Actipro WPF Essentials 2019.1 build 0686

Released: Aug 13, 2020

2019.1 build 0686 での更新項目



  • Added the AdvancedTabControl.TabDragReordered event, which is raised after a tab is reordered with internal drag/drop.
  • Improved the UI automation peer tree related to auto-hidden tool windows.
  • Updated Shift+Esc to close the active tool window.
  • Updated docking window close focus-moving logic to not possibly move focus into an auto-hidden tool window.


  • Added an IsNullAllowed property to DatePicker, DateTimePicker, and TimePicker, and changed their Value property type to be nullable DateTime.
  • Improved how numeric edit boxes parse whitespace within custom format string literals.
  • Updated the AutoCompleteBox.Text property to bind two-way by default.
  • Updated AutoCompleteBox to properly capture mouse events when the popup is open.
  • Updated Calculator to commit any pending operations when focus is lost.
  • Updated Calculator's handling and display of decimal points and trailing zeros.
  • Updated Calculator's handling of data entry following its Value property being changed externally.
  • Updated MaskedTextBox to always move the caret immediately after the last matched character when the mouse tries to start selection in the prompt area.
  • Updated MaskedTextBox to move the caret past the literal characters in the mask when gaining focus.


  • Updated the mini-toolbar to not close when unfocused and the Ctrl or Shift modifier keys are pressed.


  • Updated PopupButton to prevent mouse wheel events from bubbling up when the popup is open.



  • Fixed a bug where clicking a new tab button in a tabbed MDI container could open a document in another container that previously held the primary document.
  • Fixed a bug where dynamically setting an image source on an auto-hidden ToolWindow wouldn't update the tab in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed a bug where an auto-hidden tool window might not render its child controls with the correct foreground.
  • Fixed a bug where docking windows in high DPI could initially float in the wrong location when dragged.
  • Fixed a bug where dock guides could render in the wrong location in a scenario when using .NET 4.8 and PerMonitorV2 DPI awareness.
  • Fixed a bug where SplitContainer didn't properly establish its child logical tree.
  • Fixed a bug where switcher activation keys used wouldn't work when a non-hosted auto-hide popup had focus.
  • Fixed a bug where quickly dragging to float a dock host using previews may keep the preview visible.
  • Fixed a bug where dock guides and non-hosted auto-hide popups could appear in the wrong location in certain per-monitor high DPI scenarios.


  • Fixed a bug where Calculator didn't always detect its out-of-range state properly.
  • Fixed a bug where DoubleEditBox wasn't parsing percentage values correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where DoublePicker, SinglePicker, and Int64Picker might not increment values correctly when there was an enormous range allowed.