ExpressNavigationPack のリリース

Released: May 7, 2019

18.2.7 での更新項目


ExpressBars Suite

  • A large bar button's down arrow is incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96).
  • A minimized secondary Ribbon form's title bar buttons do not work if the form's DisableAero property is set to False and the application is running under Windows 10 version 1809.
  • Cannot scale TcxStyleRepository styles when in data module.
  • Ribbon Form - On using skins, the form's borders are painted incorrectly in the opened Backstage View if the ribbon style is rs2013 or newer...

Released: Mar 28, 2019

18.2.6 での更新項目


ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon - The Customization Form fails to reset a toolbar whose caption is modified at runtime.
  • Ribbon Form - Office 2016 style - The window buttons are incorrectly painted if the Colorful color scheme is applied.
  • TdxBarControlContainerItem that hosts a standard or third-party control whose AutoSize property is set to True increases twice in width when displayed for the first time on the monitor whose DPI differs from 96.
  • TdxBarLargeButton text and dropdown not sized...

Released: Feb 27, 2019

18.2.5 での更新項目


ExpressBars Suite

  • Crash with RepeatClick.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - The gallery does not update its content on switching a filter option if the gallery size isn't changed.
  • The Customize dialog does not display a dropdown button for a large bar button whose ButtonStyle property is set to bsDropDown.
  • Toolbars embedded in the TdxBarDockControl component are rearranged at runtime.

ExpressDocking Library

  • A left and/or top portion of a floating docking panel goes beyond the visible screen...

Released: Jan 22, 2019

18.2.4 での更新項目


ExpressBars Suite

  • TdxBarColorCombo - An AV occurs on closing a custom color button's dialog if a bar item is embedded in a submenu.

ExpressEditors Library

  • Changed ModifiedAfterEnter Behaviour with 18.2.2.
  • cxCalcEdit not allowing to enter a leading decimal in data - 64-bit only.
  • cxCheckBox - An image assigned to the Properties.Glyph property is displayed incorrectly if it contains semitransparent pixels.
  • cxCheckBox - The caption is displaced 1 pixel down compared with the standard VCL...

Released: Dec 13, 2018

18.2.3 での更新項目


ExpressSkins Library

  • Applying a skin for the first time resets skin options set in the Project Skin Options Editor if a project has no SKINCFG file.

Installation (VCL)

  • The "Functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded" error occurs on compiling a C++Builder project in RAD Studio 10.3 Rio.
  • The "Package XXX.bpl can't be installed because it is not a design time package" error referring to a DevExpress package occurs on launching the IDE after installing v18.2.2.

Released: Dec 6, 2018

18.2.2 での更新項目


  • Right-To-Left Support - The v18.2 release introduces Right-to-Left (RTL) support with the following DevExpress VCL components:
    • Layout Control
    • NavBar Control
    • Tabbed MDI Manager
    • Page and Tab Controls
    • Skin Form
    • and the majority of the editors
  • Miscellaneous
    • The Layout, Page, and Tab controls can now display tab captions across multiple lines. Either add line breaks manually or specify a tab width to enable caption wrapping.
    • Optimized Package List - This release merges the packages containing the...

Released: Nov 15, 2018

18.1.7 での更新項目


ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon Form - A form maximized on a monitor is also partially visible on another monitor if the DisableAero property is True and the first monitor's DPI exceeds the system DPI.

ExpressEditors Library

  • A glyph of the last visible gallery item created at runtime becomes invisible after calling the glyph's Scale procedure if the gallery shows a classic scrollbar.
  • TcxDBTimeEdit - An exception occurs on appending a record to a dataset after changing a value in its field bound...

Released: Oct 9, 2018

18.1.6 での更新項目


ExpressBars Suite

  • An AV occurs at design time when using the Customization Form to add, remove, or change a bar item on an ancestor form.
  • Bar items are painted with colors that do not match corresponding theme colors of an operating system and disabled bar items cannot be selected if the bar manager's LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property is True.
  • Changing a bar item's hint caption in the hint style controller's OnShowHintEx event handler has no effect if the bar item's hint is invoked...

Released: Sep 6, 2018

18.1.5 での更新項目


ExpressBars Suite

  • An AV occurs when loading a skinned form with toolbars at design time if one or more skin elements are missing.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Bar buttons (TdxBarButton and TdxBarLargeButton) are 1 pixel high if their Align property is set to a value other than iaLeft.

ExpressEditors Library

  • An application freezes on initializing a DLL file that references the dxTaskbarProgress unit.
  • cxCheckBox - The Properties.Glyph.Image.Source~ property values are ignored.
  • Find...

Released: Aug 7, 2018

18.1.4 での更新項目


Express Install

  • Disable DevExpress-dependent packages to avoid package version conflicts in the IDE.

ExpressEditors Library

  • cxMRUEdit - The glyph provided by the Properties.ButtonGlyph property is painted on the dropdown button instead of the ellipsis button.
  • TcxDBSpinEdit bound to an FMTBcd field incorrectly displays its value if the FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator setting differs from the system's decimal separator.
  • TdxUIAdornerManager - It is impossible to assign content to a guide...