DevExpress Office File API 18.2

Released: Nov 8, 2018

18.2 での更新項目


PDF Document API

  • DirectX Rendering - DirectX rendering was first introduced in May 2018 as a community technology preview (CTP). This update marks its official release. DirectX Rendering is now used as the default rendering engine.
  • Visual Signatures - With this release, you can sign a document with a visual signature.

Spreadsheet Document API

  • Shape API - This new API allows you to create new shapes, connect and group shapes, change a shape’s fill and outline settings, add text to a shape, and remove shapes from a document.
  • Sparkline Printing and Export - With this release, documents with sparklines can be printed and exported to PDF.
  • Rich Text API  - The updated API allows you to create and edit rich text within a cell.

Word Processing Document API

  • RTL Support - You can now load, print and export (to PDF) documents with right-to-left text direction.
  • Shape Support - Documents that contain shapes can now be printed and exported to PDF.
  • Paragraph Borders - With this release, you can load/save, print and export (to PDF) documents with paragraph borders.
  • Continuous Section Breaks - It now support continuous section breaks. The new API allows you to load, print and export documents with continuous section breaks.
  • Paragraph Options - With this release, the DevExpress Word Processing File API provides two new paragraph options:
    • Widow/Orphan Lines Control - prevents the first or last paragraph line from appearing at the bottom or top of a page.
    • Keep with Next - keeps multiple paragraphs on the same page.
  • The 'Keep lines together' option has also been improved so that it mirrors Microsoft Word.