DevExpress Reporting 18.2.7

Released: Mar 13, 2019

18.2.7 での更新項目


ASP.NET Web Forms

  • ASPxWebDocumentViewer - The exported file name of Japanese characters (PrintPreviewOptions.DefaultFileName) is corrupted in IE and Edge.
  • End-User Report Designer - A report's data source is lost on being opened (the XPObjectSource issue).


  • HTML5 Document Viewer - The OnServerError event is not working in Angular.
  • Web Report Designer - Integration into Angular - The "ReferenceError: Unable to process binding (Message: DevExpress is not defined)" error occurs upon clicking the Next button on the "Choose summary functions" page.


  • Effective values applied to the Font and Padding properties are not taken into account when an expression is used to modify these properties.
  • End-User Report Designer - Filtering by DateTime parameters does not work (the value formatting issue).
  • End-User Report Designer - Opening a new report calls the XtraReport.EndInit method and as a result a custom page size value is lost.
  • End-User Report Designer - The application crashes when the default Series Pane is deleted.
  • Expression Editor - Names of summary functions should not be case-sensitive.
  • JsonDataSorce - The "Null object cannot be converted to a value type." error is thrown while loading JSON data with nullable DateTime columns.
  • Multi-Column mode works incorrectly if XRCrossBandBox is used.
  • Report Designer - The "Invalid name character in '#LayoutVersion'. The '#' character, hexadecimal value 0x23, cannot be included in a name." error is thrown by a report with the TreeList control when the Report Script's code editor is activated.
  • Report Designer - The NewParameterEditorForm dialog is displayed with an incorrect value of the 'ownerWindow' parameter.
  • Report Server End-User Report Designer - Submitting parameters results in an error.
  • Storing Report Documents - A memory allocated by an XtraReport object is not released after creating ContinuousExportInfo.
  • The first page is blank when XRTableRow data does not fit into the page and the XRTableRow.KeepTogether property is enabled.
  • The old expression editor is shown on an attempt to set an expression binding if the WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultSettingsCompatibilityMode property is set to a version that doesn't support expression bindings.
  • There is no capability to add the table of contents to the report header's subband.
  • Vertical Bands - A group field placed into VerticalHeaderBand always shows the first group value.
  • Visual Studio Report Wizard - "Cannot access the list of saved connections" error occurs when a linked configSource is used to store the connectionStrings configuration.
  • XPObjectSource - Display Names are ignored by the field list in the Filter Expression Editor.
  • XRPageInfo RunningBand results in "Index was outside the bounds of the array." at DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Native.GroupingManager.ArrayStartsWith.
  • XRPivotGrid - RowArea is repeated twice on the first page.
  • XRRichText - The control content is exported to DOCX with a smaller font size if the control is split between pages.
  • XtraReport - Certain master-detail report layouts produce an incorrect ToC hierarchy.
  • XtraReport - Group page numbering is incorrect (the XRPageInfo component issue).
  • XtraReport - Move the default padding values from the XRTableCell level to XRTable.
  • XtraReports - Extreme memory consumption with bound XRPictureBoxes in v18.1.8 and v18.2.3.


  • Data Source Wizard - It is impossible to change the 'Server Type' parameter when the 'Firebird' provider is used.
  • DocumentPreviewControl - Clicking a hyperlink of a non-active page should not scroll the document.
  • DocumentPreviewControl - The Page Setup dialog has an incorrect default localization.
  • DocumentPreviewWindow - The "no pages to display" message is shown although pages are present.
  • Edited fields do not work in a report if the 'Enable Continuous Scrolling' option is disabled.
  • End User Report Designer - NullReferenceException is thrown if a window closes before the designer loads.
  • End-User Report Designer - Updating the XtraReport.XmlDataPath property value does not refresh the "Field List" pane.
  • In Light mode QueryBuilder does not automatically focus the table list.
  • The Copy item is disabled in the context menu if the XRPivotgrid control contains pivot grid fields.
  • There is no way to change the border of table cells in the Russian culture.