Entity Developer V6.3.525

Released: Jun 21, 2018

V6.3.525 での更新項目


  • Support for Entity Framework Core 2.1.
    • Query type support: classes now have Query Type property, and if it is set to true, this class is generated as a query type.
    • Lazy loading for Entity Framework Core 2.1:
      • Model now has the Use Lazy-Loading Proxies property, which enables lazy loading on the model level.
      • Navigation properties now have the Lazy property, which enables lazy loading for a specific navigation property.
    • Properties now have the Constructor Parameter property, for configuring a parameterized constructor of the class.
  • Added "Include Environment Variables" property to the EF Core template which determins whether context configuration will be extended with environment variables when a connection string from the appsettings.json file is used.
  • Added "Json File Base Path" property to the EF Core template which specifies the base path for file-based providers when a connection string from the appsettings.json file is used.