DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor 23.1.6

10月 20, 2023


ASP.NET Bootstrap

  • All ASP.NET Bootstrap products
    • WebForms - "Error Creating Control - Index was out of range" message appears in Web Live Preview.
  • Bootstrap Charts
    • A custom CSS class is not always assigned to legend marks when the LegendMarkerCssClass property is specified.
    • RectCssClass, TextCssClass, and ConnectorCssClass properties have no effect.

Microsoft ASP.NET Core

  • All ASP.NET Core products
    • Async Document Creation - XRSubreport query parameters are not updated.
    • Export to PDF - Whitespaces may disappear between long words in the XRRichText control when the Skia drawing engine is used in non-Microsoft Windows environments.
    • JSON Data Source Wizard in Web Report Designer - Wrong encoding is used when UTF8-based .json files are uploaded to the Data connection JSON-Editor.
    • Linux - SVG rendering of picture boxes relies on System.Drawing.Common.
    • PDF Processing - Corrupted files are not handled gracefully.
    • PdfDocumentProcessor - ArgumentException is thrown and the document content is corrupted when the document is saved.
    • Report pages do not re-render when zooming or scrolling on mobile devices.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - No Microsoft .NET 8 runtime found (SDK 8.0.100-preview.6).
    • Watermark is drawn with different coordinates in v22 and v23.
    • Web Document Viewer:
      • Print and Export buttons are not functional if the caching mode is disabled.
      • The 409 conflict error occurs on disabling anonymous access for a Microsoft Azure BLOB container.
    • Web Report Designer:
      • Changes submitted in Property Grid with TAB are lost.
      • Expression Editor dialog cannot be closed and existing expressions lose column display names because of Custom Aggregated Functions.
      • No code completion inside the Scripts editor.
  • Rich Text Editor for ASP.NET Core
    • RichEdit for ASP.NET Core:
      • An image is not shown in the resulting document when the export to PDF with printMode set to "Pdf" is used.
      • ChangeFontHighlightColor and ToggleFontDoubleUnderline values are missing in the HomeTabCommandId collection.
      • File names copied from the File Explorer are not pasted in RichEdit.
      • Hyperlinks are lost in the content copied from RichEdit to a Microsoft Word document and then copied and pasted back to the editor.
      • RTF content of emoji images is changed on document saving and reloading.
    • RichEdit for Vue - An extra blank page is added on printing.
    • RichTextEditor .NET Core - How to implement scrolling for the menu item.
  • Spreadsheet for ASP.NET Core
    • Custom loading panel shown on BeginSynchronization and EndSynchronization events is displayed multiple times after scrolling a certain document's sheet.


  • All ASP.NET MVC products
    • ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when XRRichText with ProcessDuplicatesMode="Merge" is used.
    • Async Document Creation - XRSubreport query parameters are not updated.
    • JSON Data Source Wizard in Web Report Designer - Wrong encoding is used when UTF8-based .json files are uploaded to the Data connection JSON-Editor.
    • PDF Processing - Corrupted files are not handled gracefully.
    • PdfDocumentProcessor - ArgumentException is thrown and the document content is corrupted when the document is saved.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - No Microsoft .NET 8 runtime found (SDK 8.0.100-preview.6).
    • Watermark is drawn with different coordinates in v22 and v23.
    • Web Document Viewer:
      • Print and Export buttons are not functional if the caching mode is disabled.
      • The 409 conflict error occurs on disabling anonymous access for a Microsoft Azure BLOB container.
    • Web Report Designer:
      • Changes submitted in Property Grid with TAB are lost.
      • Expression Editor dialog cannot be closed and existing expressions lose column display names because of Custom Aggregated Functions.
  • MVC GridView
    • XtraSerializationSecurityTrace debug output message occurs after a page refresh.
  • MVC RichEdit
    • Document with a tab stop is incorrectly exported/printed.
    • Text overlaps if an AutoCorrect rule with new lines is applied.

