are updated.
  • File IO Dialog Improvements - The internal file dialogs have been enhanced with options to open all supported file types. This new option is available for both the Open File dialog box and the Insert Image dialog box. The document format is automatically detected based on the selected file extension. The last file format opened is also preselected when the dialog boxes are reopened.
TX Text Control .NET for WPF Enterprise

TX Text Control .NET for WPF Enterprise (英語版)



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