DevExtreme Web 16.1.5 released

Released: Aug 2, 2016

16.1.5 での更新項目


Data Grid

  • Columns above the Column Chooser can't be dragged on Android
  • Columns change their width when clicking a cell if one row is displayed in the grid
  • DataGrid MVC Wrapper - The selected page size is not highlighted
  • Documentation - dxDataGrid - Add a note that the "=" condition is used by default if all filter operations are denied
  • dxDataGrid - A group summary is rendered incorrectly if a right fixed column does not contain a summary
  • dxDataGrid - A grouping box border is truncated in the Compact theme
  • dxDataGrid - A master grid is collapsed on an attempt on an attempt to collapse a group row for the detail grid
  • dxDataGrid - An additional request is sent when the grid is bound to the ODataStore and the 'infinite' paging mode is enabled
  • dxDataGrid - Batch editing - A newly added row cannot be deleted when the grid is bound to empty data
  • dxDataGrid - Column headers are not scrolled with cells when the rtlEnabled property is set to true and the horizontal scrolling is enabled
  • dxDataGrid - Columns are resized unexpectedly when changing columns dynamically
  • dxDataGrid - Columns marked as visible are not exported and customizeExportData is not called
  • dxDataGrid - Dynamically added columns disappear after switching to the 'batch' edit mode
  • dxDataGrid - If a column's dataField property is not set, a cell of this column is highlighted when any other cell in the current row has changes (the Batch Mode)
  • dxDataGrid - It is possible to save data if a required field is empty when the Form editing and grouping are used
  • dxDataGrid - Keyboard support - A grid should not restore the state when data is reloaded
  • dxDataGrid - Sometimes columns remain stretched and the grid header and columns do not match
  • dxDataGrid - Text of column headers becomes invisible after pressing Delete in IE11
  • dxDataGrid - The "Object doesn't support property or method 'shift'" error occurs on exporting data
  • dxDataGrid - The "r.cellTemplate is not a function" exception is thrown when an item on an adaptive form is rendered with the underscore template
  • dxDataGrid - The max-height attribute is not in effect
  • dxDataGrid - The onAdaptiveDetailRowPreparing event handler is called when options of an adaptive form are not prepared
  • dxDataGrid - The tab index is unexpected when tabbing out from the filter column editor
  • dxDataGrid - There is no way to invoke the context menu if the data grid has no data to display
  • dxDataGrid changes the edit row height if there is a boolean column
  • dxDataGrid does not accept the totalCount parameter when an Angular Promise object is used
  • dxDataGrid does not allow changing column width for files exported to Excel
  • dxDataGrid does not allow opening a nested dxDateBox for the first time in IE 11
  • dxDataGrid draws redundant column lines under certain conditions when the hidingPriority option is used
  • dxDataGrid height increases on sorting a column
  • dxDataGrid is rendered incorrectly if the columnHidingEnabled property is used with fixed columns
  • dxDataGrid placed on dxView does not show a loading panel on the first load
  • dxDataGrid throws the "Cannot read property 'searchValue' of undefined" exception when the Clear button is clicked in a lookup column cell
  • dxDataGrid: Keyboard navigation to a Lookup column by the Tab key works incorrectly
  • Invisible columns are displayed in the detail row
  • It is impossible to reset a column filter operation when a page is refreshed and state storing is enabled
  • The "Cannot read property 'ownerBand' of undefined in getDataColumns function of dxDataGrid" error occurs after extending Array.prototype

Data Visualization

  • A bar has wrong height when the minBarSize option is set
  • dxBulletOptions is inherited from BaseSparkline rather than from BaseSparklineOptions in the TypeScript definition
  • dxChart - The export menu appears behind the chart
  • dxChart of the bubble type is no longer visualized using the SeriesTemplate option
  • dxPieChart - A percent point value is calculated incorrectly if a data source has zero and non-zero points and all non-zero-points are hidden
  • dxPieChart is not displayed correctly when a measure has a much greater value than other measures
  • dxRangeSelector - The onSelectedRangeChanged event fires twice when a user selects a month
  • dxRangeSelector does not allow changing the selectedRange option at runtime under certain conditions

DevExtreme Core

  • Custom navigation is not working in the SlideOut layout
  • DevExtreme messages cannot be customized by the Globalize.loadMessages method
  • Documentation - The HtmlApplication.viewCacheSize option description contains an incorrect default value
  • dxDataGrid is rendered slowly if it has cell templates in AngularJS
  • dxDeferRendering does not show a custom load Indicator specified using the dx-visible-while-pending-rendering class
  • Localization breaks the app if DevExtreme messages are not loaded for the current locale
  • The value property is not set if it is specified using the Get and Set methods (Angular)

DevExtreme Demos

  • Documentation - The deprecated registerTheme is used in the example
  • dxForm editors' data is not updated sometimes when AngularJS binding is used

DevExtreme Tools

  • DevExtreme crashes when accessing the PhoneGap project options and custom plug-ins are referenced without a name attribute
  • It is impossible to add the DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc.dll library to an ASP.NET Core MVC application (.NET Framework)
  • Renaming the Visual Studio project does not rename the Android package

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid - Columns' state is restored incorrectly if a field is added to the datasource at runtime
  • dxPivotGrid - It is impossible to apply the state of a grid saved in v15.2 to a grid in v16.1
  • dxPivotGrid - The calculation algorithm of the "percentVariation" summary's display produces wrong results
  • dxPivotGrid - The expand/collapse feature works incorrectly
  • dxPivotGrid does not export cell text modified via the customizeText callback function for the data area
  • dxPivotGrid does not show data in a Column Chooser