ASP.NET WebForms

  • ASPxDataEditors
    • GridView for WebForms - Theme name is added to the HTML source code on every callback.
    • Listbox for WebForms - Blank space is shown after scrolling and typing in the search filter.
  • ASPxGantt
    • Exported PDF document contains incorrect values for fields that have empty values after editing.
    • It's impossible to add a subtask to an existing subtask when Gantt is bound to an SQL data source.
  • ASPxGridView
    • Layout is not restored when calling the LoadClientLayout method and the StorePaging property is set to "false".
    • A script error occurs on an attempt to show the context menu by clicking an empty column header when all data columns are hidden.
  • ASPxHtmlEditor
    • Additional symbols are added to a pasted image's base64 content after modifying this image.
    • Header row/column is inserted after calling the Insert Row/Column command from a table header.
    • HtmlChanged event is raised on switching to HTML View.
  • ASPxPivotGrid
    • AreaIndex is not taken into account if it is set in aspx code before the Area property is set.
  • ASPxScheduler Suite
    • Appointment color changes after the appointment label is modified using the "Label as" context menu even if these changes are canceled in the AppointmentRowUpdating event handler.
    • Selected date is not correctly changed and the Today button doesn't work when ASPxViewVisibleInterval and ASPxViewNavigator are used.
  • ASPxSpreadsheet
    • Spreadsheet for WebForms is incorrectly displayed if it is placed in ASPxPageControl and the Office365Dark theme is applied.
  • All ASP.NET WebForms products
    • ASP.NET WebForms Controls - The "Network Error" alert box is shown if the Internet connection is lost after updating to DevExpress v22.2.8.
    • Async Document Creation - XRSubreport query parameters are not updated.
    • End-User Report Designer for WEB - Closing Expression Editor on the first click cancels the last undo-redo action.
    • JSON Data Source Wizard in Web Report Designer - Wrong encoding is used when UTF8-based .json files are uploaded to the Data connection JSON-Editor.
    • PDF Processing - Corrupted files are not handled gracefully.
    • PdfDocumentProcessor - ArgumentException is thrown and the document content is corrupted when the document is saved.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - No Microsoft .NET 8 runtime found (SDK 8.0.100-preview.6).
    • Watermark is drawn with different coordinates in v22 and v23.
    • Web Document Viewer:
      • Print and Export buttons are not functional if the caching mode is disabled.
      • The 409 conflict error occurs on disabling anonymous access for a Microsoft Azure BLOB container.
    • Web Report Designer:
      • Changes submitted in Property Grid with TAB are lost.
      • Expression Editor dialog cannot be closed and existing expressions lose column display names because of Custom Aggregated Functions.
  • Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls
    • FileManager for WebForms - An exception occurs in design view if DetailsViewSettings.AllowColumnResize is set to "Details" and the Columns collection is empty.


