CodeRush 20.2.7

Released: Jan 26, 2021

20.2.7 での更新項目


Code Formatting

  • EditorConfig Support - CodeRush now uses Microsoft Visual Studio's format settings defined in the EditorConfig file. EditorConfig settings will have a higher priority than formatting preferences set in the CodeRush Options dialog.

Blazor Support

  • Declare Providers - CodeRush declaration providers are now available in .razor markup. You can use them to declare local variables, methods, parameters, fields, properties and constants. For example, you can apply Declare Field to create a field for the active Blazor component.

Organize Members

  • Improved Options Page - The "Group by" section now contains an improved filter editor that simplifies group rule creation.


  • Blazor - Duplicated 'Rename' items are shown in the light bulb menu.
  • Code Cleanup - The "Sort Namespace References" cleanup rule should sort namespace aliases alphabetically.
  • Code Templates - Template expansion does not work for C#9 records.
  • Formatting removes a space between the 'async' keyword and the list of lambda-expression parameters.
  • Performance - The "What's New" notification window increases loading time.
  • Performance - Typing slowdowns sometimes occur when editing large HTML documents.
  • Performance - The initialization of painting plugins affects the startup performance.
  • Shortcuts - The "Ctrl + S" shortcut used to strikethrough selected text within Rich Comments overrides the "Save document" command.
  • Typing Helpers - The "Cycle Scope Up/Down" feature does not change a member's visibility modifier for C# 9 records.