  • All Blazor products
    • Async Document Creation - XRSubreport query parameters are not updated.
    • DxWasmDocumentViewer & DxWasmReportDesigner - No versioning for static assets.
    • Export to PDF - Whitespaces may disappear between long words in the XRRichText control when the Skia drawing engine is used in non-Microsoft Windows environments.
    • PDF Processing - Corrupted files are not handled gracefully.
    • PdfDocumentProcessor - ArgumentException is thrown and the document content is corrupted when the document is saved.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - No Microsoft .NET 8 runtime found (SDK 8.0.100-preview.6).
    • Watermark is drawn with different coordinates in v22 and v23.
    • Web Document Viewer:
      • Print and Export buttons are not functional if the caching mode is disabled.
      • The 409 conflict error occurs on disabling anonymous access for a Microsoft Azure BLOB container.
    • Web Report Designer:
      • Changes submitted in Property Grid with TAB are lost.
      • Expression Editor dialog cannot be closed and existing expressions lose column display names because of Custom Aggregated Functions.
      • No code completion inside the Scripts editor.
  • Data Editors for Blazor
    • Security - Password field is not cleared visually on a failed login.
  • File Management for Blazor
    • Upload for Blazor - An exception is thrown when the component is re-rendered.
  • Grid for Blazor
    • "Value cannot be null" exception occurs if the grid is bound to the GridCustomDataSource inheritor and is empty after it is filtered by search text.
    • Column chooser is incorrectly positioned when CompatibilitySettings.UseDropDownInGridColumnChooser is used.
    • Filter menu does not immediately reflect the filter applied in the filter row.
    • Filter menu's dropdown is incorrectly displayed when a column is hidden.
    • The column mouse pointer is locked after resizing a column in an empty grid with VirtualScrollingEnabled set to true.
  • Navigation & Layout for Blazor
    • Context Menu for Blazor - Click event of an item's child items isn't raised after clicking this item.
    • DxTreeView, DxToolbar, DxAccordion for Blazor - Memory leaks when a control is bound to a data source that implements INotifyPropertyChanged.
    • GridLayout for Blazor - Navigation with the Tab key is performed in an incorrect order when "TabIndex" is defined for nested editors.
    • Pager for Blazor - Page index is automatically changed to the maximum page index only once.
    • TreeView for Blazor:
      • Error occurs if TreeView is placed in EditForm and CheckMode=Recursive.
      • TreeView for Blazor - Previously collapsed node is automatically expanded when the SelectionChanged event is handled.
    • Window for Blazor - Resizing functionality breaks if a cursor hovers over the inner iframe.
  • Rich Text Editor for Blazor
    • DxRichEdit crashes when the 'style' attribute is specified.
    • File dialog doesn't open on an Inline Picture button click if BarMode is set to Toolbar.
  • Scheduler for Blazor
    • An appointment's compact form is not displayed on a click in the Timeline view when this appointment's start and end times are outside the visible area.
    • An error occurs when the Initialize method is called inside the AppointmentFormShowing event handler.
    • DxSchedulerAppointmentItem object contains an incorrect StatusId when a new changed occurrence appointment is inserted.
    • Error is thrown on an attempt to cancel the appointment form showing.
    • It is impossible to cancel insertion in the AppointmentInserting event when an occurrence is edited.
    • Non-overlapping appointments are are displayed as overlapping.


  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • Cancel property doesn't accept the Promise<boolean> type in the onRowUpdating, onRowInserting, and onRowRemoving event handlers.
    • Error occurs when using Tab while saving a promise.
    • Export button cannot be disabled through the 'toolbar|items|disabled' option.
    • FilterPanel - The dropdown of the editor for 'Is any of' and 'Is none of' is not shown if it is opened using the editor's field for the second time.
    • Lookup in FilterRow lists only the selected item when FilterPanel is enabled.
    • Master-detail - It's not possible to focus all rows after rows are expanded and collapsed.
    • Opening an editor with the Enter key is inconsistent when scrolling is enabled.
    • Toolbar items are vertically misaligned.
    • onContentReady is not called when the grid is rendered in DropDownBox.
    • DataGrid/TreeList - Focus is cycled in certain cases if the first column has a DropDownButton.
    • DataGrid displays an incorrect row count in "aria-label" if there is no data after filtering.
    • DataGrid throws the "Invalid value used as weak map key" error in certain cases.
    • DataGrid validates non-changed editors when adding a new record in Form edit mode.
    • DropDownBox - Items in the value array are displayed in the wrong order when DataGrid is used.
  • DevExtreme Data Sources
    • Pushed items are not added.
  • DevExtreme Dialogs & Notifications
    • Popup Accessibility - ARIA dialog and alertdialog nodes should have an accessible name.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • ColorBox - Value is not converted to RGBA when you enter a Hex color and press Tab.
    • DateBox - Drag-and-drop leads to incorrect text if useMaskBehavior is set to true.
    • DateRangeBox - Selection rectangle is incorrectly rendered when the minZoomLevel option is set to year.
  • DevExtreme File Management
    • FileUploader:
      • The hint isn't changed for the drop zone in Firefox.
      • onDropZoneEnter is not fired in Firefox.
  • DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
    • Menu - Item with the URL property specified is not rendered as a link if adaptivity is enabled.
    • Toolbar - Not all items are correctly hidden in the overflow menu.
    • TreeView - Item selection by a click does not work when the "selectAll" mode is enabled at runtime.
  • DevExtreme Scheduler
    • Incorrect date shown for recurrence in the New Zealand timezone.
    • It's impossible to drag and drop an element in all day panel cells.
    • The 'E1035 - The editor cannot be created' error appears on an attempt to edit a recurring appointment.
    • endDate value changes when toggling the All day switch to ON.
    • onAppointmentContextMenu is not triggered for an appointment in the appointment collector.
  • DevExtreme TreeList
    • DataGrid/TreeList - Focus is cycled in certain cases if the first column has a DropDownButton.
    • Sorting is incorrect after nodes are filtered.
    • The "Select All" checkbox doesn't visually select all items.


  • All Angular products
    • Async Document Creation - XRSubreport query parameters are not updated.
    • Export to PDF - Whitespaces may disappear between long words in the XRRichText control when the Skia drawing engine is used in non-Microsoft Windows environments.
    • JSON Data Source Wizard in Web Report Designer - Wrong encoding is used when UTF8-based .json files are uploaded to the Data connection JSON-Editor.
    • PDF Processing - Corrupted files are not handled gracefully.
    • PdfDocumentProcessor - ArgumentException is thrown and the document content is corrupted when the document is saved.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - No Microsoft .NET 8 runtime found (SDK 8.0.100-preview.6).
    • Watermark is drawn with different coordinates in v22 and v23.
    • Web Document Viewer:
      • "this._preview._zoom is not a function" error may occur when a component is disposed.
      • Print and Export buttons are not functional if the caching mode is disabled.
      • The 409 conflict error occurs on disabling anonymous access for a Microsoft Azure BLOB container.
    • Web Report Designer:
      • Changes submitted in Property Grid with TAB are lost.
      • Expression Editor dialog cannot be closed and existing expressions lose column display names because of Custom Aggregated Functions.
  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • "W1024 - The client-side export is enabled" warning occurs when the exporting feature is used in Angular.
  • DevExtreme Diagram
    • DevExtreme - EBADENGINE error occurs on an attempt to install v23.1.5 if the Node version is older than 18.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • DevExtreme - EBADENGINE error occurs on an attempt to install v23.1.5 if the Node version is older than 18.
  • DevExtreme TreeList
    • DataGrid - Cancel property doesn't accept the Promise<boolean> type in the onRowUpdating, onRowInserting, and onRowRemoving event handlers.


  • All React products
    • Reporting for React - "Module parse failed: Identifier 'X' has already been declared" errors occur after adding Reporting widgets to Next.js framework.
    • TypeScript React - Function-Typed Props expose a single return type instead of a union.
  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • Gray boxes are rendered at the bottom of the page when cellTemplates are used and the selectedRowKeys array contains an invalid key.
    • Virtual scrolling leads to incorrect scrollbar behavior if the first row was selected before it.
    • TypeScript - DataGrid - Command column button does not accept ColumnButtonClickEvent as the onClick event type.
  • DevExtreme Diagram
    • DevExtreme - EBADENGINE error occurs on an attempt to install v23.1.5 if the Node version is older than 18.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • SelectBox:
      • Search doesn't work when fieldComponent is used in React 18 with Strict Mode.
      • fieldRender returns the 'E1010 - The template does not contain the TextBox widget' error in React 18 in StrictMode.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • DevExtreme - EBADENGINE error occurs on an attempt to install v23.1.5 if the Node version is older than 18.
  • DevExtreme TreeList
    • DataGrid - Cancel property doesn't accept the Promise<boolean> type in the onRowUpdating, onRowInserting, and onRowRemoving event handlers.


  • All Vue products
    • JSON Data Source Wizard in Web Report Designer - Wrong encoding is used when UTF8-based .json files are uploaded to the Data connection JSON-Editor.
  • DevExtreme Diagram
    • DevExtreme - EBADENGINE error occurs on an attempt to install v23.1.5 if the Node version is older than 18.
  • DevExtreme TreeList
    • DataGrid - Cancel property doesn't accept the Promise<boolean> type in the onRowUpdating, onRowInserting, and onRowRemoving event handlers.
DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor(英語版)

優れたすべてのASP.NET、MVC、ASP.NET Core、ASP.NET Bootstrap、Blazorコンポーネントスイート、ライブラリ、および1つの統合パッケージのDevExpressで作成した拡張機能。


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